Mutual Exchange amendments

Allocations Policy Changes
October 2015
Section One: Policy Details*
Name of Policy
Lead Officer
Housing Allocations Policy
Tom McFadyean, Policy Officer, Freeman’s Hall, 2-6 The
Cross, Prestwick
Policy Development Team
Tom McFadyean, Policy Officer, Freeman’s Hall, 2-6 The
Cross, Prestwick
Critical friend (s)
John Hodge, Policy & Strategy Co-ordinator, Freeman’s Hall,
2-6 The Cross, Prestwick
*Policy could include strategy, project or application: see guidance attached.
What are the main aims
of the policy change?
To allow requests for mutual exchanges to be granted in
specific circumstances where overcrowding/under-crowding
may still be evident after an exchange occurs.
The mutual exchange would be granted where it is recognised
that it would result in either alleviating the housing need, or
improving the housing circumstances of one or both applicants
A mutual exchange would not be granted where either
applicants’ housing need or housing circumstances are
What are the intended
outcomes of the policy
Increase in the number of mutual exchange applications
Increased housing options
exchange applicants
Potential reduction in number of applications held for transfer
on Council lists as a result of more mutual exchanges being
Increased focus on improving the housing circumstances of
applicants when considering mutual exchange requests
Section Two: What are the Likely Impacts of the Policy?
Will the policy impact
The Policy changes are likely to have a positive impact on
upon the whole population existing tenants wishing to mutual exchange.
of South Ayrshire or
particular groups within
This is because restrictions identified within the current
the population? (please
Allocations Policy have been reduced.
Considering the following Protected Characteristics and themes, what likely impacts
or issues does the policy have for the group or community.
List any likely positive and/or negative impacts
Protected Characteristics
Positive and/or Negative Impacts
Race: Issues relating to people
of any racial group, ethnic or
national origin, including gypsy
travellers and migrant workers.
It is anticipated there will be no specific impacts on
people from BME groups as the changes to the
Allocations Policy will be applied equally to everyone
irrespective of their ethnic identity or national origin,
including gypsy travellers.
However, care must be taken to ensure that information
is made available in a range of formats as required.
Sex: Issues specific to women
or men
It is anticipated there will be no specific impacts on
men or women as the changes to the Allocations Policy
will be applied equally to everyone irrespective of their
Disability: Issues relating to
disabled people
A positive impact is anticipated for people who are living
with a physical disability, as increased flexibility within the
Mutual Exchange Policy will assist to identify a greater
range of housing options, and may assist to more swiftly
alleviate the housing need of such applicants.
Age: Issues relating to a
particular age group e.g. older
people or children and young
A positive impact is anticipated for people of all ages, as
increased flexibility within the Mutual Exchange Policy
will enhance the range of available housing options
amongst such applicants.
Religion or Belief: issues
relating to a person’s religion or
belief (including non-belief)
It is anticipated there will be no specific impacts on
people with particular religion / beliefs (including nonbelief) as the changes to the Allocations Policy will be
applied equally to everyone, irrespective of religion or
Sexual Orientation: Issues
relating to a person’s sexual
orientation i.e. lesbian, gay , bisexual, heterosexual
We anticipate that there will be no specific impact on
people LGBT people as the changes to the Allocations
Policy will be applied equally to everyone, irrespective of
their sexual orientation.
Marriage and Civil Partnership:
Issues relating to people who are
married or are in a civil
It is anticipated there will be no specific impact on
people who are married or in a civil partnership as the
changes to the Allocations Policy will be applied equally
to everyone, irrespective of marital status.
Gender Reassignment: Issues
relating to people who have
proposed, started or completed a
process to change his or her sex.
It is anticipated there will be no specific impact on
people who are undergoing gender reassignment as
the allocations policy changes will be applied equally to
everyone, irrespective of gender reassignment status.
Pregnancy and Maternity:
Issues relating to the condition of
being pregnant or expecting a
baby and the period after the
Multiple / Cross Cutting
Equality Issues
Issues relating to multiple
protected characteristics.
