Teen Pregnancy Prevention Online Resources CDC/OAH Teen Pregnancy Prevention: Integrating Services, Programs and Strategies through Community-wide Initiatives Developed August 2013 By 1 Introduction This document was created to provide clinicians, EBI facilitators, and youth with the most current, sex-positive available resources related to teen pregnancy prevention. The compendium of resources has been collated to ensure clinicians, evidence-based intervention (EBI) facilitators, and youth have easy access to accurate information related to contraceptive and reproductive health. The resources are categorized into 13 topics, for example, sexuality and sexual health, contraception, adolescent development, and young men. Under each topic, the resource name, developer/host agency, description, and link is listed. Additionally, the specific audience for the resource (i.e., clinician, EBI facilitator or youth) and type of resource are listed. Types of resources include: Infographics Multimedia Narrated PowerPoint Presentations PowerPoint Modules Resources to Read Self-Paced Online Learning Programs Videos Webinars YouTube Videos It is also indicated whether a Continuing Medical Education credit (CME) or a Continuing Education Unit (CEU) can be earned as a result of reviewing the resources listed, as a tool to support sustainable professional development opportunities. Audience Clinicians and EBI facilitators Note: There are resources for youth listed. These can be recommended to youth by clinicians and EBI facilitators. 2 Table of Contents Topic 1. Sexuality and Sexual Health 2. Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology 3. Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV 4. Contraception 5. Emergency Contraception 6. Pregnancy 7. Abortion 8. Adolescent Development 9. Young Men 10. LGBTQ Population 11. Minor’s Rights 12. Intimate Partner Violence 13. Health Care Delivery Pages 4 to 5 6 7 to 8 9 to 14 15 to 16 17 to 18 19 20 to 22 23 24 to 26 27 28 29 to 30 3 1. Sexuality and Sexual Health Title Description a. Go Ask Alice! b. Sex Education for the Real World c. Sex, Etc. d. Using Media and Technology to Improve Sexual Health Outcomes for Youth Sex for Teens In clinical practice, using youth-friendly technology can lead to far better outcomes for adolescent sexual health Presents the most up-todate data regarding adolescent reproductive health, including results from the most recent Youth Risk Behavior Survey and National Survey of Family Growth. Examines the relationship between cultural approaches to adolescent sexuality and health outcomes. Serves as a tool for health care providers wishing to deliver sex education lectures to teens. e. Adolescent Reproductive Health Data f. Beyond Abstinence and Risk: A New Paradigm for Adolescent Sexuality g. From Health Care Provider to Teen: What You Need to Know About Sex and Sexuality Sexual and Reproductive Health Relationships Inclusive, Comprehensive and Smart Sexuality Information and Help for Teens and 20s Developer Audience Type Link Columbia Health Youth Multimedia http://goaskalice.colum bia.edu/ Scarleteen/ Heather Corinna Youth Multimedia http://www.scarleteen.c om/ Rutgers University Youth Multimedia http://sexetc.org/ EBI Facilitators Narrated and PowerPoint Presentation http://www.actforyouth .net/publications/results .cfm?t=NarratedPresent ation&p=3&d=1 PowerPoint Module http://prh.org/teenreproductivehealth/arshepdownloads/?q=arshepd ownloads ACT for Youth Center of Excellence Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health (PRCH) Clinicians Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health (PRCH) Clinicians PowerPoint Module Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health (PRCH) Clinicians PowerPoint Module 4 http://prh.org/teenreproductivehealth/arshepdownloads/?q=arshepd ownloads http://prh.org/teenreproductivehealth/arshepdownloads/?q=arshepd ownloads CME/CEU Offered h. i. Sex & Sexuality Clinician Competencies for Sexual Health j. k. l. m. n. Common Myths about Female Sexual Health Female Sexual Response Talking with Patients About Sexuality and Sexual Health Understanding Sexual Pleasure Masturbation Understanding Sexual Activity Medical Knowledge Understanding of Relevant Psychosocial Issues Clinical Skills Myths about Female Sexual Health Linear Model Circular Model Non-linear Model Basic Behavioral Counseling for Female Sexual Health Issues Open-Ended “Icebreakers” to Start the Discussion The Top 10 Things You Need to Know About Female Sexuality Female Sexuality Family Planning Basics: The Essentials ($15) Title X Program Overview Sexuality Planned Parenthood Resources to Read http://www.plannedpar enthood.org/healthtopics/sexuality4323.htm Resources to Read http://www.arhp.org/Pu blications-andResources/Clinical-FactSheets/SHFCompetencies Resources to Read http://www.arhp.org/Pu blications-andResources/Clinical-FactSheets/SHF-Myths Resources to Read http://www.arhp.org/Pu blications-andResources/Clinical-FactSheets/Female-SexualResponse Resources to Read http://www.arhp.org/p ublications-andresources/clinical-factsheets/shf-talking Clinicians Resources to Read http://www.arhp.org/Pu blications-andResources/Clinical-FactSheets/SHF-Top-10 Clinicians Self-Paced Online Learning Program EBI Facilitators Association of Reproductive Health Professionals (ARHP) Association of Reproductive Health Professionals (ARHP) Association of Reproductive Health Professionals (ARHP) Clinicians Clinicians Clinicians Association of Reproductive Health Professionals (ARHP) Clinicians Association of Reproductive Health Professionals (ARHP) Cardea 5 http://www.cardeaservi ces.org/training/fpb1.ht ml CEU 2. Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology Title Description a. Health Topics: Birth Control Education b. Reproductive & Sexual Anatomy c. Sex & Sexuality d. Preventative Screening Recommendations (Cervical Cancer) e. Family Planning Basics: The Essentials ($15) Reproductive & Sexual Anatomy CDC Guidelines on Cervical Cancer Screening Reproductive Anatomy, Physiology, and the Menstrual Cycle Describe recent changes in clinical recommendations for the well-woman visit Describe best practices for clinical practice challenges for the periodic well-woman visit f. The Women’s Health Clinic & Well Woman Exam Menstrual Cycle & Fertility Parts of a Woman’s External and Internal Sex Anatomy Parts of a Man’s External and Internal Sex Anatomy Other Parts of Our Anatomies that are Sexual Updated Screening Guidelines for the WellWoman Visit (ARHP Members Only) Developer Audience Type Link UC Davis EBI Facilitators Resources to Read http://shcs.ucdavis.edu/ topics/contraception/in dex.html Resources to Read http://www.plannedpar enthood.org/healthtopics/sex101/reproductivesexual-anatomy22959.htm Planned Parenthood EBI Facilitators Planned Parenthood EBI Facilitators Resources to Read CDC Clinicians Resources to Read Cardea Clinicians Self-Paced Online Learning Program Webinar (Exp. 12/31/2013) Association of Reproductive Health Professionals (ARHP) Clinicians 6 Refer to 2d for the link to the CDC Guidelines document http://www.plannedpar enthood.org/healthtopics/sexuality4323.htm http://www.cdc.gov/ncc dphp/dnpao/hwi/resour ces/preventative_screen ing.htm http://www.cardeaservi ces.org/training/fpb1.ht ml http://www.arhp.org/m odules/webinars/Updat ed-ScreeningGuidelines-for-the-WellWoman-Visit--Available-to-ARHPMembers-Only/38 CMEs/CEUs Offered CEU CME 3. Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV Title Description Developer Audience Type Link Rutgers University Youth Multimedia http://sexetc.org/ ACT for Youth Center of Excellence EBI Facilitators Narrated and PowerPoint Presentation ACT for Youth Center of Excellence EBI Facilitators Narrated and PowerPoint Presentation ACT for Youth Center of Excellence EBI Facilitators ACT for Youth Center of Excellence EBI Facilitators a. Sex, Etc. HIV/AIDS & STDs for Teens b. HIV/AIDS and Young People c. HIV/AIDS and Young People: Adolescents at High Risk d. HIV/AIDS and Young People: HIV Screening, Testing, and Treatment in Adolescents Basics of HIV and AIDS How HIV Leads to AIDS HIV Transmission, Prevention, and Screening Adolescents More Likely to Acquire HIV Because of High Risk Behaviors or Perinatal Exposure Different Methods of Screening and Testing for HIV Treatment Issues for Adolescents HIV/AIDS and Young People: Risk and Protective Factors e. Risk and Protective Factors Specifically Related to Adolescents and HIV/AIDS Describes diagnosis and treatment strategies for Chlamydia as well as preparing clinicians to integrate prevention strategies into adolescent patient visits. Uses the 2010 CDC guidelines to discuss the diagnosis and treatment of adolescents with diseases characterized by vaginal discharge, cervicitis and urethritis, HPV, and HIV infection. f. Chlamydia and Adolescent Patients g. STI Epidemiology, Testing, and Treatment Strategies Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health (PRCH) Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health (PRCH) 7 Clinicians Narrated and PowerPoint Presentation Narrated and PowerPoint Presentation PowerPoint Module PowerPoint Module Clinicians Refer to 3k for the link to the CDC Guidelines document http://www.actforyouth .net/publications/results .cfm?t=NarratedPresent ation&p=3&d=1 http://www.actforyouth .net/publications/results .cfm?t=Narrated%20Pre sentation&d=1 http://www.actforyouth .net/publications/results .cfm?t=Narrated%20Pre sentation&d=1 http://www.actforyouth .net/publications/results .cfm?t=NarratedPresent ation&p=3&d=1 http://prh.org/teenreproductivehealth/arshepdownloads/?q=arshepd ownloads http://prh.org/teenreproductivehealth/arshepdownloads/?q=arshepd ownloads CMEs/CEUs Offered h. Birth Control Education i. Reproductive Health Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) Types of STDs j. k. l. m. Microbicides: Prevention of HIV/AIDS, STIs, and Unintended Pregnancy 2010 STD Treatment Guidelines Chlamydia and Gonorrhea: What You and Your Clients Need to Know UC Davis EBI Facilitators Resources to Read Office of Adolescent Health (OAH) EBI Facilitators Resources