Darwinian Evolution Note Sheet

Name:_________________________________ Date:_________________ Pd:________
Evolution and Natural Selection Notes
1) What is Evolution?
 Evolution  the process by which __________________________________ change
over many generations through ________________________________________.
No __________________________ organism can evolve, but given the right
conditions over enough time, _______________ within a population will gradually
change until the _____________________________________ is different.
Populations tend to evolve due to external environmental factors such as
predators, food sources, and changes in climate.
New species arise through this very process, and all life on earth can be traced
back to simpler common ancestors.
2) Natural Selection
• The driving mechanism behind evolution.
Certain organisms survive to pass on their traits to successive generations, but
most do not.
Often summed up as “_______________________________________________________”
Thomas Malthus
No population can grow indefinitely. Many more offspring are born than
will actually survive to pass on their genes. Therefore, individuals must
____________________________________________________ to survive.
Darwin recognized that limited resources in any environment lead to a
struggle for existence, in which traits of some individuals will give them an
advantage over others. However slight this advantage, it will lead to
certain traits being “_________________________________” by nature to
survive and reproduce… NATURAL SELECTION!
Where did all the millions of species come from?
Name:_________________________________ Date:_________________ Pd:________
The Principles of Natural Selection
• ________________________________
• Parents produce _____________ offspring than will survive. Similarly,
plants produce thousands of seeds even though only a few may
• _____________________________________________
• There are genetic differences in any population which result in
many combinations of different traits among offspring. These traits
are __________________________________________ from parents to
• _________________________________
• In any population, organisms must compete for resources to
survive. Some individuals have _________________ which allow them
to survive better than others; often referred to as “survival of the
• ___________________________________
• Those who have a survival advantage are more likely to
__________________________ and pass on their favorable genes and
traits to successive generations, resulting in new
________________________ and eventually new ___________________.
Explain the Peppered Moth Study and why there were periods of light colored
moths, and periods of dark colored moths. How do the 4 principles of natural
selection apply to this example?
3) Evidence for Evolution
• Geographic Distribution  Related native species are found only where they
could have migrated on their own.
• The Wallace Line
Even though the climates were almost identical, the flora and
fauna were drastically different on either side of the line because
_____________________________, just as the species on Madagascar
Name:_________________________________ Date:_________________ Pd:________
had been isolated from the mainland of Africa.
Homologous Anatomy  Traits that are _____________________ between species
because they originate with a
__________________________________________ who had the
same trait.
The example to the right compares the internal
structure of a human arm with the forelimb of a
Although the shape of each bone is different, each
bone in the human arm has a corresponding
match in the whale.
Analogous Structures lead to convergent evolution.
• When two species evolve a similar adaptation not because of
common ancestry but because they have become adapted to a
_____________________________________, or use the trait for a similar
Birds and bats have both evolved wings because they both use
them to fly. Rather than “homology”, this is called an “analogous
trait” or simply, an analogy.
Both homologous and analogous traits are excellent evidence for
evolution, because they show how ___________________________________
are related and how they evolved their adaptations for survival.
Vestigial Structures  Physical remnants of organs that once helped a species’
ancestors survive, but are no longer useful.
• Vestigial structures tend to be very ______________, because they are not
needed for ______________________. Hence, they are only “vestiges” of
what they once were.
If a species has an anatomical structure that appears to be out of place,
many times it is vestigial.
Name:_________________________________ Date:_________________ Pd:________
Example: The human appendix is a good example of a “vestige” of
an earlier digestive organ that helped our ancestors process plant
The Fossil Record  A physical history of the life on Earth in the form of fossils
buried within chronologically oriented layers of sedimentary rock.
Shows ______________________________________, including transitional
Embryology Very close similarities in early developmental stages of related
• All vertebrates start out almost the same because they all share a
_____________________________________________________ which was much
more primitive.
All vertebrates embryos start out with a tail and tiny neck slits resembling
gills. This includes humans!
In land-dwelling groups such as mammals and reptiles, these slits
disappear as the embryo develops, eventually becoming parts of
the throat and mouth.
In humans, the tail is absorbed into the growing body and remains
as the tailbone.
DNA and Genetics  Genetic code shared by all living things on Earth
Allows us to look at different species at the ____________________________
level and compare their genes and chromosomes.