FY2015 Fund Code 648 Promoting Adolescent Health and School

Promoting Adolescent Health and School Success
Fund Code 648 FY 15
Grant Assurances
The school district agrees to:
designate a team-lead who is responsible for ensuring all aspects of the grant
are fulfilled.
submit a detailed year 2 plan by September 15, 2014
sustain a school health advisory committee or subcommittee to carry out grant
allow the appropriate staff to attend trainings and TA sessions sponsored by the
Departments of Elementary and Secondary Education.
allow designated staff to participate in summer meetings with the TA and PD
participate in all program evaluation activities.
CDC’s evaluation requirements for continued funding include:
participate in the Massachusetts Youth Risk Behavior Survey, if selected
submit semi-annual reports on district progress due in February and August.
Signature of Staff Person Applying to be the team lead for Adolescent
Health Program
Signature of Superintendent