CIVICS LESSON PLANS – WEEK E FROM__ HOME LEARNING ACTIVITY M O N D A Y 11/16 WU: Check Ch 16 Def Depot & Ch 16.2 IR HLA: Ch 16.3 IR – due tomorrow!! 11/16 TO__11/20 REMINDERS Friday, 11/20 – Ch 16 Twiz – American Legal System Tuesday, 12/9 – SSL Brochure Project CW: Finish “Titans” Discuss / Notes – American Legal System BENCHMARKS Learning Goal: Students will be able to differentiate the types and sources of laws, and understand why crimes occur and the role of the criminal justice system in our society. Benchmarks: SS.7.C.2.2 SS.7.C.2.4 SS.7.C.3.11 SS.7.C.3.10 SS.7.C.2.3 SS.7.C.2.6 T U E S D A Y WU: Turn in Chapter 16 IR’s (1-3) HLA: Highlighter Study Outline & Vocab CW: Discuss / Notes – American Legal System Learning Goal: Students will be able to differentiate the types and sources of laws, and understand why crimes occur and the role of the criminal justice system in our society. 11/17 Benchmarks: SS.7.C.2.2 SS.7.C.2.4 SS.7.C.3.11 SS.7.C.3.10 SS.7.C.2.3 SS.7.C.2.6 W E D N E S D A Y 11/18 CW: Criminal Justice Handbook Activity Assign roles for mock trial HLA: CJ Handbook Activity – due Friday!! Highlighter Study Outline & Vocab - Ch 16 Twiz Friday!! Learning Goal: Students will be able to differentiate the types and sources of laws, and understand why crimes occur and the role of the criminal justice system in our society. Benchmarks: SS.7.C.2.2 SS.7.C.2.4 1 SS.7.C.3.11 SS.7.C.3.10 SS.7.C.2.3 SS.7.C.2.6 T H U R S D A Y CW: Mock Trial – State of Florida v. Jaime Potter HLA: CJ Handbook Activity – due tomorrow! Highlighter Study Outline & Vocab - Ch 16 Twiz tomorrow! 11/19 F R I D A Y 11/20 WU: Turn in Ch 16 Outline & Definition Depot Turn in CJ Handbook Activity CW: Chapter 16 Twiz – American Legal System Begin “12 Angry Men” HLA: Read 5.1 Learning Goal: Students will simulate the trial process and the role of juries in the administration of justice. Benchmarks: SS.7.C.3.9 SS.7.C.2.2 SS.7.C.2.4 SS.7.C.3.11 SS.7.C.3.10 SS.7.C.2.3 SS.7.C.2.6 Learning Goal: Students will demonstrate an understanding of the different types and sources of laws, why crimes occur and the role of the criminal justice system in our society. Benchmarks: SS.7.C.2.2 SS.7.C.2.4 SS.7.C.3.11 SS.7.C.3.10 SS.7.C.2.3 SS.7.C.2.6 Accommodations – ESE / ESOL /504: 1. Preferential Seating 2. Daily agenda and assignments on board 3. Oral and written notes & directions 4. Structured schedule for assignment completion 5. Daily use of teacher website and Gradebook 6. Weekly assignment sheets to ESE/504 Teacher 7. Extended time on tests and class work if needed 8. Planner signed daily if needed 9. Flexible format for responses 10. Retakes of tests/quizzes to show mastery of skill 11. Outlines & notes provided if needed 12. Distraction stimuli minimized & reminders to stay on task 2