Hebrew Dependency Guidelines based on Stanford

Hebrew Dependency Guidelines based on Stanford-typed
Dependencies Manual.
BGU University
In order to adjust the English Stanford typed dependency categories to Hebrew, we have
chosen a set of 50 Hebrew sentences from a Medical Corpus Domain.
The process involved a few taggers, discussions and re-tagging.
Definitions of the typed dependencies
For each definition of the Stanford types, we present the adjusted definition in Hebrew and
present the specific issues for the Hebrew language.
Dependencies are binary relations between the governor (the head) and the dependent.
They are alphabetically ordered, and make use of the Hebrew POS tags as defined in BGU
Hebrew Morphological Tagging guidelines. 1
Examples are taken mostly (and if available) from the medical corpus collected by Raphael
Cohen, otherwise, they may be from various sources.
In the example text, dependent will be marked bold and underlined, head is bold.
Dependency_type(head, dependent)
The abbreviation modifier of the NP is a parenthesized phrase that serves to represent an
abbreviation of the NP
In some cases, the text within the parenthesis is in different language than the Hebrew text
it abbreviates. The parenthesis will depend on the head of the abbreviated expression.
(CIS) ‫מדובר במקרה של סרטן בשלפוחית השתן‬
It is a case of cancer in the bladder (CIS)
ABBREV(‫סרטן‬, CIS)
)FNA( ‫בירור על ידי ביופסיית מחט‬
An adjectival complement of a verb is an adjectival phrase which functions as the
This construction is less common in Hebrew; but can be applied to particle verbs (Beinoni).
However, in most cases a comparative ‫ כ‬is used Hebrew
‫זהבה נראתה שמחה‬
‫אירוע פרכוסי המתואר כללי‬
‫?היא רצתה להפוך עשירה‬
ADVCL : adverbial clause modifier
An adverbial clause modifier of a VP or S is a clause modifying the verb (temporal clause,
consequence, conditional clause, etc.). The dependency is between the adverbial clause head
and the main clause head. ADVCL clause is typically introduced with a MARK tag.
‫אם ממצא זה יחיד לא סביר שתקבלי המלצה על ביצוע דיקור מי שפיר‬
‫היא איננה גורמת לנזק קרדיאלי אלא מהווה תגובה נאותה של הלב לשינוי ההורמונאלי‬
ADVMOD: adverbial modifier
An adverbial modifier of a word is a (non-clausal) adverb or adverbial phrase (ADVP) that
serves to modify the meaning of the word.
The Hebrew adverb is a mixed category. In most cases the adverbials will be tagged with the
RB tag but there are cases where the adverbial is of other categories, as an adjective ( ‫החזרים‬
‫)הופקו ירודים‬
.‫הם תמיד מלווים בהתקפים של דופק מהיר‬
‫החזרים הופקו ירודים ברגליים‬
AGENT: agent ** Reut removed this category… should be discussed more ***
An agent is the complement of a passive verb which is introduced by the preposition “by”
and does the action.
‫בקע של הדיסקוס נגרם לרוב *על ידי *בלאי של הדיסקוס‬
‫נשיא פקיסטן ביקר הנערה שנורתה על ידי‬
‫חרדים ייבדקו רק על ידי‬
[Note: the English parser does not find the manual example ("Effects caused by the
protein are important." " The man has been killed by the police"
AMOD: adjectival modifier
‫תסמונת טרנר היא פגם גנטי‬
ynet http://www.ynet.co.il/articles/0,7340,L-4317295,00.html
An adjectival modifier of an NP is any adjectival phrase that serves to modify the meaning of
the NP.
Most adjectival modifiers are of type JJ but there are some exceptions:
Beinoni ‫הרופא המטפל‬
the-doctor the-caregiver
‫ עין ימין‬which is practically an apposition between two nouns but when definite will
get the adjectival inflection (‫ *עין הימין‬- ‫)עין ימין‬
APPOS: appositional modifier
An appositional modifier of an NP is an NP immediately to the right of the first NP that serves
to define or modify that NP. It includes parenthesized examples.