to Read Association of Reproductive Health Professionals (ARHP) Clinicians Resources to Read CDC Clinicians JSI Clinicians Overview of Microbicides Mechanisms of Action Status of Development Microbicide Access and Use Acceptability of Microbicides Use of Condoms CDC STD Treatment Guidelines Chlamydia Gonorrhea Dos and don’ts for health care providers in discussing sexual health with adolescents who have STIs STD Treatment Guidelines: Managing Emerging Resistant Gonorrhea and Common STIs in Primary Care Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health (PRCH) NYC DOHMH STD Testing CAI and Healthy Teen Network (HTN) Sexually Transmitted Infection n. Adolescent Sexual Health Webinar Series o. Keep it Simple 8 Resources to Read Self-Paced Online Learning Program Clinicians Video Clinicians Webinar Refer to 3k for the link to the CDC Guidelines document YouTube video Youth EBI Facilitators http://shcs.ucdavis.edu/to pics/contraception/index. html http://www.hhs.gov/ash/ oah/resources-andpublications/publications/ reproductive-health.html http://www.arhp.org/Publ ications-andResources/Clinical-FactSheets/Microbicides http://www.cdc.gov/std/t reatment/2010/ http://ipp.jsi.com/ctgc_ec ourse.htm http://www.prch.org/stan dardized-case-videosadolescent-reproductiveand-sexual-health http://www.nycptc.org/ad olescent_webinar_series.h tml English: https://www.youtube.co m/watch?feature=player_ embedded&v=HJAwizEdjo k Spanish: http://player.vimeo.com/ video/65566325 CME CEU CME 4. Contraception Title a. b. Sex, Etc. Family Planning 101 Description Developer Audience Type Link Birth Control for Teens Rutgers University Youth Multimedia http://sexetc.org/ Contraceptive Methods Available to Adolescents Factors to Consider in Choosing an Appropriate Method Discusses the contraceptive options available to adolescents, including oral contraceptive pills, the ring, the patch, injectable and implantable methods, and intrauterine systems. ACT for Youth Center of Excellence EBI Facilitators Narrated and PowerPoint Presentation http://www.actforyouth .net/publications/results .cfm?t=NarratedPresent ation&p=2&d=1 http://prh.org/teenreproductivehealth/arshepdownloads/?q=arshepd ownloads c. The Essentials of Contraception and Adolescents d. Fact Sheets e. Birth Control f. Birth Control Education g. Safe, Effective, Forgettable. h. Reproductive Health Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health (PRCH) Clinicians PowerPoint Module Birth Control Fact Sheets Birth Control User Guides Reproductive Health Access Project EBI Facilitators Resources to Read Compare Effectiveness of Birth Control Options Planned Parenthood EBI Facilitators Resources to Read Choosing a Method Efficacy Chart Methods of Contraception The Implant Hormone IUD Copper T IUD UC Davis EBI Facilitators Resources to Read California Family Health Council EBI Facilitators Resources to Read With Video Modules Contraceptive and Condom Use Office of Adolescent Health (OAH) EBI Facilitators Resources to Read 9 http://www.reproductiv eaccess.org/fact_sheets. htm http://www.plannedpar enthood.org/healthtopics/birth-control4211.htm http://shcs.ucdavis.edu/ topics/contraception/in dex.html http://www.safeandeffe ctive.org/pages/index.ht ml http://www.hhs.gov/as h/oah/resources-andpublications/publication s/reproductivehealth.html CMEs/CEUs Offered i. j. Birth Control 101: IUD Non-Hormonal Contraceptive Methods k. l. m. Choosing a Birth Control Method United States Medical Eligibility Criteria (US MEC) for Contraceptive Use, 2010 Family Planning Basics: The Essentials ($15) What is IUD How it Works Effectiveness Major Perks Minor Drawbacks Doc Visit Required? Sterilization Intrauterine Devices (Copper T IUD) Barrier Methods Coitus Interuptus Fertility Awareness Spermicides Comparison of Contraceptive Methods Combined Hormonal Contraception Progestin-only Contraception Initiation of Hormonal Contraceptives Intrauterine Contraception Barrier Methods Coitus Interuptus Fertility Awareness Sterilization Contraceptive Failure Rates CDC Guideline Contraceptive Choices StayTeen Youth Association of Reproductive Health Professionals (ARHP) Association of Reproductive Health Professionals (ARHP) Clinicians Clinicians Resources to Read http://stayteen.org/birt h-control-101-iud Resources to Read http://www.arhp.org/p ublications-andresources/quickreference-guide-forclinicians/nonhormonal-choosing Resources to Read http://www.arhp.org/p ublications-andresources/quickreference-guide-forclinicians/choosing http://www.cdc.gov/rep roductivehealth/Uninte ndedPregnancy/USMEC. htm CDC Clinicians Resources to Read Cardea Clinicians Self-Paced Online Learning Program 10 http://www.cardeaservi ces.org/training/fpb1.ht ml CEU n. Adolescent Sexual Health Webinar Series o. Case Management for Contraceptive Care p. CDC’s Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use (ARHP Members Only) Enhancing Adolescent Sexual Health Services by Creating an Adolescent Medical Home Contraception Counseling: Quick Start, Emergency Contraception, and Oral Contraceptive Pills The Contraceptive Patch, Ring, Implant, and Intrauterine Contraceptive Changes in U.S. Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use Contraceptive Management for Women with Specific Medical Conditions Non-contraceptive Benefits Which May Improve Your Patient’s Health Status List the 4 levels in the ranking system described in the US Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use, 2010 Explain the application of the ranking system to prescriptive practices for women with comorbid conditions Describe the risks and benefits of the different contraceptive methods against the risks of pregnancy in women with health-related concerns NYC DOHMH Cardea Clinicians Clinicians Association of Reproductive Health Professionals (ARHP) 11 Webinars http://www.nycptc.org/ adolescent_webinar_ser ies.html CME Webinar (Expired, But Not Yet Archived) http://www.cardeaservi ces.org/training/events/ documents/NTC_CaseManagement-forContraceptiveCare.5.13.13_flyer.pdf CEU http://www.arhp.org/m odules/webinars/CDCsMedical-EligibilityCriteria-forContraceptive-Use--Available-to-ARHPMembers-Only/42 CME CEU Webinar (Exp. 05/31/2013) Clinicians Refer to 4l for the link to the CDC Guidelines document q. Contraception and Pregnancy Management in Women with Multiple Sclerosis r. New Development in Contraception Demonstrate current knowledge about MS, including symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and pain management Improve health outcomes among patients living with MS Counsel and manage the treatment of women with MS using an interdisciplinary approach Address the reproductive health issues affecting women with MS, including contraception and pregnancy Explain the need for new contraceptive methods in the US to improve reproductive health and prevent unintended pregnancy Examine the most recent contraceptive technologies to offer new options for patients in the United States Describe how new methods will meet patient needs to reduce unintended pregnancy in the US Association of Reproductive Health Professionals (ARHP) Association of Reproductive Health Professionals (ARHP) 12 Clinicians Webinar (Exp. 07/31/2014) http://www.arhp.org/m odules/webinars/Contra ception-and-PregnancyManagement-inWomen-with-MultipleSclerosis/48 Clinicians Webinar (Exp. 03/31/2015) http://www.arhp.org/m odules/webinars/NewDevelopments-inContraception/52 CME CEU CME CEU Assess factors that influence patients’ perceptions of risk Define absolute risk, attributable risk, relative risk, and odds ratio Explain the differences, advantages, and disadvantages of descriptive studies, observational studies, and prospective studies Demonstrate effective risk communication strategies Association of Reproductive Health Professionals (ARHP) Clinicians Basic Condom How-Tos How Condoms Are Made Condom History American Sexual Health Association (ASHA) Youth EBI Facilitators Dos and don’ts for health care providers in discussing sexual health with adolescents who are requesting for birth control Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health (PRCH) s. Risk Made Simple: An Evidence-Based Approach to Addressing Risk in Contraception t. u. v. Condomology Request for Birth Control: Young Adolescent Contraception 101 – Best Method for You? Pros and Cons of Various Contraception Methods w. Keep it Simple Contraceptive Methods x. LARC First Description of LARC First The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy CAI and Healthy Teen Network (HTN) Contraceptive CHOICE Clinicians Youth EBI Facilitators Webinars (Exp. 06/11/2013, 07/16/2013, 10/10/2013, 12/11/2013, 08/31/2014) Videos http://www.factsaboutc ondoms.com/videos.ph p Video http://www.prch.org/st andardized-case-videosadolescentreproductive-andsexual-health YouTube video http://www.youtube.co m/watch?v=lWS9AC9c5I 8 Youth EBI Facilitators YouTube video Clinicians Resources to Read, 13 http://www.arhp.org/m odules/webinars/RiskMade-Real-AnEvidence-BasedApproach-toAddressing-Risk-inContraception-/58 https://vimeo.com/655 66324 (English) http://vimeo.com/6556 6325 (Spanish) http://www.larcfirst.co m/ CME Practice approach Evidence from the Contraceptive CHOICE project Contraceptive Counseling Guidance and training resources Practitioner guidelines and training resources Patient management materials Project guidance documents and training videos 14 5. Emergency Contraception Title Description a. Emergency Contraception b. Emergency Contraception (EC) and Adolescents c. Birth Control Education d. Birth Control e. Choosing a Birth Control Method f. The Facts About Emergency Contraception This fact sheet reviews current national and state policies around EC, including methods, patient awareness, access and availability, and insurance coverage. Discusses the safety, efficacy, and mechanism of action of emergency contraception, as well as the barriers that young people face when trying to access it. Emergency Contraception Unintended Pregnancy Morning-After Pill (Emergency Contraception) Emergency Contraception Emergency Contraception Developer The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation