KY#: EXE0001733

Raffle Drawing Rules
2015 KORE Academy Fall Festival
Thank you for supporting the KORE Academy Fall Festival and Raffle! This event and Raffle is an
important part of KORE’s annual fundraising program.
1. All completed raffle entries will be put into a container.
2. The second prize drawing will be held first for the iPad Air.
There will be one winner of this prize.
3. The Grand Prize drawing will be held next. The first raffle
ticket drawn will be for the two UK basketball tickets to the
Jan. 23 game vs Vanderbilt; the next raffle ticket drawn will be
for the two UK basketball tickets to the Feb. 6 game vs
Florida; the final raffle ticket drawn will be for the two UK
basketball tickets to the March 5 game vs. LSU. Each raffle
ticket drawn will entitle the holder to two tickets to ONE UK
basketball game as noted above. Seat location as noted on the
raffle ticket: Section 29, Row S, Seats 3 & 4. These tickets
cannot be resold and must be picked up on game day at Will
4. You need not be present to win. Winners who are not present
will be notified by email and certified mail.
5. The drawing will be held on Friday, Oct. 16, 2015 at 7:30 pm
at the KORE Academy Fall Festival, Porter Memorial Church
Gym, 4300 Nicholasville Rd., Lexington, KY.
KY#: EXE0001733