ush benchmark 2 questions

 In 1900, the United States declared an Open Door Policy that reflected
which of the following beliefs
 The purpose America’s Open Door Policy was to
 The Platt amendment was an addition to Cuba’s constitution that
 The US supported a revolution in Panama at the turn of the century in
order to
 The US obtained the right to build a canal across Central America by
 Many Americans thought that building a canal across Central American
would help the US to
 TR’s “Speak softly and carry a big stick” policy relied on the US having a
 What did the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine state
 Roosevelt’s use of American power to intimidate weaker nations was
known as
 Wooodrow Wilson’s “Fourteen Points” speech was designed to address
 The Espionage Act of 1918 included punishments for both speaking and
writing ”disloyal, scurrilous or abuse language about the American form of
government, the US Constitution, the armed forces or the flag. President
Wilson and his administration enforced this act in the strong belief that
 Whay was there a “Red Scare” in the US after the end of WWI
 The greatest effect of WWI on African American was
 This group’s work on the home front helped gain support for their right to
 During WWI, Alvin York requested exemption from the draft on religious
grounds, claiming he was
 In the 1920s, a “return to normalcy” meant
 During the 1920s, most American believed their government’s role
regarding the nation’s economy should
 Marcus Garvey’s program in the 1920s emphasized
 What organization was formed in the 1920s to ensure that the individual
rights of citizens were protected from government abuse
 Nicola Sacco and Bartolemeo Vanzetti were criminals charged and
convicted of doing which of the following
 The Tennessee “monkey trial” of John T. Scopes in 1925 illustrated a
national conflict concerning
 “According to those who supported the measure, it was a noble experiment.
But it proved impossible to enforce and consequently increased disrespect
for the law” The “noble experiment” discussed in this quote refers to what
 The fact that Prohibition was not shown respect by many citizens suggests
 During the 1920s, the occupation most often held by married women in the
US was that of
 The women’s rights movement on the 1910s and 1920s was mostly focused
on achieving and securing
 Why did the number of votes cast in the 1920 presidential election increase
by 8.2 million since the election of 1916
 The “new women” of the 1920s were often referred to as
 Zora Neale Hurston and Langston Hughes ad which of the following in
 Leaders of the Harlem Renaissance encouraged African-Americans to
 Ford’s production of over 15 million Model Ts demonstrated the economic
relationship between the specialization of labor and
 Which of the following was a factor in the growth of the US auto industry to
its position as the world’s leaderin both production and sales
 The increasing use of mass production techniques led to
 Why did industrialist oppose the increased coinage of silver during the 19th
 One of the major characteristics of the US economy during the 1920s was
 Early in the great Depression, the Hoover administration establish the
Reconstruction Finance Corporation to
 Which event most contributed to the establishment of the US Securities
and Exchange Commission(SEC)
 One of the following increased in the 1920s
 Before the stock market crash of 1929, many Americans enjoyed rich and
prosperous lifestyles. What occurred to create the stock market crash
 To many Californians, the arrival of the Dust Bowl refugees of the mid1930s represented
 The Dust Bowl was caused by all of the following factors, EXCEPT
 At the height of the great depression in 1933, what was the nationwide
unemployment rate
 During the 1930s most people in America
 Social Security was a New Deal program designed to
 In the 1930s several business groups spoke out against the Tennessee
Valley Authority because they argued that it
 In the 1930s a large number of artist and writers were employed by this
New Deal program
 One of the lasting impacts of FDRs New Deal was that the Federal
government for the first time
 The main reason thatlabor unions increased their power and influence
during the great Depression of the 1930s was that
 The American Federation of Labor (AFL) and the Congress of Industrial
Organizations(CIO) are