LESSON PLANS – 6th Grade World History FROM__1/18 Daily Plan 2015-2016 TO__1/22____ WEEK_______F_________ Home Learning Activities (HLA)/Reminders Daily Goal and NGSSS 18th M O N D A Y T U E S D A Y W E D N E S D A Y T H U R S D A Y F R I D A Y MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. DAY NO SCHOOL 19th HLA: Hercules Guided viewing-finish movie Read the real myth Compare & Contrast movie & myth Discussion Reminders: H/F Board Due tomorrow! 20th HLA: H/F Boards Due H/F Presentations Reminders: 21st HLA: H/F Presentations (if needed) Reminders: 22nd HLA: 8.4 “Hellenistic Culture” Read/Discuss Outline Reminders: Ancient Greece (Ch. 7 & 8) test next Thursday (1/28) SSS: SS.6.W.1.3 SS.6.W.3.2 SS.6.W.3.5 SS.6.W.3.6 SS.6.C.1.1 LA. LA. LA. LA. LA. SSS: SSS: SSS: SS.6.W.1.3 SS.6.W.3.7 SS.6.G.1.7 SS.6.G.2.2 SS.6.G.2.6 SS.6.G.6.2 LA. LA. Accommodations – ESE / ESOL /504: 1. Preferential Seating 2. Daily agenda and assignments on board 3. Oral and written notes & directions 4. Structured schedule for assignment completion 5. Daily use of SharePoint & Pinpoint6. Weekly assignment sheets to ESE/504 Teacher 7. Extended time on tests and class work if needed 8. Planner signed daily if needed 9. Flexible format for responses 10. Retakes of tests/quizzes to show mastery of skill 11. Outlines & notes provided if needed 12. Distraction stimuli minimized & reminders to stay on task.