Byrom Elementary PSO General Meeting February 19, 2014 Attending: Cindy Hutchison, Michael Rotunno, Mike Nolop, Tim Divine, RuthAnne Day, Theresa Marchetti, Jill Hereth, Nikki Castillo, Jessie Nolop, Sarah Flynn, Sandy VanVleet, Maria Lathrop Meeting called at 7:03 p.m. Cindy Hutchison motioned to approve corrected minutes with Theresa Marchetti seconding Financial Report All class parties are done. The fifth grade is the only one remaining. There was a small discussion of what to do when parent(s) cannot afford to donate. This was tabled for further discussion No other issues raised or were covered in board meeting Auction News March 8th, 2014 at Lake Oswego Country Club Crazy week for planning, but moving forward Ticket taking volunteers needed E-mail reminder will be sent out in a timely manner Communication Concerns Communications is always a factor in attracting volunteers Lack of a Bryom community feel felt by some at meeting which may not be good news for Bryom’s direction. It was expressed this “Byrom Community” was one of the attractive assets to incoming parents and their families. At Byrom, there is not a lot of talk about the PSO The newsletter has not been consistent in being available of late and needs to be consistent in production again Community building breeds more volunteers and new ideas Scale down auction? Every other year for an auction? How about luncheon silent auction? Dessert Auction? People tend to gravitate towards their events or projects which can be an asset because they know it or a detriment because it can cause a vacuum for any event outside their scope. Sarah Flynn Report New computer teacher hired. For now, they will be here every three weeks. Any supplemental work will be given to them to maximize their potential. Professional development will be on Tuesdays for teachers Next year, Sarah’s expectation is to have kids on computers twice a week. Sarah is setting the structure in equipment and manpower currently to make this happen (Patience folks). Carnival Good progress Giddy up Ya’ all, it’s rodeo time May 16th Less trinkets, but nicer prizes. Bundt cake is one of the events planned. Lots of different food will be available. There will be no individual ticket per booth; but an unlimited, allinclusive lanyard Hopefully, the bulk of volunteers will come from the high school The current price Maria is thinking would be $10.00, but wanted to get a feel for what other Byrom parents would be willing to pay for admission Maria would like a budget number to solidly create an admission fee. Even at $15.00 for the admission fee, it would be cheaper than the $25.00 fee at last carnival. Michael Rotunno motioned to adjourn meeting with Tim Divine seconding Meeting called at 8:26 p.m.