Classroom Expectations and Procedures 2015

Classroom Expectations and Procedures
Mr. Davis
Team Extreme
â–ºPlease refer to additional Syllabus documents; the Student Handbook section of your
Planner; and other CRMS or Tahoma sources for specific information that applies to
you/your student and our classroom. This is a summary of selected policies, but there is other
important information that you need to be knowledgeable about.
Team Extreme Classroom Expectations
Our expectations are guided by simplicity and common sense. They are aligned with Tahoma’s “One School”
model and CRMS’s “BEARS” program. A more detailed description of these standards will be found on a
separate syllabus document. Students at this level are familiar with, and experienced with, the purposes and
qualities of a classroom setting. Using good judgment is all that is required to get along well in that
environment. Again, if more specific details are needed, please refer to the materials that were mentioned
Beginning Class
Students will enter class politely and at a volume level that is respectful of each other and of our neighbors.
Students are expected to have a pencil and other needed materials on their desk at the beginning of class. This
includes a book for independent reading, which is to be kept handy for easy access should they have “waiting
time” during class. The book can be from a class or one of their own choice. It is also helpful for students to
place their Planner on their desk for ease in entering valuable information.
We will have a routine opening activity to begin each class period. Students are expected to be in their seats and
working on their opening activity when passing time ends. As guided by state law and district policy, tardiness
is taken seriously at the secondary level, beginning with middle school. This may be a change from your
experience in elementary school, so please be sure you/your student understands the seriousness of this
expectation. Students will leave their completed opening activity on their desk until we have finished reviewing
it as a class. If they finish early, students will work on another assignment (from any class) or read quietly as
they wait. During this opening time I will take attendance, collect homework, and attend to other business as
Waiting Time
There will be times when students finish an activity early and must wait for the teacher and/or the rest of the
class. Team Extreme’s expectation is that students will quietly work on an assignment from any class or
enjoy some independent reading as they wait. If students would like to check on late or missing assignments,
whether due to absence or just to monitor their progress, this would be a good time to do so. These are excellent
opportunities for students to develop personal behaviors, study habits, and time management skills that will help
them be Future Ready.
Dress Code
There is a Tahoma School District/CRMS Dress Code. It is posted in class and on my SWIFT site. You can also
find it in the Planner/Handbook and other CRMS/Tahoma sources. Please note that item 7, which directly refers
to shorts, also applies to skirts. As with most of the “behavior and consequence” matters covered in the
Handbook and other documents, the dress code should not present difficulties for most students. Some students,
however, do begin to challenge the boundaries of age-appropriate and school-appropriate attire, so we hope you
will support us in working to maintain a focused and respectful learning environment here at CRMS. Learning
how to dress appropriately for different times and places is a valuable Future Ready skill. Remember that
Tahoma and CRMS discipline guidelines do apply to the dress code.
Public Displays of Affection
This is covered in the Student Handbook (“Inappropriate Social Behavior”) It is not an issue for most of our
students, but every year it does become a problem for some. Discipline guidelines do apply in this area.
Food and Drink
This is also covered in your Handbook. Water is always good! Easy refills are now available at the new
refilling station! (Building 3--the office wing.) Other than water, food and drink are limited to the school’s
eating areas (cafeteria and courtyard) during breakfast and lunch times. Food and drink may be confiscated and
discarded at other places or times. This includes drinks or other items brought from off campus (e.g. that
morning Starbucks); items served at breakfast or lunch; and items purchased from vending machines. Vending
machines are to be used only before/after school and during lunch—not during class or passing times. Items
purchased during class or passing time may be confiscated and discarded. You will be receiving information
from the school about new Federal regulations regarding food and drink in schools. These regulations are
quite stringent and may require significant adjustments by students, families, and staff. Please help us as a
school community to abide by these requirements.
Using the Restroom
Students are expected to respect the value of class time by using the restroom on their own time, as much as
possible, rather than during class. Facilities are readily available before/after school, during lunch, and during
passing times. If a student doesn’t think they will be able to make it to class on time because of using the
restroom during passing time, they should always report to class first and let their next teacher know, so that
they won’t be marked absent or tardy. If a medical condition affects the need to access restroom facilities,
please contact the counselor or the school nurse so that appropriate accommodations can be made by
teachers and other school staff.