A positive impact is anticipated for people who are
pregnant, as increased flexibility within the Mutual
Exchange Policy will assist to identify a greater range of
housing options, and may assist to more swiftly
alleviate the housing need of such applicants.
We do not anticipate that this policy change will have
any specific impact relating to multiple protected
Equality and Diversity Themes Particularly Relevant to South Ayrshire Council
Issues and impacts affecting
people’s health
The policy changes are expected to impact positively
on people who have a physical disability or any illness
that affects mobility.
The policy changes are also expected to impact
positively in relation to improving general health and
wellbeing of applicants who can mutual exchange to a
property which better suits their current or anticipated
Human Rights: Issues and
impacts affecting people’s human
rights such as being treated with
dignity and respect, the right to
education, the right to respect for
private and family life, and the
right to free elections.
It is anticipated these policy changes will not impact
on a person’s human rights.
Impacts relating to living and
working in a rural community
The policy changes are expected to impact positively
on people who wish to live and work in a rural
community by allowing movement to a preferred
community via mutual exchange.
Issues relating to poverty and
social exclusion, and the
disadvantage that results from it.
The policy changes are expected to impact positively
on issues relating to poverty and social exclusion, and
the disadvantage that results from it, by allowing
applicants to move to less isolated locations and/or
more affordable circumstances
Section Three: Evidence Used in Developing the Policy
Involvement and Consultation 
In assessing the impact(s) set out
above what evidence has been
collected from involvement,
engagement or consultation?
Who did you involve, when and
Discussion with housing operation Co-ordinators at
joint Policy & Performance meetings of:
SAC tenants were invited to comment on the draft
Policy changes at the Monitoring Group meeting of
26th November 2015
The Portfolio carrier for Housing and Customer First,
Councillor Philip Saxton, has been consulted on the
content of this report
22nd June 2015
22nd July 2015
12th August 2015
9th September 2015
Data and Research
In assessing the impact set out
above what evidence has been
collected from research or other
data. Please specify what
research was carried out or data
collected, when and how this was
No specific data has been collected, or research
undertaken as the proposed policy change is in
response to local circumstances at the request of our
housing operations team
Partners data and research
In assessing the impact set out
above what evidence has been
provided by partners. Please
specify partners
No specific data or research from partners has been
considered as the proposed policy change is in
response to local circumstances by allowing more
flexibility in agreeing/refusing mutual exchange
applications dependant on specific circumstances
Gaps and Uncertainties
Have you identified any gaps or
uncertainties in your
understanding of the issues or
impacts that need to be explored
No gaps or uncertainties have been identified. As
mutual exchange applicants already occupy a property
the policy change is to allow more flexibility for
applicants to move where this alleviates housing need.
The applicant would still be occupying a social rented
tenancy regardless of a decision.
Section Four: Detailed Action Plan to address identified gaps in:
a) evidence and
b) to mitigate negative impacts
Lead Officer(s)
There are no identified gaps in evidence
There are no anticipated negative impacts
Note: Please add more rows as required.
Section Five - Performance monitoring and reporting
Considering the policy as a whole, including its equality and diversity implications:
When is the policy intended to
come into effect?
January 2016
When will the policy be reviewed?
January 2017
Which Scrutiny Panel will have
oversight of the policy?
Leadership Panel
Section 6
South Ayrshire Council
Appendix 1
Summary Equality Impact Assessment Implications & Mitigating
Name of Policy: Housing Allocations Policy
This policy will assist or inhibit the Council’s ability to eliminate discrimination; advance
equality of opportunity; and foster good relations as follows:
Eliminate discrimination
The Policy changes will assist the Council to eliminate discrimination by improving housing
options for mutual exchange applicants wishing to alleviate their housing need
Advance equality of opportunity
The Policy changes will advance equality of opportunity for mutual exchange applicants
wishing to alleviate their housing need by allowing a mutual exchange to be granted
Foster good relations
The Policy changes may assist the Council to foster good relations with existing tenants
who would otherwise be adversely affected by the current Allocations Policy.
Summary of Action Plan to Mitigate Negative Impacts
There are no negative impacts anticipated.
Signed: ..........David Burns.....................................................Head of Service
...........16th October 2015....................................................