Examples Of Natural Selection Natural selection can be defined as a

Examples Of Natural Selection
Natural selection can be defined as a process where the organism that is able to survive will pass on the
beneficial traits to its offspring because these traits are the best suited for the environment.
When the offspring are able to survive successfully, they
increase in numbers. The theory of natural selection also says
that this process of passing on beneficial traits from parents to
offspring helps to maintain a balance in the environment.
Organisms that are less suited for the environment cannot
survive and they start dying due to various reasons. They
decrease in numbers and become extinct eventually. Take the
example of the cheetah in the wild. A cheetah is an animal that
is known to run very fast. The faster it runs, the better are its
chances of catching its prey. If it catches the prey and has
enough food to live on, then it can survive. The cheetah passes
on this trait to its offspring. Some cheetahs of the same species
may not be able to run very fast. Even there is mating between,
for example, a cheetah that can run fast and a cheetah that
cannot run fast, the resultant offspring will naturally have the ability to run fast because of the trait for
running is invariably dominant, and therefore expressed.
The theory of natural selection also applies to creatures that blend with the background color of nature for
their survival. Some animals or living beings are predators, while some are prey. Usually the animals that
are prey and are low on survival instincts develop traits that help them to camouflage with the environment.
This is possible through the process of natural selection.
http://www.historyking.com/evolution/natural-selection/Examples-Of-Natural-Selection.html 23/09/2010