2012 Sep 6 - RA Centre

RA Duplicate Bridge Club
Minutes of the Executive Meeting – Thursday September 6, 2012
In attendance: Brian Lamarre, Albert de Wijze, Lynne Holtby, Heather Peckett, Denise de Zuna
Betty Wong, Harry Freedman
Invited: Tony Edwards (Club Manager)
Brian welcomed Betty Wong, a new member of the executive. Harry, Brian, Albert and Denise
were re-elected. Harry will serve a 1-year term and Claudette Legare-Redknap will be an
alternate should a current member not be able to complete his/her term of office.
Minutes of the meeting of July 26 2012 were read and approved after minor corrections. Harry
moved and Betty seconded. Carried.
Business Arising
Heather reported that Chrysalis House was chosen instead of Interval House for our donation as
they could not send someone to accept the donation.
Financial update: No significant change since the information provided at the AGM.
New Business
a. Assignment of responsibilities for 2012-2013
Vice Chairperson, Membership/Promotion-Albert
Bulletin Board, Members’ Directory and Cards (sympathy, congrats, get well, etc)Betty
Secretary and Ethics-Heather
We are pleased that Irene will continue to provide her services as our chief librarian.
b. Potential Changes to Number of Boards Played
Recommendations were made to the executive at the AGM to increase the number
of boards played on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Harry noted that
he did an informal poll on the Monday after the AGM and determined that everyone
there that day could start to play at 12:45. Most of the players also wanted to play
24 boards. The RA has stated that we cannot change the start and finish times
without changing the bylaws. Albert noted that one of the provisions of the bylaws
when the two clubs were amalgamated was that there only be 21 boards played on
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.
Lynne agreed to develop an outline of the possible options on start times and the
number of boards to be played for the next meeting.
Free Entries. Betty and Albert will help Harry verify the list of free entries that Harry
has been preparing from the attendance records. Once the list has been confirmed,
Harry will arrange for the printing of the free entries.
Club Directory. Tony will prepare the schedule of games as soon as he has the
necessary information. All members of the executive will provide changes needed
from the 2011-12 directory to Heather who will include them in the 2012-13
directory. By October 1st, a provisional list of members with their telephone
numbers will be posted on the Bulletin Board. Each member is encouraged to
ensure that it reflects the information they wish to have included in the directory.
Dates for 2013 AGM and Special Luncheons
Christmas 2012 Luncheon-December 13; 2013 Spring Luncheon-May 23, 2013; 2013
AGM and Luncheon-August 22, 2013; Christmas 2013 Luncheon-December 12, 2013
Bulletin Board. There is limited space on our Bulletin Board and as such it was
decided that items related to ``for-profit`` events will not be posted.
Partnerships. Our website is not clear with regard to the section setting out the
guidelines as to when a Director can or will play in a game if someone is looking for a
partner. Heather will ask our webmaster to remove the section from the website,
until we develop new guidelines. Brian will be asking the RA if we can have a
dedicated phone line on which players can leave their requests for a partner. The
club will be trying to find a way of ensuring that there is a spare player who would be
available to fill in, if necessary.
Ethics Chairperson. Heather will be responsible for chairing a committee to address
any problematic conduct situations brought forward by a player or Director. Another
member of the executive will chair the committee if an item has come forward from
any game that Heather might have directed. Heather will arrange for two other
members of the executive to assist her when dealing with any such situation.
Special Games. The Montreal STAC games will be added to the 2012-13 schedule. In
addition it was moved by Heather and seconded by Denise that if a Director would
like additional special games for the games they direct, that they be permitted to do
so. Carried. Tony would ensure that any or all of these games fall within the ACBL
Cake Days. As has been the practice of the club, we will continue to have a cake on
Valentine`s Day, Easter Monday, Halloween, and July 1st. It was moved by Denise
and seconded by Lynne that we hold a special Annual Memorial Game in memory of
members who have passed away during the last year. Carried. This game will be
held on the Friday nearest November 11th.
k. Lost Library Books. Members are to return books within 3 weeks, unless it is a new
book which must be returned within a week. If a book is lost, the member is to
replace it or give the club the $ amount equivalent. Failing to follow this policy will
result in a player not being allowed to play at the club.
l. Munchies on Wednesday and Thursday Nights
Harry will look after getting munchies in the absence of Denise. Betty is also willing
to assist. Directors are to be reminded that it is necessary to clean the area of all
crumbs as ants have been a problem for the RA.
Club Manager’s Report:
Tony reported that the ACBL Gold point game will be held during the regional this year. The
club will not host this game. Tony also noted that the ACBL will be changing its Handbook
whereby a playing Director(and partner) will not be permitted to earn masterpoints if they play
in a special game.
Next Meeting: October 11th 3:45
Meeting Adjourned