Junction City Middle School Advanced Language Arts Contract 2013-2014 As an Advanced Language Arts student, you will be required to maintain passing grades, to put forth your best effort always, and to be a role model in the school. This also means discipline should not be a problem. This course will help you improve in the areas of critical thinking, reading, writing, viewing, speaking and listening as indicated by the Common Core State Standards. You will interact with a variety of rigorous texts across genres, cultures, and time. You will be expected to complete higher level reading, writing, and enrichment activities that provide a deeper and more extensive study than your grade-level Language Arts class. Proficiency in basic reading, writing, and technology skills is expected. You should have passed the Kansas State Reading Assessment and should be proficient in basic grammar skills. Rigorous out-of-class reading and writing assignments are required. You will complete assignments with greater depth, complexity, and independence. Placement in the Advanced Language Arts course will be for the duration of the 2013-2014 school year. Schedules will not be changed after placement occurs. SIGNED CONTRACTS ARE DUE BACK TO YOUR ASSIGNED LANGUAGE ARTS TEACHER BY FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 2013. Student Signature ________________________________________ Date _____________ As a parent/guardian of an Advanced Language Arts student I/we understand that our student will be exposed to an accelerated, more rigorous curriculum. I/we understand that our student will have learning requirements outside of the Advanced Language Arts class time to further enhance their learning. Parent/Guardian Signature_________________________________ Date_____________