Registration form, ATSILIRN Conference 17th-18th November 2010 Tax Invoice (ABN) 94 119 934684 This registration form, upon proof of payment, becomes a Tax Invoice. Register NOW by returning this form via facsimile or post. Title (Dr/Mrs/Mr/Ms/Professor):________ First name:__________________________ Last name:________________________ Institution/employer:____________________________________________________ Postal Address:__________________________________________________________ City/Town:__________________________ Postcode:_________________________ Telephone:__________________________ Fax:______________________________ Email:__________________________________________________________________ Type of Registration Early bird (before 31st July) Full cost Late registration (after 30th September) Day registration Dinner (extra ticket for non-registered guest) Registration Fee $AUD 300 350 400 200 70 Members Fee $AUD 250 300 350 150 Please indicate your attendance at the following functions which are included in the Conference Registration Fee: Yes ATSILIRN General Meeting Conference Dinner Wednesday 17th November 2010 Extra guest $70 YES No NO Special dietary requirements: _____________________________________________________ Registration fee amount: ________ Send your registrations to: Pat Brady GPO Box 553 CANBERRA ACT 2601 FAX :02 6261 4287 Total: _________