Meteorology Service High School Course Title: Course Number: Teacher: Room: Email: Meteorology 255000 Mr. Lochner G-007 Keep a copy of this syllabus in your notebook. Course Description: Students in this course will study and learn how meteorologists monitor the weather using weather maps, satellites, radar, and physical and observational measurements of the atmosphere and sky. Students will also study the atmosphere’s: origin, composition and structure, solar and terrestrial radiation, heat and temperature, climate, air pressure, humidity, saturation and stability, clouds, precipitation, wind, air masses, fronts, cyclones, anticyclones, thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, and weather forecasting techniques. In addition, scientific reasoning, the scientific method, graphing, and the metric system will be taught. Course Expectations Teacher Provided Resources: Since there is no text book assigned to this course, students will be provided copies of assigned readings and questions. Lectures are usually given as PowerPoint presentations and students are expected to take notes during lectures. Student Provided Resources (To be brought Daily!): A three-ring binder specifically for this class Lined note-book paper A black or blue pen and pencil Colored pencils A Basic four-function calculator Ruler Attendance/Tardy Policy: The attendance, discipline and tardy policies for the Anchorage School District and Service High School will be strictly 1 observed. See your student handbook for these policies and be familiar with them. Three tardies will be written up as a referral. Bathroom Passes: The time you spend in the classroom is directly related to the amount you learn! Make every effort to use the bathroom during passing time. For those times when you must leave class to use the bathroom, go to your locker, see the nurse, etc., you will be given three hallway passes per quarter to use. Bring these passes with you to class every day. No other passes will be given. No exceptions! Unused passes can be turned in on the last day of the quarter for 3 extra-credit points each. Classroom Rules: The rules for all classes I teach are very simple. They are based on the premise that everyone can learn and excel if given the opportunity to do so in a setting free of disruptions. With this in mind, please adhere to the following rules: Pay attention during class. Use your time wisely. Turn in your assignments in a prompt manner. Do not interrupt your teacher or fellow students when they are speaking or working. Behave yourself appropriately at all times. No food or drinks in the classroom. No electronic devices in the classroom (including cell phones and mp3 players). Grading Policies Assignments: Classwork, labs, projects, and homework are an important part of your learning. They are designed to reinforce what is taught in the class. With this in mind, please take care to abide by the following policies: 1. You will be expected to complete every assignment given. 2. All in-class assignments are due at the end of the class period it is assigned unless otherwise instructed. 3. All homework is due at the beginning of class on the due day unless told otherwise by your instructor. 4. All assignments turned in late will be deducted by 50% of earned grade, unless you have an office excused absence. It is your responsibility to check with the instructor for missing work. 2 For every day a student is absent, they will be allowed one day (up to a maximum of five days) to turn in their missed work. 5. No assignments will be accepted after a test has been given on that material. 6. Assignments must be completed in a neat and readable manner. If your assignment is not legible, you stand the chance of losing credit for that assignment. 7. Alternative assignments may be given in-lieu of labs and videos that you have missed. You will still be responsible for the original material when it comes time for a test on that unit. Tests: Tests will cover all material, both done in class and as homework. Being absent from class and missing an assignment does not excuse you from being tested on the material. Extra Credit Policy: The extra-credit policy of the Service High School Science Department will be followed: If any science teacher at Service High chooses to offer extra credit to his/her students, it is advised that the value of the extra credit not exceed 2% of the overall percentage grade that the student earns for the semester. Grade Scale: Your final grade will be based on the total number of points received. Approximately 25% of your points will come from tests, 25% from labs/activities, and 50% from homework/classwork. The following grade scale will be used: 90 – 100% 80 – 89% 70 – 79% 60 – 69% 0 – 59% A B C D F Email: If you or your parents would like your grade emailed to you occasionally, make sure you have an Electronic Communication Form filed with the school, and provide me with your email address below. 3 Meteorology Service High School Student: I have read the course syllabus. I understand what is expected of me both academically and behaviorally, and I will do my best to succeed in this class. ___________________________ (Student Name – print) ______________________________ (Student Signature ___________________________ (Student email address) Parent/Guardian: I have read the course syllabus and understand what is expected from my child. ___________________________ (Parent/Guardian Signature) ______________________________ (Parent/Guardian Email 1) ______________________________ (Parent/Guardian Email 2) 4