BPES Spelling Bee 2015 Word List Grade 5

Browns Point Elementary School PTA
2015 Spelling Bee  February – April 2015
Fifth Grade Word List (page 1 of 2)
1 frequency
2 posture
3 thermos
4 fashion
5 castle
6 canopy
7 rustle
8 council
9 desert
10 exceed
11 frigid
12 hyphen
13 minimum
14 perfume
15 sponge
16 tepid
17 annoy
18 confusion
19 dilute
20 exhaust
21 navel
22 whether
23 interior
24 motivate
25 pierce
26 tedious
27 capital
28 weight
29 kernel
30 schedule
31 straight
32 their
33 chemical
34 climate
35 serial
36 length
37 design
38 definite
39 glacier
40 leisure
41 lunge
42 phrase
43 security
44 trifle
45 adjective
46 promotion
47 cabinet
48 prism
49 aisle
50 cereal
51 entitle
52 extract
53 foreign
54 lynx
55 massage
56 mystify
57 ransom
58 foreground
59 veil
60 parachute
61 invitation
62 physical
63 variety
64 blizzard
65 blatant
66 confection
67 realty
68 ingredient
69 fanzine
70 widget
71 recruit
72 assignment
73 peruse
74 genius
75 pursuit
76 scheme
77 acrylic
78 ancient
79 conduct
80 eclipse
Last revision made: 02-20-2015
Contact: PTA Spelling Bee Committee (CJ)
81 acrobat
82 tourism
83 waiver
84 altogether
85 mischief
86 interpret
87 division
88 hoarse
89 snarky
90 bionic
91 suitcase
92 savvy
93 dissolve
94 million
95 energize
96 entomb
97 valiant
98 lenient
99 polyester
100 talons
101 scribbled
102 grate
103 scaly
104 hesitated
105 concept
106 airborne
107 gigantic
108 observation
109 immediately
110 genius
111 measured
112 perplex
113 weird
114 naval
115 suggestion
116 bought
117 wriggle
118 quarrel
119 fennel
120 guardian
121 bacteria
122 solar
123 stationary
161 decision
162 delicious
163 description
124 hippopotamus 164 disappear
125 laboratory
165 mineral
126 version
166 encryption
127 audience
167 estimate
128 envelope
168 fairground
129 laminate
169 gardener
130 fluent
170 grammar
131 bristle
171 psychic
132 therapy
172 digress
133 intruder
173 librarian
134 calculator
174 computerized
135 deodorant
175 manually
136 occasion
176 nuisance
137 ooze
177 occupation
138 howling
178 prejudice
139 twilight
179 radioactive
140 illusion
180 pieces
141 fuchsia
181 sprinkling
142 numbness
182 treasury
143 plaid
183 authority
144 quantity
184 nuclear
145 coffee
185 orangutan
146 braggart
186 thermostat
147 argument
187 pyramid
148 chorus
188 carnival
149 pleasant
189 evidence
150 rupture
190 microphone
151 aviator
191 sequel
152 papaya
192 carpenter
153 barren
193 absorb
154 genuine
194 pungent
155 collage
195 jealousy
156 pliant
196 trespass
157 alphabet
197 hurriedly
158 calculate
198 muscular
159 cherish
199 alleyway
160 considerate 200 beneath
Browns Point Elementary School PTA
2015 Spelling Bee  February – April 2015
Fifth Grade Word List (page 2 of 2)
201 citizen
202 conversation
203 warehouse
204 encourage
205 transparent
206 evaporate
207 defraud
208 groceries
209 gymnasium
210 inaugurate
211 impression
212 industrious
213 introduction
214 irritable
215 cougar
216 asterisk
217 mathematics
218 sediment
219 performance
220 privilege
221 especially
222 satisfactory
223 signature
224 kindergarten
225 anonymous
226 beneficial
227 balcony
228 captivity
229 president
230 creaky
231 eavesdrop
232 effective
233 expression
234 fabricate
235 formality
236 humidity
237 journalist
238 conviction
239 sentimental
240 savory
241 trillion
242 sandwiches
243 settlement
244 sympathy
245 generation
246 cellular
247 broccoli
248 racial
249 electronic
250 knowledge
251 esteem
252 wringing
253 stationery
254 erosion
255 jasmine
256 courageous
257 denominator
258 environment
259 conducive
260 excitement
261 reissue
262 foundation
263 generic
264 accountant
265 machinist
266 anxiety
267 obstruction
268 refrigerator
269 prediction
270 ugliness
271 sergeant
272 binoculars
273 gargoyle
274 genetic
275 achievement
276 animation
277 hijacking
278 sculpture
279 majority
280 delicate
Last revision made: 02-20-2015
Contact: PTA Spelling Bee Committee (CJ)
281 informative
321 ultraviolet 361 synthesizer
282 emptiness
322 literature 362 veterinarian
283 exploration
323 hydrant
363 fluoride
284 verbatim
324 politician 364 hygiene
285 escalator
325 pollution
365 international
286 prototype
326 annually
366 abbreviate
287 recognize
327 contradict 367 centerpiece
288 decay
328 bureau
368 amethyst
289 chlorine
329 colonel
369 catastrophe
290 strategic
330 cellar
370 comprehension
291 calligraphy
331 serial
371 emotional
292 manatee
332 snickering 372 eruption
293 logical
333 legible
373 convenient
294 collapse
334 questionable 374 envoy
295 pharmacist
335 persistent 375 catamaran
296 supervisor
336 coarse
376 audible
297 fortunately
337 solution
377 cornucopia
298 rehearse
338 predicament 378 tsunami
299 invention
339 mediocre 379 hyperventilate
300 millenium
340 ingenious 380 amaryllis
301 extraordinary 341 technology 381 chivalry
302 pomegranate 342 ultimate
382 pseudonym
303 plaintiff
343 miscellaneous 383 deliberate
304 somersault
344 spherical 384 pneumonia
305 autobiography 345 iguanodon 385 resilience
306 boulder
346 monarch 386 replete
307 resourceful
347 compassion 387 cellophane
308 congratulate 348 commercial 388 obligatory
309 infrared
349 nutritious 389 taxidermy
310 residential
350 cleanliness 390 masquerade
311 insurance
351 attitude
391 substantial
312 bough
352 intentional 392 transformation
313 impatient
353 apparent 393 defunct
314 dedication
354 unbelievable 394 holographic
315 papyrus
355 synonym 395 controversy
316 metallic
356 vegetarian 396 damageable
317 orchestra
357 humongous 397 lieutenant
318 contaminate 358 hydrangea 398 metamorphic
319 intelligence
359 multiplication 399 malignant
320 designate
360 democratic 400 indigenous