What can you do to help your child succeed in English 11?

Dear parent or guardian:
What can you do to help your child succeed in English 11? For the answer,
please read the following, then sign, detach, and return the back bottom portion.
Keep the remainder of the sheet as a reference.
Grades will be divided into two categories:
CHQ’s: 33% - short assignments (class work, homework, quizzes)
TER’s: 67% - more important assignments, such as the research paper (tests, essays,
research papers)
Aside from the weighting, the difference between the two is usually the length of time
allotted for preparation/completion.
CHQ homework must be submitted at the beginning of the class period due in order to
receive credit. That means the student and the work arrive together.
I do not send students to their lockers to retrieve homework assignments. It is their
responsibility to be prepared for class. No work equals a grade of zero.
Occasionally, an assignment will be given during class, and in that case, the students will
need to submit work at the end of that class.
Long assignments, TER’s, will be accepted late but with a penalty: 5 points a class day.
In either case, legitimate absentees are exempt for a class period.
I post assignments on a calendar on the Frontier website. If you want to check on
upcoming assignments, go to website, choose high school, my name, and CALENDAR.
Since TER’s take longer to grade, allow after a reasonable amount of time. Eventually,
you will be able to see a score on Infinite Campus. If I’ve entered TER scores but your
child hasn’t submitted work,
you will see check marks for “missing” and “late.”
If you need a printed copy of an interim report, please have your child request one from
me. Otherwise, access the grades on Infinite Campus.
In addition to a wide variety of in-class reading material, students are required to read
outside of class. Students will need to choose a book that fits the following criteria:
- contains 180 pages minimally
- is commensurate with grade/ability level
- has not previously been read by student
- is not in movie form
- has been approved by me
Students will engage in research utilizing MLA (Modern Language Association) style.
There will also be in-depth discussion about what constitutes plagiarism since (regardless
of the assignment) the consequence for plagiarizing will be a grade of zero.
I hope your child has a successful year in English 11. Please email me at
vbready@frontier.wnyric.org if you need information on your child’s progress.
Mrs. Virginia Bready
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Student name: __________________________________________
Class period:
Parent signature: ________________________________________