Honors English I Syllabus

Ms. Mull’s Honors English I Class Syllabus
Room: 534
Email: Leslie.Mull@GilbertSchools.net
Tutoring Hours: Last 30 min. 4th hr. lunch, after school by appointment
Welcome to your freshman year! This is a very exciting time for you as you begin your high school journey. The skills you learn
in Honors English are critical for your success in your other high school courses, college, and your future. Expect this course to
challenge you to form your own opinions about issues from our literature and from everyday life. You will need to support
these opinions, learn to respectfully communicate them, and to open your mind to other viewpoints. You will also read
critically and write prolifically. Outstanding writers are like professional athletes or superb musicians—they must practice their
craft in order to excel. The specific focus of this year will be to strengthen your critical reading skills, expanding your
understanding of the relationship between an author’s purpose and the tools he/she uses to achieve that purpose. This class
will also focus on your ability to communicate both formally and informally through group and individual activities.
Units of Study:
Coming of Age
Defining Style
Coming of Age in Changing Times – To Kill a Mockingbird
Exploring Poetic and Dramatic Voices
Each unit contains an extended reading/viewing piece and two formal embedded assessments. These assessments will
require you to utilize a series of reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills to compose an artifact indicative of your
learning. There will be a multiple choice assessment and a reflection piece at the end of each unit in addition to the
embedded assessments.
Major Works:
❖ To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (novel)
❖ Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare (drama)
❖ Selected Tim Burton films excerpts (The Corpse Bride, Edward Scissorhands, Charlie and
the Chocolate Factory)
❖ Selected film excerpts from Simon Birch and The Princess Bride
❖ Selected Canon of Poetry
*Students will read a variety of fiction and non-fiction excerpts as well as view content and grade
level appropriate clips to enhance curriculum.
**In addition to the above listed works, students will also complete independent reading and writing assignments built
around various themes throughout the year.
Student Texts:
You will use a copy of Elements of Literature: Third Course. You will also use a classroom copy of the SpringBoard Level 4
student textbook. From time to time students will be required to access SpirngBoard online to complete assignments. These
assignments must be printed outside of class. Students who do not have access to a printer at home may print during lunch,
or after school; however, access to a printer during class time will be extremely limited.
Materials Needed:
For this class, students will need the following:
Notebook Section for this class
Loose Leaf College Rule Paper
Blue/Black Pen and Pencils
3 different color highlighters
Grading: Student work will be graded using a points system. The categories and corresponding point values are as follows:
50-150 points
50-100 points
10 - 50 points
10% of total grade
10% of total grade
Formal Communication (including major assignments,
embedded assessments, written products, writing processes,
presentations, research)
End of Unit Multiple Choice Tests
Quizzes, Classwork, and Homework
District Writing Final Exam
District Final Exam
Extra-Credit and Late Work:
Students are allowed to turn in missing work other than tests/quizzes and any other specified assignments within one week
of original due date for up to 50% credit. They may not turn in late work past the one week deadline. One extra credit
opportunity is provided during the quarter for 25 classwork/homework points. This will coincide with writing contests and
other important opportunities and will be posted in the classroom and virtual classroom. Do not wait until the end of the
semester to ask for extra credit.
Class Expectations:
❖ Arrive for class on-time and ready to work.
❖ Follow classroom procedures and directions.
❖ Treat your classmates and teacher with respect. Harassment will not be tolerated and all
district guidelines will be followed.
❖ Complete work honestly (no copying, cheating, or plagiarizing will be accepted in this
class, regardless of the point-value of the assignment; all transgressions will result in a zero
and a notification to administration).
❖ Technology use is permitted in the classroom only when directed by the teacher.
❖ Access virtual classroom when absent, acquire missing notes from a classmate, and speak to Ms. Mull about
missing handouts listed but not accessible on virtual classroom.
❖ Complete absent work in a timely fashion and submit it to the make-up work basket. (1 day allowed for each day
absent, unless assignment was due on the day absent; it is then due when you return).
❖ Schedule make-up tests on the day you return.
❖ School/district dress code will be enforced.
