Latitude & Longitude


Latitude &


What is Latitude?

Lines that circle the globe east-west

Measures how far north or south a point on Earth lies from the equator

Each degree is separated by approximately 111km

Equator: 0º (divides earth into Northern and Southern hemispheres)

North Pole: 90º N

South Pole: 90º S

Tropic of Cancer: 23.5º N

Farthest northern latitude at which the

Sun may appear directly overhead

Tropic of Capricorn: 23.5º S

Farthest southern latitude at which the

Sun may appear directly overhead

What is Longitude?

Lines that circle the globe north-south

Lines becomes closer to each other at the North and South Poles

Measures how far east or west a point on Earth lies from the Prime


Divides the earth in the Eastern and Western hemispheres

Western hemisphere coordinates are from 0 to 180º W

Eastern hemisphere coordinates are from 0 to 180º E

The Earth altogether is 360º

Prime Meridian is set at 0º & runs through Greenwich, England

Sets the Coordinated Universal Time (time zones)

There are 24 times zones in the world (every 15º)
