Rubric * Abstract



Abstract Rubric

Final Draft – Third Quarter

Student: _____________________

___/5 Format

___/5 Title – Is it attention-getting, accurate and interesting?

___/5 Synopsis of Research Paper

___/5 Rationale – Why do we care about this?

___/5 Objective – What problem are you trying to solve?

___/5 Approach/Methods – How do you plan to go about solving this problem?

___/5 Expected Product/Outcome/Results – What’s the answer? What are you doing?

___/5 Audience – Who are you getting your results to? Does this match your proposal?

___/5 Presentation – How are you getting your results to your audience?

___/5 Conclusion – What are the implications of the results?

_____/50 points Comments:

Abstract Rubric

Final Draft – Third Quarter

___/5 Format

___/5 Title – Is it attention-getting, accurate and interesting?

Student: _____________________

___/5 Synopsis of Research Paper

___/5 Rationale – Why do we care about this?

___/5 Objective – What problem are you trying to solve?

___/5 Approach/Methods – How do you plan to go about solving this problem?

___/5 Expected Product/Outcome/Results – What’s the answer? What are you doing?

___/5 Audience – Who are you getting your results to? Does this match your proposal?

___/5 Presentation – How are you getting your results to your audience?

___/5 Conclusion – What are the implications of the results?

_____/50 points