❖ Food and drinks other than water are not permitted in the classroom.
Virtual Classroom: The virtual classroom will be used primarily as a place for students and parents to access the schedule
for the class. This tool is particularly useful for students who are absent. All students are required to enroll in the virtual
classroom. http://moodle2.gilbertschools.net/moodle/course/view.php?id=479 The guest enrollment key is coyotes and
the student enrollment key is the word coyotes.
Tardy Policy: Three Tardies = One Absence
First Tardy – No consequence
Second Tardy – Verbal Warning
Third Tardy – Classroom Consequence
Fourth Tardy – Phone Call Home
Fifth Tardy – Office Referral
Academic Honesty:
Students are expected to abide by ethical standards. All District guidelines for cheating and plagiarism will be strictly
followed. Any student who cheats on an assignment will receive a zero for that assignment, and disciplinary action WILL
follow. Any work that is submitted should be the student’s own work. Any evidence of plagiarism (from any source) will result
in a zero for that assignment and a disciplinary referral. Any student who allows another student to copy work will also receive
a zero. Detailed instruction on avoiding academic dishonesty will follow.
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS):
As members of the Coyote family, we pride ourselves on our dedication to Community, Values, Honor and Scholarship.
Students are expected to meet specific positive behavioral standards both in and out of the classroom. These behaviors,
such as being respectful and practicing academic honesty, are what make Campo Verde such an amazing place to
learn. During this school year, students will participate in a school-wide initiative focused on the promotion and
reinforcement of the expected standards of behavior.
Independent Projects:
Every quarter, Honors English I students will read and complete an assignment for a full-length book of his/her own choosing.
Each quarter’s choice will be thematic. Suggestions or lists may be provided for some quarters. The assignments, which will
vary from quarter to quarter, along with a parent signature form for permission to read the novel will go home at the
beginning of each quarter. A wide variety of novels will be available, but some of the novels suggested at the high school
level deal with mature themes that may not be appropriate for your child so please preview carefully. Not every book is
appropriate for every age group or maturity level, and some books require more foreknowledge than a student may possess.
Discerning choices made early in the quarter will help avoid unpleasantness later, as poor or late-made choices are not
grounds for due date extensions. In order to make prudent choices for all assignments, we encourage students to seek
suggestions from their peers, the library staff, family members, and instructors.
Please click on the link below to receive text or e-mail reminders about important upcoming due dates, activities and
assignments. Both parents and students are encouraged to sign in. If you would like more information before receiving
updates, you can go to https://www.remind.com/.
Honors English I: Text @42c9ca to 81010
Welcome to Campo Verde! It’s going to be a great year!
Student-Guardian Information and Syllabus Agreement Form
Student Name: ___________________________________
Guardian #1 - Name: __________________________________
Guardian #1 - e-mail: __________________________________
Guardian #1 - Phone#: _________________________________
Guardian #2 - Name: ___________________________________
Guardian #2 -e-mail: ___________________________________
Guardian #2 -phone#: __________________________________
Is there anything specific that you need me to know about your child?
I will communicate about all grade issues and any minor behavior issues promptly via e-mail. If you prefer a different
form of contact, please indicate above. Phone contact will be done during my lunch hour or after school, and there may
be some “phone tag” lapse time in communication.
I have read the syllabus for Honors English I on virtual classroom. I am aware of the texts, reading selections,
film clips, policies, expectations, and extra reading project guidelines. My child has my permission to participate
fully in the course and will abide by the course policies and procedures
http://moodle2.gilbertschools.net/moodle/course/view.php?id=479 ( guest key: coyotes).
Guardian Signature
For Ms. Mull’s Use Only
Date Contacted Reason
Student Signature
Top Ten List
Create a top ten list of things you would like for me to know in order to help you be successful this
year in English. Your list can include information about your interests, your likes and dislikes, your
learning styles, traits you appreciate in a teacher, kinds of class activities you like, struggles &
successes, the kinds of people you like to work with… anything, really, that will help me be a better
teacher for you. Feel free to sprinkle in some humor, but make sure you share information that I
can use to support your learning!
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