How would you like an opportunity to help lower-income families and also learn? The ANSWER… Volunteer Income Tax Assistance! VITA is a program of the IRS to specifically prepare free tax returns for lowerincome families. Free tax preparation is made possible by our volunteers. You don’t have to be an accountant, banker, or lawyer to become a Tax Counseling Project volunteer. Our volunteers come from all backgrounds and communities. With our short training program you can help hard working families receive over $6,000 back in refunds! For your chance to volunteer... Call a number or Email : The EXPERIENCE... By volunteering at least one night a week from January to April 15. You can help hard working families secure money that they have earned by preparing their tax returns! Immediately see the results of your efforts when you help families get back thousands of dollars. We can train ANYONE to prepare taxes. No experience necessary! The REWARD… You’ve learned how to prepare taxes, and you’ve been able to help lower income families. Center for Economic Progress