LESSON PLANS – 6th Grade World History FROM__8/24 TO__8/28 24th M O N D A Y Finish Sharing Coat of Arms Discuss/Notes – What is History? (1.1) 2015-2016 WEEK_______E_________ HLA: Chapter 1 Interpreting Vocabulary – due Wednesday! World History Supplies – due tomorrow! Reminders: Chapter 1 Vocabulary Twiz – Friday! EC Supplies due by 9/2 Chapter 1 Test – 9/2 25th T U E S D A Y Check Supplies Notebook Setup Discuss/ Notes – How Does a Historian Work? (1.2) HLA: Chapter 1 Interpreting Vocabulary – due tomorrow! Review Chapter 1 Vocabulary – twiz Friday! Reminders: Chapter 1 Vocabulary Twiz – Friday! EC Supplies due by 9/2 Chapter 1 Test – 9/2 26th W E D N E S D A Y Check Chapter 1 Interpreting Vocabulary Computer Lab – Introduction to Online Research 27th T H U R S D A Y Discuss/ Notes – Researching History (1.3) Brainpop – “Plagiarism” & “Online Resources” HLA: Review Chapter 1 Vocabulary – twiz Friday! Reminders: Chapter 1 Vocabulary Twiz – Friday! EC Supplies due by 9/2 Chapter 1 Test – 9/2 HLA: Review Chapter 1 Vocabulary – twiz tomorrow! Reminders: Chapter 1 Vocabulary Twiz – tomorrow! EC Supplies due by 9/2 Chapter 1 Test – 9/2 Learning Goal: Students will understand why people study history, describe what artifacts historians use to understand the past, and explain guidelines for researching and how to work safely in the internet. Benchmarks: SS.6.W.1.1 SS.6.W.1.4 SS.6.W.1.2 SS.6.W.1.5 SS.6.W.1.3 SS.6.W.1.6 Learning Goal: Students will understand why people study history, describe what artifacts historians use to understand the past, and explain guidelines for researching and how to work safely in the internet. Benchmarks: SS.6.W.1.1 SS.6.W.1.4 SS.6.W.1.2 SS.6.W.1.5 SS.6.W.1.3 SS.6.W.1.6 Learning Goal: Students will understand why people study history, describe what artifacts historians use to understand the past, and explain guidelines for researching and how to work safely in the internet. Benchmarks: SS.6.W.1.1 SS.6.W.1.4 SS.6.W.1.2 SS.6.W.1.5 SS.6.W.1.3 SS.6.W.1.6 Learning Goal: Students will understand why people study history, describe what artifacts historians use to understand the past, and explain guidelines for researching and how to work safely in the internet. Benchmarks: SS.6.W.1.1 SS.6.W.1.4 SS.6.W.1.2 SS.6.W.1.5 SS.6.W.1.3 SS.6.W.1.6 28th F R I D A Y HLA: Chapter 1 Vocabulary Twiz History Fair Topic Questionnaire Begin World Map Reminders: EC Supplies due by 9/2 Chapter 1 Test – 9/2 Learning Goal: Students will understand why people study history, describe what artifacts historians use to understand the past, and explain guidelines for researching and how to work safely in the internet. Benchmarks: SS.6.W.1.1 SS.6.W.1.4 SS.6.W.1.2 SS.6.W.1.5 SS.6.W.1.3 SS.6.W.1.6 Accommodations – ESE / ESOL /504: 1. Preferential Seating 2. Daily agenda and assignments on board 3. Oral and written notes & directions 4. Structured schedule for assignment completion 5. Daily use of teacher website & Gradebook 6. Weekly assignment sheets to ESE/504 Teacher 7. Extended time on tests and class work if needed 8. Planner signed daily if needed 9. Flexible format for responses 10. Retakes of tests/quizzes to show mastery of skill 11. Outlines & notes provided if needed 12. Distraction stimuli minimized & reminders to stay on task