1 2 3 Supplementary Notes for “Social complexity, diet, and brain evolution: modeling the effects of colony size, worker size, brain size, and foraging behavior on colony fitness in ants” 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology. Ofer Feinerman1 James F. A. Traniello2 1. Weizmann Institute of Science, Department of Physics of Complex Systems, Rehovot, Israel, 7610001. Corresponding author, email: ofer.feinerman@weizmann.ac.il 2. Boston University, Department of Biology, 5 Cummington Mall, Boston, MA USA 02215. 12 13 14 Supplementary note 1: Optimal colony structure 15 16 17 Since τ is positive, equation (iii) demands that Nopt>F. Therefore, in an optimal colony, the number of workers must be large enough to deplete all available food during the available activity period. 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 The mechanisms by which larger brains can reduce search time are all given by the single function τ(V). Next, we make some reasonable assumptions about the structure of τ(V) and examine the consequences on optimal colony characteristics. We assume that individual worker search time, τ(V), is a smooth monotonically decreasing function tending toward very long search times if brain size is very small (V →0) and to some minimal search time value, τ∞ (constrained by factors other than cognitive abilities), for very large brain sizes (V →∞). 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 As noted above, optimal colony characteristics must lie on the line on the (N,V) plane described by equation iii (Figure 2A). Fixing the value of F, and applying our assumptions regarding τ(V), we find that this line has two asymptotes: when V goes to infinity (vertical asymptote) then Nopt tends to F+ τ∞/Tactive, which for F >> τ∞ can be approximated as Nopt≈F. The horizontal asymptote is derived for large values of N such that, to satisfy equation (iii), τ(Vopt) must be large as well and this implies that brain volume goes to 0 (horizontal asymptote). For the resource dominated branch, the gradient (illustrated in Figure 2A) at any point, š»enet,1 = (-F/N2, -cbrain ), always points in the negative x and negative y directions. Therefore, a maximum of enet (Figure 2, white diamond) must occur at the transition area between these two asymptotes. The location of the transition can be approximated by the vertical asymptote Nopt ≈> F. We thus expect that the optimal number of workers in a colony will exceed the number required to collect all available food and will be roughly linearly related to it. 1 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 The precise location of (Nopt,Vopt) on the transition line between the two regimes (equation (iii) and Figure 2A) depends on the exact details of τ(V). Moving to the right along this line implies a decrease in V and an increase in N. The formula for š»enet,1 shows that decreasing V by one unit has a positive effect on net energy intake (cbrain) whereas increasing N by one worker has a negative effect (-F/N2). Since Nopt is proportional to F, the cost incurred by the addition of a worker to the colony, F/Nopt2, can be approximated by 1/F and becomes increasingly smaller with larger values of F. Therefore, for large values of F (F >> τ∞), one can expect an energy-saving reduction in brain size at the expense of an energetically inexpensive increase in the number of workers (which becomes lower at larger values of F). When sufficient food is available, we therefore expect optimal brain size to decrease with increasing food abundance. 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Optimal colony structure further depends on the parameter cbrain. Most of the results in this work are presented for the case of cbrain=1, this value was chosen such that the daily energy expenditures per ant cbraināV is (for values of V that are on the order of 1)on the scale of the amount of energy that the ant can collect daily. Varying cbrain around this value induces only small quantitative changes in (Nopt,Vopt) (Supplementary figure 1). On the other hand, if we choose cbrain>>1 then the point depicting the optimal colony will move on the horizontal asimptote (see Supplemetary figure 1) such that brain volumes tend to zero. On the other hand, cbrain<<1, will yield an optimal colony on the perpendicular asymptote such that the number of ants in the colony is minimized to include about F ants all with very large brains. 59 60 2 61 62 63 64 65 66 Supplementary Fig. 1. Dependencies of optimal colony structure and brain costs. This figure is identical to the one presented in figure 2A of the main text. The only difference is that optimal colonies (diamonds) are presented for different values of cbrain (over a range of 100 fold). Note that all these maxima reside on the full line depicting the boundary between resource and collection time-limited regimes. 67 3 68 Supplementary note 2: Worker polymorphism 69 70 71 72 73 74 Consider a colony with N workers, i = 1…N, each with a brain volume of Vi that incurs an energetic cost of cbrainā Vi and corresponds to a mean search time specified by τ(Vi). At the colony level, the total energetic cost is cbrain ā ∑Vi = cbrain ā Vtot, and collective search time is obtained, as before, by taking the minimum over N exponentially distributed random functions. This yields another exponentially distributed variable with a mean of τcolony (V1, V2,…, VN) = 1/ ∑ [1/ τ(Vi)]. 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 We compare the net energy intakes of monomorphic and polymorphic colonies with an equal number of ants N and the same total brain volume Vtot. For a monomorphic colony the brain volume for each worker is Vtot/N, whereas in a polymorphic colony Vtot remains the same but it is now unevenly distributed among workers according to their body size. Net energy intake is e2net = Tactive- 1/ ∑ 1/ τ(Vi)-cbrainVtot/N for a polymorphic colony and this reduces to e2net = Tactive- τ (V tot/N) –cbrainVtot/N for a monomorphic colony. These two expressions differ only in the second additive term which should be minimized (as it appears with a negative sign). This problem can be translated into finding the colony structure that maximizes the rate of food finding defined as r(V1,V2,…,VN)=∑ 1/ τ(Vi) under the constraint ∑Vi =Vtot. 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 We again consider functions of the form τ(V)=1/Vα+ τ∞ and, for simplicity, use τ∞=0. The food finding rate, r(V1,V2,…,VN) is symmetric in all its arguments (i.e. Vi and Vj can be interchanged for every i and j) and for α<1, it is also concave. The maximum of a function with these characteristics is obtained when all its arguments are equal: Vi=Vtot/N for each i. This implies that, for α<1, a monomorphic colony in which the total brain volume is evenly distributed among workers is energetically favorable. The case is different when α>1 and r convex; here, the maximum of r lies on the corners of its defining set. Namely, search time will be shortest if all the brain volume is held by a single worker. If we assume that other physical constraints set a maximal brain volume for a single ant Vi≤Vmax then the structure of an optimal colony will include n=Vtot/Vmax workers that have a brain volume of Vmax and N-n ants have near zero brain volume. This implies a differentiation into two worker subcastes: one consisting of n scouts with larger brains and higher cognitive capacity to efficiently search for food, and a second subcaste of N-n workers that are specialized on food retrieval. 99 100 101 102 4