Students will have a password for their regular TSD account; Skyward; Springboard (new LA curriculum); and
their Go.Tahoma “digital backpack”, a district-managed Google account. The district is moving toward students
having a single personal password for all of their sites. We hope that feature will be available by the start of
school, but we don’t know for certain yet if that will be the case. Please have a conversation about wise
creation, protection, and recording/memory of passwords. Developing the habit of using strong passwords that
they can remember, and that others can’t guess, is an important Future Ready skill. Teachers do not have access
to student passwords, so it is very inconvenient if a student forgets or loses their password; it has to go through
the Tech. Dept. for a reset, and that is not always a quick process. This can impact a student’s ability to be
engaged in a lesson or to work on assignments/projects and finish them in a timely manner. Any support you
can offer on the general topic of “digital citizenship” would be greatly appreciated!
Turning in Assignments
There will be a designated “turn-in basket” for each period. When assignments are completed during class, they
may be turned in at that time. On some occasions, I will collect assignments directly as we complete them
together in class. If an assignment is completed later in the day (e.g. during extra time in another class; during
lunch; during Homeroom/GO; or after school, such as during Homework Center), students can ask the staff
member they are with at the time for permission to bring it over and turn it in. Assignments completed as
homework must be turned in at the beginning of class the next day (or the day it is due, for longer-term
assignments.) Please do not arrive at class planning to finish a homework assignment, unless extra class time
for the task was specifically included in the plans for the lesson.
Activity Bus
The activity bus is generally available T,W,Th for Homework Center, club meetings, etc. Students must have an
organized and supervised activity to be part of in order to stay after school, and they must have a pass from a
staff member to board the bus. Please make sure you know where your drop-off stop will be; they’re not the
same as regular stops.
The CRMS site provides a variety of information, including links for email to all school staff and for
parent/student access to the district’s Skyward program (grades and other information/functions.) You can
access teacher and departmental SWIFT websites through the CRMS Staff Directory. (I would encourage you to
make those SWIFT pages favorites or bookmarks for the school year.) My SWIFT site will include regular
assignments; information on tests, projects, and field trips; and other important events as they might arise. You
can also access many documents (such as this one) and find links to interesting and useful websites. The
departmental SWIFT sites for both Social Studies and Language Arts include useful links and documents that
students will need to access from time to time.
Planners/Assignment Listings
In addition to the SWIFT site, assignments are posted on two white boards in class; the daily agenda and the
weekly calendar. Students should enter all assignments, projects, tests, etc. in their Planners. They should do
this during each class, and they will have a second-chance “whole-day review” at Homeroom/GO (the last
period of the day). Students are also encouraged to personalize their Planners by including other important dates
and events (birthdays, family activities, sports practices, music or dance lessons, etc.) Parents are strongly
encouraged to review the Planner with their student each day! Assignments will also be recorded in class on a
weekly list. These lists, including all the weeks in a term, will be on a clipboard that is always available for
students to access. The lists will indicate whether students have turned in their assignments; they will not
include grades. Along with SWIFT and Skyward, students are encouraged to check the assignment lists
regularly to monitor the status of their schoolwork! All of this helps to build and reinforce important time and
task management skills.
You will find detailed information on absences, tardies, and other attendance matters in the Student
Handbook/Planner. At the secondary level, attendance is kept by period, not by day. Students are responsible
for finding out what they missed, gathering materials they need, and completing assignments in a timely
manner. They should get in the habit of contacting classmates or teachers from home; checking SWIFT sites;
referring to assignment calendars/lists when back in class; and confirming with teachers when necessary. Again,
these are great opportunities to develop responsible, independent Future Ready skills.
Try asking your student first—they just might know! If that doesn’t work, the Student Handbook they received
is filled with useful information; you can check the TSD, CRMS, and teacher websites; or you can contact me at (you can contact any TSD staff member using the pattern of first initial and last name, up
to eight letters total.)
Thank you!
Best wishes for a great school year
with CRMS and Team Extreme!