2012 Oct 11

RA Duplicate Bridge Club
Minutes of the Executive Meeting – Thursday October11, 2012
In attendance: Brian Lamarre, Albert de Wijze, Lynne Holtby, Heather Peckett, Denise de Zuna
Betty Wong, Harry Freedman
Invited: Tony Edwards (Club Manager)
Tony is preparing the calendar for the club directory.
With the changeover to the new computer, the club had monies owing to the CBF. The CBF
now has its money.
Tony has corrected the computer glitch that happened on September 27th resulting in points
earned by Section A players not being recorded. These points have now been awarded.
Tim Edwards Davies will be away from October 25-November 20th. Tony, Joe and Heather will
cover the directing for the games that Tim would normally direct during that period.
There continue to be complaints about fragrances that people are wearing. The RA has a policy
directing that people not use scents. This policy will be incorporated into the Club Directory.
Minutes of the meeting of September 6, 2012 were read and approved after minor corrections.
Albert moved and Betty seconded. Carried.
Business Arising
Heather will inform the webmaster that the club membership list provided by the RA will be
posted on the Bulletin the week of October 22nd . Members are asked to review this list and to
make any revisions necessary before this list is incorporated in the Club Directory.
Financial update: Lynne reported that the club continues to be in good financial condition.
New Business
a. Potential Changes to Number of Boards Played
In response to the recommendations made to the executive at the AGM to increase
the number of boards played on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, Lynne
developed an outline of the possible options on start times and the number of
boards to be played. Lynne also developed a survey which is to be completed by all
members who play on those days. Lynne and Brian will discuss the survey with
Sharron Malott (RA Manager) to ensure the proposals comply with the RA
Guidelines. The club proposes to have this survey ready for members to complete
starting October 22, 2012.
b. Partnerships
ACBL policy dictates that the Director cannot play if there are more than 17 tables,
or if there are 2 or more sections or if playing would create a ½ table. There is still
the problem of having to turn away people who come expecting to play.
Brian presented a copy of an interactive program which a club uses in Florida to
arrange partners. Betty will speak to Gary Taylor who has a contact that can give us
further information on how this program can be implemented. Once we have the
information we will discuss with our webmaster to determine if our website can
accommodate this program.
Cake Days
Tea and Coffee will be provided for all Special Cake Days. The next Day will be
Halloween. Denise will order a large cake- a combination of vanilla and chocolate.
For health reasons, the RA insists that any leftovers not be served at the evening
Christmas Parties
The club authorized Albert and Denise to purchase $1800 worth of prizes to be
drawn during our special games celebrating the Christmas season. Denise will ask
the RA for an updated letter of introduction to present to businesses that might be
willing to donate prizes or gift certificates for our various draws. Brain has
volunteered to ask the RA for gift certificates. Betty also wondered if it might be
possible to get some passes to LIFEFIT.
Name Tags
The executive thanked Harry for organizing the purchase of the name tags at such a
great price. Many members have been wearing them regularly.
ACBL Handbook
Chapter 4 of the Handbook (which provides direction for the operation of clubs)
states that the entry fee for non members cannot exceed 50% of the rate given to
members. Harry will call the ACBL to get a better understanding on the intent of the
Club Directory
We will order 350 copies.
Bulletin Board.
Betty and Denise will look after the posting of members achieving 70% games and
anyone who earns his/her Life Master.
Club Brochure
Brian presented copies the RA brochures for the Judo, Squash and Curling clubs.
These brochures describe what each club is all about. The purpose is to have it
available should a new player come to the club and ask for information. The RA
would not charge our club for the printing of this brochure. After some discussion
we agreed that although it would be nice to have a brochure for our club, it was
decided that we would not proceed with developing one at this time. The club has
enough information available on our website and in our Club Directory.
j. Executive Responsibilities
To make it easier for new members who join the Executive, we agreed to document
the procedures each of us follows as a member of the executive. This item will be
discussed at a future meeting as we have to determine how these procedures will be
catalogued and where and how they can be maintained.
Next Meeting: November 21st at 3:45
Meeting Adjourned