Exploring the United States Lesson 1: Where is the United States? Vocabulary hemisphere– halves of the earth equator – imaginary line that divides Earth into the Northern and Southern hemispheres prime meridian – imaginary line that divides Earth into the Western and Eatern hemispheres continent – largest areas of land on Earth relative location – where a place is in relation to other places on Earth border – a line that shows the end of a place gulf – part of an ocean or sea that reaches into land absolute location – exact location of a place lines of longitude – run east and west across a map or globe lines of latitude – run north and south across a map or globe Global Address One way to describe a place’s location is to give its global address, or where it is on Earth Which Hemisphere? o one way to give a global address is to use hemispheres o equator lies halfway between the North and South Pole o everything above the equator is the Northern hemisphere and everything below is in the Southern hemisphere o prime meridian divides Earth into Eastern and Western hemispheres o United States in west of the prime meridian so it is in the Western hemisphere Which Continent? o Another way to give a global address is to name the continent o United States part of the continent of North America Relative Location another way to describe location of a place between two countries o example: Most of the U.S. is south of Canada and North of Mexico between two oceans o example: the U.S. lies between two of the world’s oceans’ the Pacific ocean forms the countries western border and the Atlantic Ocean is its eastern border Absolute location lines of longitude and latitude cross over each other to form a grid over a map or globe to describe absolute location name the lines of latitude and longitude Lines of latitude o equator is a line of latitude marked 0° o all others lines are measured in degrees north or south of the equator Lines of longitude o The prime meridian is a line of longitude marked 0° o all other lines are measured in degrees east or west of the prime meridian