LEGAL UPDATE AWPHD Mid-Year Membership Meeting June 24, 2013 Campbell’s Resort Chelan, Washington Bradley Berg 206.447.8970 | Rev. 12.11 ACLU OPPOSITION TO AFFILIATIONS BETWEEN PHDS AND CATHOLIC HEALTH CARE ORGANIZATIONS ACLU has expressed concern that affiliations between PHDs and Catholic health care organizations will reduce or eliminate access to: Reproductive health care services End of life health care services 2 ACLU OPPOSITION TO AFFILIATIONS BETWEEN PHDS AND CATHOLIC HEALTH CARE ORGANIZATIONS ACLU has argued that the proposed affiliations may violate a PHD’s obligations under: The Reproductive Privacy Act Article I, Section 11, of the Washington Constitution (establishment of religion clause) 3 SCOPE OF REPRODUCTIVE/END OF LIFE SERVICES Abortion Contraception Family planning Emergency contraception (Plan B) Fertility treatments Elective sterilizations (tubal ligations vasectomies) Living wills/advance directives Assisted Suicide 4 WASHINGTON’S REPRODUCTIVE PRIVACY ACT, RCW 9.02 “Every individual has the fundamental right to choose or refuse birth control” “Every woman has the fundamental right to choose or refuse… abortion.” The Act prohibits the state from interfering with these fundamental rights. 5 WASHINGTON’S REPRODUCTIVE PRIVACY ACT, RCW 9.02 RCW 9.02.160: If the state provides, directly or by contract, maternity care benefits, services, or information to women through any program administered or funded in whole or in part by the state, the state shall also provide women otherwise eligible for any such program with substantially equivalent benefits, services, or information to permit them to voluntarily terminate their pregnancies. 6 AMBIGUOUS TERMS IN REPRODUCTIVE PRIVACY ACT “maternity care benefits, service, or information” “program” “substantially equivalent” 7 WASHINGTON STATE CONSTITUTION Article I, Section 11, of the Washington Constitution (Establishment Clause) “No public money or property shall be appropriated for or applied to any religious worship, exercise or instruction, or the support of any religious establishment . . . .” 8 DEATH WITH DIGNITY ACT Allows terminally ill adults to access lethal doses of medication from medical and osteopathic physicians Act expressly states that health care providers are not required to participate under the Act or allow participation on their premises 9