Periodic Table: Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev produced remarkably his version of the periodic table of elements in the 1800’s. Mendeleev periodic table appeared in his work "On the Relationship of the Properties of the Elements to their Atomic Weights" in 1869. Mendeleev placed many elements out of order based on their accepted atomic weights at the time. Mendeleev predicted the existence and properties of unknown elements which he called eka-aluminum, ekaboron, and eka-silicon. The elements gallium, scandium and germanium were found later to fit his predictions quite well. Periodic Law: Many of the physical and chemical properties of elements repeat in a periodic manner. Periodic Trends: Atomic Radius The atomic radius of an element is half of the distance between the centers of two atoms of that element that are just touching each other. Generally, the atomic radius decreases across a period from left to right and increases down a given group. The atoms with the largest atomic radii are located in Group I and at the bottom of groups. Moving from left to right across a period, electrons are added one at a time to the outer energy shell. Electrons within a shell cannot shield each other from the attraction to protons. Since the number of protons is also increasing, the effective nuclear charge increases across a period. This causes the atomic radius to decrease. Moving down a group in the periodic table, the number of electrons and filled electron shells increases, but the number of valence electrons remains the same. The outermost electrons in a group are exposed to the same effective nuclear charge, but electrons are found farther from the nucleus as the number of filled energy shells increases. Therefore, the atomic radii increase. Ionization Energy The ionization energy, or ionization potential, is the energy required to completely remove an electron from a gaseous atom or ion. The closer and more tightly bound an electron is to the nucleus, the more difficult it will be to remove, and the higher its ionization energy will be. The first ionization energy is the energy required to remove one electron from the parent atom. The second ionization energy is the energy required to remove a second valence electron from the univalent ion to form the divalent ion, and so on. Successive ionization energies increase. The second ionization energy is always greater than the first ionization energy. Ionization energies increase moving from left to right across a period (decreasing atomic radius). Ionization energy decreases moving down a group (increasing atomic radius). Group I elements have low ionization energies because the loss of an electron forms a stable octet. Electronegativity Electronegativity is a measure of the attraction of an atom for the electrons in a chemical bond. The higher the electronegativity of an atom, the greater its attraction for bonding electrons. Electronegativity is related to ionization energy. Electrons with low ionization energies have low electronegativities because their nuclei do not exert a strong attractive force on electrons. Elements with high ionization energies have high electronegativities due to the strong pull exerted on electrons by the nucleus. In a group, the electronegativity decreases as atomic number increases, as a result of increased distance between the valence electron and nucleus (greater atomic radius). An example of an electropositive (i.e., low electronegativity) element is cesium; an example of a highly electronegative element is fluorine. Summary of Periodic Table Trends Moving Left → Right Atomic Radius Decreases Ionization Energy Increases Electron Affinity Generally Increases (except Noble Gas Electron Affinity Near Zero) Electronegativity Increases Moving Top → Bottom Atomic Radius Increases Ionization Energy Decreases Electron Affinity Generally Decreases Moving Down a Group Electronegativity Decreases Ions: Cations and anions are both ions. The difference between a cation and an anion is the net electrical charge of the ion. Ions are atoms or molecules which have gained or lost one or more valence electrons giving the ion a net positive or negative charge. Cations are ions with a net positive charge. Silver: Ag+, hydronium: H3O+, and ammonium: NH4+ Anions are ions with a net negative charge. Examples: hydroxide anion: OH-, oxide anion: O2-, and sulfate anion: SO42Anions are Bigger, Cations are smaller. anions are negatively charged species because they have gained an extra electron, which is negatively charged. The more electrons an atom has the more the outer electrons are shielded from the pull that the positive nucleus has on them, therefore when an atom gains an electron the nucleus can not pull in a strongly and the resulting radius, specifically ionic radius is larger. cations have lost an electron and therefore do not have as many electrons to shield the outer shell electrons from the attraction of the nucleus, the electron cloud is pulled closer and they are smaller The Octet Rule: The octet rule states that elements gain or lose electrons to attain an electron configuration of the nearest noble gas. Here is an explanation of how that works and why elements follow the octet rule. The Octet Rule Noble gases have complete outer electron shells, which make them very stable. Other elements also seek stability, which governs their reactivity and bonding behavior. Halogens are one electron away from filled energy levels, so they are very reactive. Chlorine, for example, has seven electrons in its outer electron shell. Chlorine readily bonds with other elements so that it can have a filled energy level, like argon. +328.8 kJ per mole of chlorine atoms are released when chlorine acquires a single electron. In contrast, energy would be required to add a second electron to a chlorine atom. From a thermodynamic standpoint, chlorine is most likely to participate in reactions where each atom gains a single electron. The other reactions are possible, but less favorable. The octet rule is an informal measure of how favorable a chemical bond is between atoms. Why Do Elements Follow the Octet Rule? Atoms follow the octet rule because they always seek the most stable electron configuration. Following the octet rule results in completely filled s- and p- orbitals in an atom's outermost energy level. Low atomic weight elements (the first twenty elements) are most likely to adhere to the octet rule. Properties of Metals: Examples of Metals Most of the elements on the periodic table are metals, including gold, silver, platinum, mercury, uranium, aluminum, sodium and calcium. Alloys, such as brass and bronze, also are metals. Location on the Periodic Table Metals are located on the left side and the middle of the periodic table. Group IA and Group IIA (the alkali metals) are the most active metals. The transition elements, groups IB to VIIIB, are also considered metals. The basic metals are the element to the right of the transition metals. The bottom two rows of elements beneath the body of the periodic table are the lanthanides and actinides, which are also metals. Properties Metals are shiny solids are room temperature (except mercury, which is a shiny liquid element), with characteristic high melting points and densities. Many of the properties of metals, including large atomic radius, low ionization energy, and low electronegativity, are due to the fact that the electrons in the valence shell of a metal atoms can be removed easily. One characteristic of metals is their ability to be deformed without breaking. Malleability is the ability of a metal to be hammered into shapes. Ductility is the ability of a metal to be drawn into wire. Because the valence electrons can move freely, metals are good heat conductors and electrical conductors. Summary of Common Properties Shiny 'metallic' appearance Solids at room temperature (except mercury) High melting points High densities Large atomic radii Low ionization energies Low electronegativities Usually, high deformation Malleable Ductile Thermal conductors Electrical conductors