Audience Clinicians EBI Facilitators Type Link Resources to Read http://kff.org/womenshealth-policy/factsheet/emergencycontraception/ http://prh.org/teenreproductivehealth/arshepdownloads/?q=arshepd ownloads Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health (PRCH) Clinicians PowerPoint Module UC Davis EBI Facilitators Resources to Read Planned Parenthood EBI Facilitators Resources to Read Clinicians Resources to Read Association of Reproductive Health Professionals (ARHP) Association of Reproductive Health Professionals (ARHP) Clinicians 15 Resources to Read http://shcs.ucdavis.edu/ topics/contraception/in dex.html http://www.plannedpar enthood.org/healthtopics/birth-control4211.htm http://www.arhp.org/p ublications-andresources/quickreference-guide-forclinicians/choosing http://www.arhp.org/Pu blications-andResources/Clinical-FactSheets/Facts-About-EC CMEs/CEUs Offered g. Emergency Contraception Basics h. New Approaches to Unintended Pregnancy Prevention: The Continued Need to Educate Clinicians and Pharmacists about Emergency Contraception i. Drop-In Visit for Emergency Contraception j Keep it Simple What is EC? How Do I Get EC? How Much Does EC Cost? Do My Parents Have to Know? How Do I Use EC? Counsel patients of reproductive age (and their partners) on the appropriate use of EC during routine and emergency visits. Facilitate patients’ access to EC by providing them with accurate information about how, where, and when to get and use EC and/or advanced prescriptions. Dos and don’ts for health care providers in discussing sexual health with adolescents who have drop-in visit for emergency contraception Emergency Contraception Office of Population Research & Association of Reproductive Health Professionals Resources to Read http://eclocator.not-2late.com/ec_teen/index. html Webinars (Exp. 12/31/2013, 12/31/2013, 01/31/2014, 01/31/2014) http://www.arhp.org/m odules/webinars/NewApproaches-toUnintended-PregnancyPrevention-TheContinued-Need-toEducate-Clinicians-andPharmacists-aboutEmergencyContraception--/28 Clinicians Video http://www.prch.org/st andardized-case-videosadolescentreproductive-andsexual-health Youth EBI Facilitators YouTube video Youth Association of Reproductive Health Professionals (ARHP) Clinicians Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health (PRCH) CAI and Healthy Teen Network (HTN) 16 https://www.youtube.c om/watch?feature=play er_embedded&v=HJAwi zEdjok CME CEU 6. Pregnancy Title a. Sex, Etc. b. Addressing Teen Pregnancy Prevention from a Policy Perspective c. Importance of Working with Pregnant and Parenting Teens Description Developer Audience Type Link Pregnancy for Teens Rutgers University Youth Multimedia http://sexetc.org/ Research on the societal cost of unintended pregnancies, emphasizing the taxpayers’ dollars saved by investing in teen pregnancy prevention programs Specific strategies to help pregnant and parenting teens and the importance of these efforts The importance of incorporating social determinants of health, such as where teens live and learn, into teen pregnancy prevention programs Simple tips on how to communicate teen pregnancy prevention efforts in ways that engage the broader community in prevention goals Uses the DECISION model to provide an overview of pregnancy options counseling in the clinical setting. Podcast http://www.hhs.gov/as h/oah/resources-andpublications/multimedia / Podcast http://www.hhs.gov/as h/oah/resources-andpublications/multimedia / Podcast http://www.hhs.gov/as h/oah/resources-andpublications/multimedia / Podcast http://www.hhs.gov/as h/oah/resources-andpublications/multimedia / PowerPoint Module http://prh.org/teenreproductivehealth/arshepdownloads/?q=arshepd ownloads d. Social Determinants of Health that Impact Teen Pregnancy e. Telling Your Story: How to Frame Your Messages about Adolescent Health Disparities and Teen Pregnancy f. Pregnancy and Options Counseling and Adolescents Office of Adolescent Health (OAH) Office of Adolescent Health (OAH) Office of Adolescent Health (OAH) Office of Adolescent Health (OAH) EBI Facilitators EBI Facilitators EBI Facilitators EBI Facilitators Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health (PRCH) Clinicians 17 CMEs/CEUs Offered g. Birth Control Education h. Reproductive Health i. Unintended Pregnancy Teen Pregnancy and Childbearing Dos and don’ts for health care providers in discussing sexual health with adolescents who are hoping for a positive pregnancy test Dos and don’ts for health care providers in discussing sexual health with adolescents who have unintended pregnancies Hoping for a Positive Pregnancy Test j. Unintended Pregnancy UC Davis EBI Facilitators Resources to Read Office of Adolescent Health (OAH) EBI Facilitators Resources to Read Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health (PRCH) Clinicians Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health (PRCH) Clinicians 18 http://shcs.ucdavis.edu/ topics/contraception/in dex.html http://www.hhs.gov/as h/oah/resources-andpublications/publication s/reproductivehealth.html