Baby Assembly Line: Commercial Surrogacy and the Commodification of Reproductive labor Monica Cabrera Main Argument Commercial surrogacy and other reproductive technology caters to the demands of free-market capitalism and perpetuates broader ideologies of race, class, nation, and gender. • • • • Western medical model of the body Representations of racialized "Others" Discipline process Stratified reproduction Agency • • Surrogates in India’s reproductive industry encounter ways to overcome the commodification of their reproductive capacities. Surrogacy as a means to assert more control over financial, sexual, and emotional lives. A mother shows a photograph of her surrogate baby with his biological father (right), next to her own husband and child (left). (Source: Rudrappa, S. “India's Reproductive Assembly Line.” Contexts, 11(2012): 22-27) Concerns • • • • Stratified reproduction Kinship ideology Reproductive rights Limited opportunities and protection for poor and working-class women in India