Prom Ticket Sales: Saturday, April 11th P.R. Front Foyer 9:00a.m. - 12:00p.m. PROM 2015 “Enchanted Evening” Complete this permission form for each person attending the Prom. One person, even a parent, may bring the table form with the permission forms and payments. You don’t need to be present to purchase the tickets. STUDENT or GUEST: Name____________________________________________________________________ Are you a current Prairie Ridge student? Yes Year in School: 9 10 11 12 No College Not in school I have read the Prom information and guidelines form, understand the dress code expectations, and I agree to follow all District #155 rules. I understand that I am expected to be in attendance at school until the dismissal time (12: 53 p.m.) on Friday, May 1st, 2015. Student signature_______________________________ MEAL: (please circle one meal option) Chicken Dish Cell number________________________ Vegetarian Dish Allergy Dish (Mrs. Eschman will contact you) PARENT: I have read the Prom information and guidelines form, understand the dress code expectations, and I am aware of District #155 rules and guidelines for prom. I give my permission for my child to attend the Prairie Ridge High School Prom. Parent/GuardianSignature_______________________________________. Emergency phone numbers where parents can be reached on Prom night (Friday, May 1st, 2015). Please print clearly TWO names (first and last) and phone numbers: Parent/guardian name and number________________________________________________________ Parent /guardian name and number________________________________________________________ COMPLETE THIS SECTION ONLY IF YOU ARE NOT A PR STUDENT Where do you attend school?_____________________________________________________________ Signature of the Dean at your school_______________________________________________________ Signature of Prairie Ridge Dean___________________________________________________________ _____Copy of current ID card included with this permission form for non PR students (school ID, military ID, driver’s license, state ID card) _____Non-PR student is UNDER 21 years of age. Attach a copy of the ID or Drivers License to this form