Video http://www.prch.org/st andardized-case-videosadolescentreproductive-andsexual-health Video http://www.prch.org/st andardized-case-videosadolescentreproductive-andsexual-health 7. Abortion Title Description a. Medical Abortion Follow-Up b. Medical Abortion: Mechanism, Management, and Myths Identify several evidencebased ways to follow women after medical abortion Findings at the Follow-up that are Normal Versus Those that Require Further Care Distinguish findings at the follow-up that are normal versus those that require further care Implement appropriate interventions when the woman requires further care State methods of effective contraception that can be started as early as possible for women having medical abortion Screen patients for contraindications to first trimester medical abortion Implement at least one medical abortion regimen Identify at least three advantages of using medications for management of elective first-trimester abortion Recognize at least four factors to consider when counseling women about medical abortion Developer Association of Reproductive Health Professionals (ARHP) Association of Reproductive Health Professionals (ARHP) 19 Audience Type Link CMEs/CEUs Offered Clinicians Webinar (Exp. 12/31/2014) http://www.arhp.or g/modules/webinar s/Medical-AbortionFollow-Up/35 CME Webinar (Exp. 05/31/2014) http://www.arhp.or g/modules/webinar s/MedicationAbortionMechanismManagement-andMyths/43 CME CEU Clinicians 8. Adolescent Development Title a. Adolescent Health Topics Description b. Adolescent Development: What’s Going on in There? c. Adolescent Emotional Development: Foundation for a Healthy Life d. Adolescent Ethnic and Racial Identity Development e. Adolescent Identity Development f. Anatomy of Puberty g. Healthy Adolescent Sexual Development Reproductive Health Mental Health Physical Health and Nutrition Substance Abuse Healthy Relationships Stages of Adolescent Development Central Tasks, Challenges, and Opportunities of Adolescence Challenges and Opportunities of Emotional Development in Adolescence Ethnic and Racial Identity Development “Statuses” of Development Social- and Self-Identity Different Stages and Statuses of Adolescent Identity Development Physical Changes of Puberty Concerns that Adolescents May Have as Their Bodies Change Biological, Psychological, Social, and Behavioral Features of Adolescent Sexual Development Developer Audience Type Link Office of Adolescent Health (OAH) EBI Facilitators Multimedia http://www.hhs.gov/as h/oah/ ACT for Youth Center of Excellence EBI Facilitators Narrated and PowerPoint Presentation http://www.actforyouth .net/publications/results .cfm?t=NarratedPresent ation&p=3&d=1 ACT for Youth Center of Excellence EBI Facilitators Narrated and PowerPoint Presentation ACT for Youth Center of Excellence EBI Facilitators Narrated and PowerPoint Presentation ACT for Youth Center of Excellence EBI Facilitators Narrated and PowerPoint Presentation ACT for Youth Center of Excellence EBI Facilitators Narrated and PowerPoint Presentation http://www.actforyouth .net/publications/results .cfm?t=NarratedPresent ation&p=2&d=1 ACT for Youth Center of Excellence EBI Facilitators Narrated and PowerPoint Presentation http://www.actforyouth .net/publications/results .cfm?t=NarratedPresent ation&p=2&d=1 20 http://www.actforyouth .net/publications/results .cfm?t=Narrated%20Pre sentation&d=1 http://www.actforyouth .net/publications/results .cfm?t=NarratedPresent ation&p=2&d=1 http://www.actforyouth .net/publications/results .cfm?t=NarratedPresent ation&p=2&d=1 CMEs/CEUs Offered h. Positive Youth Development i. The Teen Brain: Still Under Construction j. Adolescent Brain Development k. Adolescent Development ELearning Module Positive Youth Development Framework Research Supporting this Approach The “Visible” Brain What’s Gray Matter? A Spectrum of Change The Changing Brain and Behavior in Teens Teens and the Brain: More Questions for Research The Adolescent and Adult Brain Alcohol and the Teen Brain Brain Changes During Adolescence Impact Brain Changes During Adolescence Have on the Adolescent’s Decision Making Process and Provide a Better Understanding of Risk Taking Behaviors Communication Tips, Techniques, and Strategies to Help Provide Support and Guidance to Adolescents Biological and Brain Development Cognitive Development Identity and Social Development Promoting Healthy Youth Development ACT for Youth Center of Excellence National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) Office of Population Affairs (OPA) Office of Adolescent Health (OAH) Narrated and PowerPoint Presentation http://www.actforyouth .net/publications/results .cfm?t=NarratedPresent ation&p=4&d=1 EBI Facilitators Resources to Read http://www.nimh.nih.go v/health/publications/th e-teen-brain-still-underconstruction/completeindex.shtml EBI Facilitators Self-Paced Online Learning Program http://www.hhs.gov/op a/familylife/tech_assista nce/etraining/adolescen t_brain/index.html Self-Paced Online Learning Program http://www.hhs.gov/as h/oah/resources-andpublications/learning/ad _dev/index.html EBI Facilitators EBI Facilitators 21 l. Sarah-Jayne Blakemore: The mysterious workings of the adolescent brain Comparison of the Prefrontal Cortex in Adolescents to that of Adults “Teenage Behavior” Caused by the Growing and Developing Brain TED Conferences EBI Facilitators 22 Video http://www.ted.com/tal ks/sarah_jayne_blakem ore_the_mysterious_wo rkings_of_the_adolesce nt_brain.html 9. Young Men Title a. b. Teaching Techniques to Effectively Reach Adolescent Boys Boy Code c. Male Adolescent Reproductive Health d. Let’s Hear About the Boys: Male Engagement in Teen Pregnancy Prevention Description Developer Strategies for teaching boys, especially within the context of sexual health education ACT for Youth Center of Excellence Unwritten Rules Governing Boys’ Lives ACT for Youth Center of Excellence Debunks common myths about adolescent males and discusses the ways that clinicians can provide male-friendly services. Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health (PRCH) Male Engagement in Teen Pregnancy Prevention Office of Adolescent Health (OAH) e. Discomfort Wearing Condoms f. Male Adolescent Reproductive Health Dos and don’ts for health care providers in discussing sexual health with male adolescents who have discomfort wearing condoms Dos and don’ts for health care providers in discussing reproductive health with male adolescents Audience Type EBI Facilitators Narrated and PowerPoint Presentation EBI Facilitators Narrated and PowerPoint Presentation Clinicians EBI Facilitators Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health (PRCH) Clinicians Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health (PRCH) Clinicians 23 Link http://www.actforyouth .net/publications/results .cfm?t=Narrated%20Pre sentation&d=1 http://www.actforyouth .net/publications/results .cfm?t=Narrated%20Pre sentation&d=1 PowerPoint Module http://prh.org/teenreproductivehealth/arshepdownloads/?q=arshepd ownloads Videos http://www.hhs.gov/as h/oah/resources-andpublications/multimedia / Video http://www.prch.org/st andardized-case-videosadolescentreproductive-andsexual-health Video http://www.prch.org/st andardized-case-videosadolescentreproductive-andsexual-health CMEs/CEUs Offered 10. LGBTQ Populations Title a. b. Sex, Etc. Description LGBTQ for Teens Explores gender identity and the experience of transgender adolescents and serves as a tool for clinicians to provide primary care for transgender patients and understand their sexual and reproductive health needs. Discusses the way that homophobia affects health outcomes for gay, lesbian, transgender, and questioning youth and how providers can develop comprehensive services to fulfill the needs of these special populations. Caring for Transgender Adolescents c. Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Youth d. Caring for LGBT Youth e. Caring for Older LGBT Adult Explores healthcare issues of particular concern for LGBTQ youth populations (aged 12-24 years). Aims to bring recognition to the presence of LGBT elders (age 65+), a group which is often overlooked). Developer Audience Type Link Rutgers University Youth Multimedia http://sexetc.org/ PowerPoint Module http://prh.org/teenreproductivehealth/arshepdownloads/?q=arshepd ownloads Clinicians PowerPoint Module http://prh.org/teenreproductivehealth/arshepdownloads/?q=arshepd ownloads Clinicians Self-Paced Online Learning Program http://www.lgbthealthe ducation.org/training/le arning-modules/ Clinicians Self-Paced Online Learning Program http://www.lgbthealthe ducation.org/training/le arning-modules/ Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health (PRCH) Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health (PRCH) The Fenway Institute: National LGBT Health Education Center The Fenway Institute: National LGBT Health Education Center 24 Clinicians CMEs/CEUs Offered f. Ending Invisibility: Better Care for LGBT Populations g. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention h. Promoting the Health of LGBT Families i. Knowing Your Patients: Taking a History and Providing Risk Reduction Counseling j. Understanding the T in LGBT: A Role for Clinicians Terminology related to LGBT populations LGBT population demographics Approaches to culturally appropriate care for LGBT populations Ways to create a safe and welcoming environment for LGBT patients Summarizes the most recent research on LGBT health disparities, and outlines key clinical approaches to promoting health in order to redress those disparities. Provides context on LGBT relationships and parenting that will help clinicians better know and care for their LGBT patients. Explains how to take a history that is inclusive of all patients, and how to tailor the history for LGBT patients. Familiarizes clinicians with the basic health needs of transgender individuals The Fenway Institute: National LGBT Health Education Center The Fenway Institute: National LGBT Health Education Center The Fenway Institute: National LGBT Health Education Center The Fenway Institute: National LGBT Health Education Center The Fenway