Terms of Reference (TOR) Temporary Position National Stakeholders Consultations and Planning for the Great Sea Reef (GSR) Management Strategy 1. Introduction-Project Background WWF-South Pacific has been active in the Province of Macuata by engaging national partners and local communities in an effort to conserve and protect the Cakaulevu or Great Sea Reef (GSR). This reef system is the longest and most complex in Fiji and considered the third longest continuous barrier reef system in the southern hemisphere. The entire reef itself is considered of global significance and sustains an exceptional level of marine biodiversity and endemism. As part of the organizations on-going effort to enhance the sustainable management of reef system and its natural assets, WWF-South Pacific is currently scheduled and carrying out national stakeholder consultations with key government, non-government, private sector and community focused groups. The overall goal of the national stakeholder consultations and meetings is to raise stakeholder awareness on the Great Sea Reef as an important national ecological and economic system and generate dialogue to determine a national strategy to coordinate the long term sustainable management of the system. The primary target stakeholder groups are at present delimited to the Provinces of Macuata, Bua, Ba and Ra, the focal provinces which the Great Sea Reef traverses, with the intention to developing a national management strategy for the Great Sea Reef which will be presented for further discussion and eventual endorsement at a national stakeholder forum. 2. Purpose of the Temporary Contract The main purpose of this temporary contract is to provide technical assistance and support to the internal GSR Management Strategy Development Team, with regard to carrying out the stakeholder engagement schedule of activities. The activities include maintaining correspondence and updates through WWF’s role as Secretariat to listed priority stakeholders and both the northern and western working groups. The temporary position holder is also expected to provide assistance during stakeholder consultations and meetings, and will be required to document discussions and processes undertaken. The temporary position holder may be at times as identified and needed by the supervisor, be delegated to take the lead on face to face or follow up meetings on behalf of WWF with key stakeholders. The products generated from this temporary contract will assist the WWF-SPPO consolidate stakeholder generated information in devising the GSR Management Strategy. 3. Scope of Tasks The temporary position holder is expected to perform and accomplish the following tasks with regard to generating the necessary information and feedback from stakeholders in part of devising the GSR Management Strategy – 1. Assist in the maintenance and coordination communication, update and feedback from stakeholders and the two division working groups to WWF in its role as secretariat. 2. Monitor the stakeholder consultation schedule of activities and assist the WWF supervisor in carrying out its implementation in a timely and planned fashion. 3. Assist the WWF supervisor in documenting and reporting of consultation meetings held, and to ensure actions from these meetings are flagged for completion 4. Where the WWF supervisor may be unavailable to provide representation at stakeholder face to face meetings or meetings of request relating to the scope of work 5. Assist the WWF Management Strategy Development Team, in the drafting and collation of stakeholder comments and amendments to the working document. 6. All other activities delegated by the WWF supervisor but delimited to and only to those that contribute to the development of the GSR Management Strategy and completion of the Stakeholder Consultation schedule of activities. 4. Duration of Proposed Temporary Contract & Deliverables The total duration of the temporary contract is for three months (mid November 2013- mid January 2014) Deliverables will be set out on a weekly basis (each Friday the previous week) by the WWF supervisor and against the national stakeholder consultation schedule of activities. 5. Reporting Communication regarding progress and final products from this temporary contract will be directed to the SCRUM Policy Officer, Alfred Ralifo (aralifo@wwfpacific.org.fj) 6. Qualification and Experience This temporary contract will be undertaken by an individual with the following qualifications Graduate level qualification in the environmental or social science field Excellent computer skills Ability to communicate in both Fijian and English Good drafting ability and communication skills Good organizational and inter-personal skills Multi-tasking skills, ability to work under pressure Good social skills and ability to work as a team member Has the ability to communicate in either Fijian or Hindi Highly motivated and flexible Has a firm background knowledge on Fiji’s environment and landscape