Instructions for Request for Student Activity Fee Funds In order to request annual funding from the Student Activities Fee Committee, all interested parties must submit their request form and proposal electronically, using the outline listed below: 1. Request for Student Activity Fee Funds – Please summarize your request on this form. 1. Program Goals for the requested funds – Please outline your goals or learning outcomes for your program. 2. Program Outline for upcoming year – Please list specifically what event or activity the funds will be spent on. If there are several events offered in a series, please include the dates, times and locations of each. Publications should give the expected date of each issue. Service areas should provide a breakdown of positions funded, supplies, and materials needed 3. Budget Request - Please show a total budget breakdown in Excel format (spreadsheet attached) on how the funds will be used. 4. Justification for the use of Student Activity Fee Funds – describe how your program will benefit GRU students and why student activity fee funds should be used for the program. How does your program help accomplish the university mission, vision, and values? 5. Assessment - Approximately how many students participated either directly as members or attended this event in the past? Were goals established in the previous year met and what method of assessment was used? What changes have been made to your program as a result of your assessments? Finally, also include your method and/or survey used to rate overall student satisfaction. How was this information used as a result of the survey? If this is a new program, please explain how you will assess the program’s success. If a publication, be sure to include your method for distributing publication and the estimated student readership totals for the year. Please submit all forms as one document to