Institute: National LGBT Health Education Center 25 Clinicians Self-Paced Online Learning Program http://www.lgbthealthe ducation.org/training/le arning-modules/ Clinicians Self-Paced Online Learning Program http://www.lgbthealthe ducation.org/training/le arning-modules/ Clinicians Self-Paced Online Learning Program http://www.lgbthealthe ducation.org/training/le arning-modules/ Clinicians Self-Paced Online Learning Program http://www.lgbthealthe ducation.org/training/le arning-modules/ Clinicians Self-Paced Online Learning Program http://www.lgbthealthe ducation.org/training/le arning-modules/ k. Coming Out l. Adolescent Sexual Health Webinar Series Dos and don’ts for health care providers in discussing sexual health with adolescents who are coming out The Health Needs of LGBTQ Youth Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health (PRCH) Clinicians Video NYC DOHMH Clinicians Webinar 26 http://www.prch.org/st andardized-case-videosadolescentreproductive-andsexual-health http://www.nycptc.org/ adolescent_webinar_ser ies.html CME 11. Minor’s Rights Title Description a. b. Providing Confidential Reproductive Health Services to Minors An Overview of Minors’ Consent Law Examines the issues surrounding a minor’s ability to access confidential reproductive health services. Contraceptive Services STI Services Prenatal Care Adoption Medical Care for a Child Abortion Developer Audience Type Link Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health (PRCH) Clinicians PowerPoint Module http://prh.org/teenreproductivehealth/arshepdownloads/?q=arshepd ownloads Guttmacher Institute EBI Facilitators Resources to Read http://www.guttmacher .org/statecenter/spibs/s pib_OMCL.pdf 27 CMEs/CEUs Offered 12. Intimate Partner Violence Title Description a. b. Sex, Etc. Understanding the OBI: Sexual Orientation, Behavior, and Identity c. Strategies for Reducing Teen Dating Violence and Sexual Assault d. Adolescents and Intimate Partner Violence Abuse & Violence for Teens Relationships for Teens Multi-dimensional Nature of Sexual Orientation, Behavior, and Identity Tactics for speaking with victims of teen dating violence and sexual assault and discusses strategies for reducing the incidence of these crimes in the United States Examine the various components of adolescent intimate partner violence (IPV) Differentiate characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships Describe safety planning as a strategy for intervention Identify resources for further information Developer Audience Type Link Rutgers University Youth Multimedia http://sexetc.org/ EBI Facilitators Narrated and PowerPoint Presentation http://www.actforyouth .net/publications/results .cfm?t=Narrated%20Pre sentation&d=1 EBI Facilitators Podcast http://www.hhs.gov/as h/oah/resources-andpublications/multimedia / EBI Facilitators Self-Paced Online Learning Program http://www.hhs.gov/op a/familylife/tech_assista nce/etraining/partner/in dex.html ACT for Youth Center of Excellence Office of Adolescent Health (OAH) U.S. Department of Health & Human Services 28 CMEs/CEUs Offered 13. Health Care Delivery Title Description a. Adolescent Friendly Health Services b. The Time is NOW: Providing AdolescentFriendly Sexual and Reproductive Program c. Preparing for the Impact of Health Care Reform on Reproductive Health Care - Available to ARHP Members Only Key elements of providing adolescent-friendly health services, including taking a comprehensive history and removing barriers adolescents face in accessing health services. Overview of key evidencebased practices which streamline reproductive health services for adolescents Recognize 3 components of the Affordable Care Act which will directly impact woman’s health care Identify 8 preventive services recommended by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) to be available to women as health insurance benefits without cost sharing Identify 3 differences between a family planning Medicaid 1115 wavier and a family planning state plan amendment (SPA) Recognize 3 features regarding coverage for abortion services by health plans participating in state health insurance exchanges Developer Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health (PRCH) NY PATH Audience Clinicians Clinicians Association of Reproductive Health Professionals (ARHP) 29 Clinicians Type Link PowerPoint Module http://prh.org/teenreproductivehealth/arshepdownloads/?q=arshepd ownloads Self-Paced Online Learning Program http://www.nypath.org/ ekp1/servlet/ekp?CID=n ypathpgm&TX=FORMAT 1&BACKTOCATALOG=Y &DECORATEPAGE=N Webinar (Exp. 05/31/2013) http://www.arhp.org/m odules/webinars/Prepar ing-for-the-Impact-ofHealth-Care-Reform-onReproductive-HealthCare---Available-toARHP-Members-Only/36 CMEs/CEUs Offered CME d. A Teen-Friendly Reproductive Health Visit Describe key components of a teen-friendly contraceptive and reproductive health care visit for hypothetical male and female patients Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 30 Clinicians Infographic http://www.cdc.gov/Te enPregnancy/TeenFrien dlyHealthVisit.html