WORLD HISTORY II TEST REVIEW – GUIDELINES MS. VALENTIN THE INTERWAR PERIOD: CHAPTERS 30 (SECTIONS 3 AND 4) AND CHAPTER 31 (ALL SECTIONS) – The Interwar period in the US, Europe, Japan, India, China and Latin America. TEST REVIEW GUIDELINES: NOW THAT YOU HAVE BEEN COMPILING NOTES, REVIEWING HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS, ETC., HERE ARE SOME GUIDELINES FOR YOU TO “TWEAK” THE REVIEW MATERIALS YOU HAVE ALREADY PREPARED. PLEASE NOTE THAT AS I INDICATED, YOU SHOULD PREPARE YOUR OWN REVIEW SHEETS (YOU’VE HAD NO HOMEWORK FOR OVER 2 WEEKS) ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: MAKE SURE YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT THE ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS OF THE UNIT. THESE SHOULD INVOLVE: The Treaty of Versailles and the events of the 1920s and 1930s Economic crisis / interconnectedness of global economies and the events of the 1920s and 1930s (political / economic / social) WW I and the artistic, technological, scientific, literary, architectural, etc. movements of the 1920s and 1930s The Role of race and gender in the events of the 1920s and 1930s Colonialism and Revolution and the events of the 1920s and 1930s VOCABULARY: Review your list of vocabulary terms for Chapters 30, Sections 3 and 4 and all of Chapter 31. Then go through class notes and add vocabulary terms from class discussion and power point guides. Make sure you’ve listed all relevant vocabulary terms (‘isms; important events, etc.) from the different regions we have studied: Europe, US, India, China, Japan, Latin America. Make sure you understand the causes and effects of major –isms and events. KEY PEOPLE: Review your list of important individuals from Ch. 30, Sec. 3 / 4 and all of Ch. 31. Then review your names of key people from class notes / supplements and power point guides. Make sure you have names from each of the following sections: Italy, Germany, Spain, Britain, France, US, Japan, India, China, Latin America. SEQUENCE: Review the timeline you received in class at least two weeks ago. Also review the sequence of events for events in Japan, China, India and Spain. MAPS: Review the maps provided in the textbook for Ch. 30, Section 3(p. 784) and Ch. 31 (p. 813). You should be able to locate: European countries (Germany, Poland, USSR, France, Britain, Spain, Italy), India, Pakistan (East and West), China, Japan, Korea, Manchuria, Taiwan, SE Asia (Thailand / Siam, Indochine, Indonesia, Philippines), Libya, Ethiopia, Somalia, and corresponding bodies of water (Oceans: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian; Seas: North, Baltic, Mediterranean, Black, Red, Arabian, Yellow, Japan), Bay of Bengal, Shantung Peninsula PRIMARY SOURCES: Review the highlighted passages from the primary sources on the Mussolini, Hitler, Gauch packet. ART PRESENTATIONS Look on School Wires for your class list of selected artists / works.