Exploratory Latin Course Syllabus

Marshall Middle School
Magistra Byrnes
Grades in this class are based on the following criteria:
HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS {PENSA}: Completed and accurate homework
assignments vary in point amounts, depending upon the length and importance of the
assignment. Not all assignments will necessarily be given points. We will often go over and
correct assignments in class on the due date. On occasion, I will collect the homework
assignments. Full credit can be earned for completed work turned in on time; half credit for
assignments that are turned in late.
Nota Bene: Homework includes vocabulary flashcards.
 Unit Tests – 85-100 points – A notice of at least three days ahead is given for Unit Tests and a
“Need to Know” outline for the Stage test is provided at that time. Unit Tests may be divided
over two-day periods of time.
PROJECTS {PENSA LONGA}: 10 -35 points – in Latin or English, responses to readings in
textbook, visual prompts, cultural background, notebook checks, short essays or journal entries.
Grading is according to a rubric based on specific criteria {i.e. points of grammar, sentence structure}
DAILY READINESS GRADE: You will start the 9 weeks with a 30 point readiness grade. For each
day that you forget to bring any of your necessary items to class, or you are off task you will lose one
point from your total.
Grades follow the district’s percentage range:
A 100% to 90%
C 79 to 70%
B 89- 80%
D 69- 60%
E 59% and below
Any student who does not earn at least 75% in Exploratory Latin will not be recommended for Latin 1A.
(World Language Department policy).
COURSE SYLLABUS During this course the student will…
Communicate using simple Latin vocabulary
Pronounce simple words, phrases and sentences in Latin
Demonstrate simple skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking Latin
Develop an awareness and appreciation for the customs and culture of people living in
the classical world
o Understand the value of communicating in a foreign language.
Each unit follows a similar pattern:
Readings-stories about the characters in the Roman Mystery Series
New grammatical concepts-usually focusing on nouns and verbs.
New vocabulary and English derivatives
Cultural Background-information about various aspects of Roman Daily Life.
Stage activities may include {but are not limited to}:
a quiz on the content of a story or stories.
a Unit Test – grammar, reading, culture & translation
at least one recitation, dialogue, dictation or composition
culture readings, notes, and worksheets
 a section dedicated to Latin in your binder OR a separate binder
 writing utensils (please use a pencil on class assignments unless indicated otherwise)
 note cards for vocabulary flashcards {approximately 100} AND something to keep them
contained in {a plastic or cardboard box – this will save you from losing them all of the time!
Keep this at home in a designated place!}
 Skinny Markers or Colored Pencils (Keep these at home to use)
In addition to classroom materials, please come to class with the 3 A’s:
 Attendance – this includes being on time to class
 Attention – eyes front, appear to be listening and involved
 Attitude – head up, on task, no disruptions or social conversations
Nota Bene: I-pods, music players, or cell phones are not permitted out during class time.
No exceptions! They will be confiscated!
 Please use my school website for information regarding missed classes and make up work.
PowerPoint presentations, worksheets and notes are posted daily for you to use as needed. Use
the “Homework” and “What did we do in class today?” tabs for information.
Northallegheny.org > Marshall Middle School > Teachers > Byrnes, Robyn
The best way to contact me is email: rbyrnes@northallegheny.org
Please sign and return. gratiās tibi agō!
We have read the grading policy and course description for Latin I B.
Student signature:
Parent / Guardian signature(s):