Week of Day Mon. May 14 May 14, 2012 Anchor Descriptor Identify and explain main ideas and relevant details. Teacher Beth Petruzzi Eligible Content or Academic Standard Evaluate how conflict and cooperation among groups and organizations have influenced the growth and development of the U.S. Course: United States History I Objective All students will report important information regarding the Civil War through research. Strategies for this lesson NO PDN Library Students will conduct research on The Civil War through an internet webquest. Assessment FormativeQuestions/Answers/Observations by teacher and students Summative- Pair Share Assignment Connection to Anchor: Students will evaluate how the Civil War influenced the growth and development of the United States through researching its main ideas and relevant details. Identify and explain Evaluate how conflict and All students will report NO PDN Library Tues. Formativemain ideas and cooperation among groups important information Students will May Questions/Answers/Observations by relevant details. and organizations have regarding the Civil War conduct 15 teacher and students influenced the growth and development of the U.S. through research. research on The Civil War through an internet webquest. Summative- Pair Share Assignment Connection to Anchor: Students will evaluate how the Civil War influenced the growth and development of the United States through researching its main ideas and relevant details. Identify, interpret, Evaluate how conflict and All students will recall PDN- Answer viewing FormativeWed. describe, and cooperation among groups important details and history questions Questions/Answers/Observations by May analyze the point of and organizations have information from chapter section 2 chapter 11. teacher and students 16 view of the narrator influenced the growth and 11 sections 1 and 2 to - Students will in nonfictional text. development of the U.S. review for their selective Summative- PDN, Group Work, Review complete a responsive quiz. think pair share activity. - Students will review key terms for quiz. Connection to Anchor: Students will identify important information regarding the Civil War and the conflict that in presented in the US in preparation for their selective response quiz. Thurs May 17 Identify and explain main ideas and relevant details. Compare the role groups and individuals played in the social, political, cultural, and economic development of the U.S. All students will recognize how the Battles of Gettysburg and Vicksburg turned the tide of the Civil War. PDN- Review key terms. Key Term quiz. Chapter 11 half of section 3 notes/lecture. FormativeQuestions/Answers/Observations by teacher and students Summative- Quiz, Notes Connection to Anchor: Students will identify why certain battles turned the tide of the Civil War and how the conflict played a role in the development of the United States. Fri May 18 Identify and explain main ideas and relevant details. Compare the role groups and individuals played in the social, political, cultural, and economic development of the U.S. All students will predict why 1863 was a pivotal year during the Civil War and critique the message of the Gettysburg Address. PDN-Answer viewing history questions for chapter 11 sec. 3. Finish notes/lecture chapter 11 sections 3. Ticket out the door FormativeQuestions/Answers/Observations by teacher and students Summative- PDN, Notes, TOD Connection to Anchor: Students will explain why 1863 was a pivotal year and how the Gettysburg Address lead to social and cultural changes in the United States.