January 15, 2014 - Byrom Elementary PSO

Byrom Elementary PSO General Meeting
January 15, 2014
Attending: Cindy Hutchison, Michael Rotunno, Mike Nolop, Tim Divine, Sarah Flynn, RuthAnne
Day, Margie Yemoto-Greene, Sandy Van Vleet, Theresa Marchetti
Meeting called at 7:04 p.m.
RuthAnne Day motioned to approve Dec. minutes as written and seconded by Michael Rotunno
Financial News
Spirit Wear is in the negative due to overstock of merchandise. Good idea to sell at
Auction if possible. Local businesses could be another possibility. If a large inventory of
merchandise is moved, a designated inventory volunteer would be needed.
Foundation News presented by Margie Yemoto-Greene
Fundraising going well and currently 6-8% above last year’s figures during this time
Each school is recently received a grant of $6,650
The next foundation grant is coming shortly. The spending details will come shortly
through Sarah Flynn using data from the site council.
The call date at Byrom for Fund Drive will be Feb.19th. Byrom is one of four schools which
are having calls done on-site. District-wide phone outreach will be Feb. 24-26. 7 teachers
have already signed up to participate for calling donors. The 2013-14 slogan is “Our Kids,
Our Schools, and Our Priority”.
Volunteer Items
Coin Drive will have coin counting machine on hand. Classrooms have fit in office for
depositing of coins. Volunteers needed for event. Byrom has no chair yet for this activity.
Therefore no coin related competition has been created.
Carnival- Maria says planning is going well. No word on volunteer needs reported.
Auction- Nikki and Jessie feel good about overall situation.
There are blank displays in front lobby which needs to be utilized.
Sarah Flynn
Computer Lab has moved into Room 1 which is more conducive for general learning and
Oaks testing.
Care Team developed to talk about race and equity among all teachers and subsequently
their students. Consultant comes in and provides needed coaching. Then individual
students will be looked at.
Common Core state standards have been main reference for assessments. There is now a
transition to formal or “smarter balance” approach.
Michael Rotunno motioned to adjourn meeting with Tim Divine seconding
Meeting called at 8:07 p.m.