BROWNSVILLE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Spanish AP Language Instructional Framework Middle School 6 WEEKS: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th st nd rd th High Schools 6 WEEKS: 1 2 3 4 5th QUESTION TEKS How would you explain the reason for figurative language and rhetoric devices? IA,B,C Engage in oral and written exchanges, including, providing, and obtaining information, expressing feelings and preferences, and exchanging ideas and opinions. How would you explain the author’s use of nature when writing their poems and short stories? How would you differentiate between active and passive voice? 2A,B Use the language at the intermediate and high proficiency level to demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the student’s own language studied. Understanding of the influence of one language and culture on another. 3A Use resources (that may include technology) in the language and cultures being studied at the intermediate proficiency level to gain access to information. 4A,B,C Use the language at the intermediate proficiency level to demonstrate an understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the student’s own language and the language studied. 5A,B The students participate in communities at home and around the world by using languages other than English. SUGGESTED RESOURCES Nuevas Vistas Curso Dos AP Spanish Preparing for the Language Examination 3rd Edition Videos Films for the Humanities, Inc. Barron’s Students’ # 1 Choice How to prepare for the Advanced Placement Examination: Spanish In depth review of AP objectives through various exercises (Triángulo; Preparing for the Language Exam, José Díaz, Barrón’s, Preparing for the AP) OBJECTIVES TLW: * In depth review of AP Spanish Language Exam format, beginning in 2007. 23. Explain a point of view. 24. Communicate via formal and informal speech when talking about nature, using comparisons. 6th ASSESMEN T Vocabulary uses Tests Quizzes Oral and aural exercises 25. Compare and contrast two ideas. 26. Understand the use of figurative language. 27. Distinguish fact and opinion. 28. Analyze literary elements; style, rhetorical devices. 29. Understand the difference between b/v. 30. Analyze the passive voice. 31. Distinguish active and passive voice. In English and Spanish. Exprésate III 32. Review hiatuses/diphthongs. 33. Write a cohesive and coherent informative article about a topic related to nature. Six weeks optional. Use a sample AP Language Exam as an assessment tool. * The College Board pilot exam may be used, or AP Exams from recently published books. LINKS Literature Links Romanticism, Modernism: Bécquer, Gustavo A. Martí, José Darío, Rubén Language Arts Mistral, Gabriela: “Meciendo” y “La fiesta del árbol” Paz, Octavio: “Arbol adentro” Denevi, M: “Las abejas de bronce” De Castro, R.: “Dicen que no hablan las plantas" Geographic Link Regionalisms Music Links Use of poetic devices/musical instruments. BROWNSVILLE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Spanish AP Language Instructional Framework Middle School 6 WEEKS: 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th st nd rd th th High Schools 6 WEEKS: 1 2 3 4 5 6th 3B TAKS Objectives Time Frame (D, W, Unit) Language Arts: 11th WEEKS : 13,14,15,16,17,18 Objective 4.2.B Process Writing Nuevas Vistas Curso Dos, AP Spanish Preparing for the Language Examination Program, Third Edition. Objective 1.6.B Word Identification Chapter 3 Objectives: 23 - 33 Optional: 6 weeks exam