American History Syllabus—A DAY Tuesday November 20th Class: History Day Research in LAB 286 GOAL: Finish Annotated Bibliography and continue putting together the project Homework: Write, type, and print the process paper. See instructions sheet. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Monday November 26 Class: History Day Research in LAB 286 GOAL: Finish the project if needed and present the project to the class. Homework: Read “The Roaring Twenties” and complete the Main Idea/Detail worksheet. Complete “The Urban-Rural Change” and “Immigration Ups and Downs” and complete corresponding worksheets. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Wednesday November 28th DAY ONE- 1920s/1930s- Cultural Shifts Class: Cultural Changes in the 1920s- Discuss homework. Introduction to the cause and effect essay CCT. 1920s slang initiation. 1920s WebQuest- Change v Conservatism in the 1920s. Complete cause and effect chart. LAPTOP CARTS. Homework: Work on WebQuest. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Friday November 30 1920s/1930s- Cultural Shifts 1920s WebQuest- Change v Conservatism in the 1920s. Complete cause and effect chart. Lab 101. Homework: Finish WebQuest on the 1920s if needed. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Tuesday December 4th DAY TWO--1920s/1930s Class: The Stock market Crash causes overview. Stock market simulation. Overview of the Great Depression (minilecture). Clip from “It’s a Wonderful Life.” Complete cause and effect chart. Homework: Read “The Great Depression” and complete the Main Idea/Detail worksheet and presidential elections: 1928 and 1932 handout &“Your Stock Market Losses” worksheet. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Thursday December 6th DAY THREE--1920s/1930s Class: Discuss the homework, The Dustbowl overview, film clip, and station learning activity. Complete cause and effect chart. Homework: Read Hoover v Roosevelt speech excerpts and complete Venn diagrams (compare and contrast) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Monday December 10th DAY FOUR--1920s/1930s The Landslide Victory of FDR mini-lecture, discuss Hoover v Roosevelt speech excerpts close readings, film clips, New Deal research, create poster, and present. Homework: NONE _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Wednesday December 12th DAY FIVE--1920s/1930s ESSAY WRITING Class: Finish presenting New Deal posters. Write Cause and Effect essay Homework: Write one paragraph for homework. We will check and see! ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Friday December 14thDAY SIX-1920s/1930s ESSAY WRITING Class: Write Cause and Effect essay Homework: Finish your paper. Please make sure you turn it in next class with the rubric stapled! Have your parent’s sign the Rated R permission slip to watch Saving Private Ryan in class. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tuesday December 18th -Finishing touches on essay if needed (20 minutes in lab) -Writing workshop (30 minutes)- Read and edit each other’s papers and provide feedback/suggestions for improvement. -Causes of WWII overview HW: Read background to D-Day. Find two film reviews about Saving Private Ryan- one negative and one positive. Read them, print them out, and bring them to class. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thursday December 20th -Go over film review assignment -View Saving Private Ryan