Tic-Tac-Snow Unit 8 Water in the Atmosphere Review Complete

Unit 8 Water in the Atmosphere Review
Complete three squares in a row (horizontal, diagonal, or vertical)
Draw graphs showing:
the relationship between
relative humidity and
the relationship between
relative humidity and
the relationship between
air temperature and
rates of
the temperature profile
of sleet
The relationship between
volume and temperature
of an air mass
Create a bumper stick with a
creative slogan and diagram of
releasing and absorbing latent
Look at your lab in which we
determined the relative
humidity of the class room.
Write a 2-3 sentence summary
to explain each method: the
psychrometer method and the
dew point method.
Group the following clouds
according to height and then
according to shape.
Write a 6-10 line rhyming poem
about cloud formation.
Answer the following True/False
statements. If the statement is
false, rewrite it to make it true.
1. The condensation level is the
temperature at which the rate
of condensation is the same as
the rate of evaporation.
2. The wet adiabatic lapse rate
is the same as the dry adiabatic
lapse rate.
3. Hail, sleet, and rain form in
similar ways.
4. Desublimation releases latent
heat to the atmosphere.
5. Mountains can causing lifting,
in which air warms to the dew
point as it rises.
Draw a diagram to explain how
clouds form adiabatically and then
produce rain.
Draw venn diagrams to compare
Solve the following relative
and contrast the following
humidity problems.
concepts. You should have at least
three bullet points in each circle.
-You have a parcel of air with a
Rain and sleet
Wet and dry adiabatic
lapse rate
coalescence and super
saturation value of 100 g/kg. It
has a humidity of 55 g/kg.
What is the relative humidity?
- The same parcel of air is
cooled from 25oC to 15oC, what
will happen to its relative
- 25 g/kg of water vapor is
added to the parcel of air.
What is the relative humidity
Unit 8 Water in the Atmosphere Review
Complete three squares in a row (horizontal, diagonal, or vertical)