Overview of Latitude and Longitude Latitude and longitude are a precise way of locating a person, place, or thing without the need for any other reference point. Criss-crossing the globe, these lines form a very specific grid that can be seen on maps and globes, and defines the absolute location in a series of numbered degrees that can be understood worldwide. Lines of Longitude Running long ways, from the North Pole to the South Pole, lines of longitude, also known as meridians, measure location East and West of the Prime Meridian. One way to remember their distinction is by thinking long-itude. Located in Greenwich England, the Prime Meridian is 0°, from there lines of longitude are drawn to 180° East and 180° West. Lines of Longitude measure how far something is EAST or West of the Prime Meridian. Copy this image onto your notes Lines of Latitude Running horizontal around the Earth, lines of latitude, also known as parallels for being parallel to the Equator, measure distance North and South of the equator, but run East to West. Lines of latitude measure from 90° N which is at the North Pole and 90° South which is at the South Pole, with the equator in the geographic center of the Earth at 0°. For latitude, one degree is equivalent to just about 69 miles. For longitude, one degree is equivalent to 69 miles at the equator, but as the lines converge toward the poles, the separation distance decreases. To get an absolute location, each degree is broken down into minutes and seconds; there are 60 minutes in a degree and 60 seconds in a minutes. With this information, everything on Earth can be located. For instance the Eiffel Tower is 40°51’N of the Equator and 2°17’E of the Prime Meridian and the Sydney Opera House is at 33°51’S and 151°12’E. Copy this image onto your notes Hemispheres The Hemispheres of the Earth in geography and cartography refer to any division of the globe into two hemispheres. The most common such divisions are by latitudinal or longitudinal markers: North-South o Northern Hemisphere, the half that is north of the equator o Southern Hemisphere, the half that lies south of the equator East-West o Eastern Hemisphere, the half that is east of the prime meridian and west of the 180th meridian o Western Hemisphere, the half that lies west of the prime meridian and east of the 180th meridian The East-West division can also be seen in a cultural sense, as a division into two cultural hemispheres. High, Middle and Low Latitudes Geographers divide the Earth into latitude zones. There are three latitude zones: Low Latitude Middle Latitude High Latitude There are 90 degrees of latitude. Each zone of latitude is 30 degrees wide. The Equator is 0 degrees. 0 to 30 are low numbers, 30-60 are middle numbers, and 60 to 90 are high numbers. This chart shows the arrangement of the zones in the Northern Hemisphere.