NWCS Elementary Parents *

NWCS Elementary Parents –
As the elementary schools continue to improve our communication regarding
your student’s academic progress, we want to let you know what your child
should be bringing home on a regular basis throughout the year.
1. Assessments – These are tools that are used to evaluate your student’s
academic progress on specific standards that are reported on the report
card each quarter. You should see these assessments sent home
throughout the quarter with a rubric attached. The score indicated on
the rubric describes your student’s work. If the score is below the grade
level target (3 or A) your child would benefit from additional practice.
The score that is given on the report card is NOT an average of the
assessments given throughout the quarter, but the final assessment that
demonstrates if the student has achieved the grade level target with
that skill.
2. Practice work – Often times you will also see your student’s regular
practice work. This work is not a part of the progress scoring for report
cards, but is important to ensure student success on report card
3. Parent/Teacher Communication – When teachers have concerns
regarding your student’s behavior or academic progress you can
anticipate notes, emails, or phone calls. Please also feel free to contact
your child’s teacher with questions, comments, or concerns.
All students should be bringing home academic assessments and practice work
for you to review. If you are not receiving work, please ask your student for
his/her graded work. If you have concerns, please contact your child’s teacher.
Cathy Dunwiddie, Principal
Lancaster Elementary
Susanne Tieman, Principal
Ossian Elementary