Week of Day Mon. November 29th Teacher Kesselring Course: Anchor Descriptor Eligible Content or Academic Standard R4.B.2 Understand literary devsces in fictional and literary nonfictional texts R4.B.2.13 identify and or interpret examples or alliteration in text when its use is presumed intentional Reading Objective Categorizing Strategies for this lesson Think Alouds ,Guided Practice, Independent Practice Assessment Formative-Study Island and worksheets generated from Study Island. Graphic organizers Oral discussion\ Summative- Connection to Anchor: Tues. R4.B.1 Understand components within and between texts R4.B.1.1 Identify, interpret, compare, and describe when or where a story or personal narrative takes place Conclude Appraise Interpret Evaluate Teacher inquiry KWL chart Formative-Practice book pages Study Island Group discussion Finding relevant details Summative- Connection to Anchor: Wed R4.A.2Understand nonfiction appropriate to grade level R4.A.2.1.1.Identify and/or interpret the meaning of multiple meaning words in text Appraise Evaluate conclude R4. A.1.2.1 Identify how the meaning of a word is changed when an affix is added Evaluate Determine Apply knowledge Define Identify relevant details that are clues to determine which meaning applies to the context used. Formative-Group discussion Comprehension questions, worksheet Define affixes meanings through teacher guided activity Determine meanings of words using informatin Formative-Class discussion. Defintion chart. Application of meaning using the affix chart and context clues Define the different genres of through teacher guided activity Apply characteristics to Formative-Group discussion Worksheet activity Study Islan Summative- Connection to Anchor: Thurs R4.A.1. understand fiction appropriate to grade level Summative- Connection to Anchor: Fri R4.A.1 Understand fiction appropriate to grade level R4.A.1.6.1 Identify intended purpose of text Evaluate Determine Apply knowledge Define determine genre Connection to Anchor: Summative-