We have extended the apposition definition beyond the NP phrase, and it is used when two
phrases of the same type are adjunct in a clause.
Glinert [1989] defines apposition as a sequence of two phrases of the same type usually
without a visible mark (punctuation, connective or morphological one), where one is a
modifier (usually the second), but both have the same referent (or one's reference includes
the second's).
Hebrew is not limited
where it can be paraphrased into an equative process ( ‫ הגבי‬,‫החיידק הוא ההליקובקטר פילורי‬
‫)הוא המותני‬,
‫סקוליוזיס בצורת‬S‫מותני‬-‫גבי‬
‫החיידק ההליקובקטר פילורי‬
??17-‫ לשבוע ה‬16-‫ בין השבוע ה‬Is this apposition?
An attributive is a WHNP complement of a copular verb such as “to be”, “to seem”, “to
appear”. (what is that?)
No examples in the corpus, does it refer to questions only?
aux: auxiliary
An auxiliary of a clause is a non-main verb of the clause, e.g. modal auxiliary, “be” and
“have” in a composed tense.
In Hebrew, there are two possible uses of the auxiliary type:
Modals ‫בקע של הדיסקוס עלול לקרות בכל חלק של עמוד השדרה‬
Existential ‫יש להניח שתוכל לשלב טיפול תרופתי‬
AUX(‫ להניח‬,‫)יש‬
auxpass – N/A
cc: coordination
A coordination is the relation between an element of a conjunct and the coordinating
conjunction word of the conjunct.
The cc element is dependent on the first element in the conjoined phrase or list. In cases
where there are more than 2 elements are listed, all elements will be tagged with conj and
the separating punctuation (;,,) will be tagged with the cc.
‫במשפחה הורים בריאים ועוד שני ילדים בריאים‬
‫ רותי ומלכה נסעו לטייל‬,‫דני‬
Example with conj and cc together with more than 2 conjuncts and different categories (NPs,
ccomp: clausal complement
A clausal complement of a verb or adjective is a dependent clause with an internal subject
which functions like an object of the verb, or adjective
‫יש להניח כי תוכל לשלב טיפול תרופתי‬
.‫אם ממצא זה יחיד לא סביר שתקבלי המלצה לביצוע דיקור מי שפיר‬
A complementizer of a clausal complement (ccomp) is the word introducing it
The complementizer is introduced with )‫ ו (ייתכן ו‬,‫ כי‬,‫ כ‬,‫ש‬
,‫ להניח ש‬,.‫ ההסבר הוא ש‬,‫ סביר ש‬,‫ יתכן ו‬,‫נראה ש‬
‫יש להניח כי תוכל לשלב טיפול תרופתי‬
conj : conjunct
A conjunct is the relation between two elements connected by a coordinating conjunction.
Conjunctions are treated asymmetrically: The head of the relation is the first conjunct and
other conjunctions depend on it via the conj relation.
A conjunct head can have more than one dependent.
‫במשפחה הורים בריאים ועוד שני ילדים בריאים‬
cop: copula
A copula is the relation between the complement of a copular verb and the copular verb. A
copula is in most cases dependent upon its complementizer.
In Hebrew, it is possible to omit the copula; in addition, in some cases the negation is fused
into the copula.
‫המציג אינו רופא‬
.‫המצב – רע‬
.‫זיפרסקה היא תכשיר נוגד פסיכוזה‬
There are cases where the copula functions as the head of the sentence as in the case of
‫סביר יותר להניח שהנשירה היא מחוסר ברזל‬
In this case, ‫ היא‬is the head of the relative clause.
csubj : clausal subject
n/a in corpus
A clausal subject is a clausal syntactic subject of a clause, i.e., the subject is itself a clause
‫מה שחשבתי צל הוא הגוף‬
csubjpass: clausal passive subject
n/a in corpus
A clausal passive subject is a clausal syntactic subject of a passive clause.
A name of poetry book by Shimon Adaf.
det: determiner
A determiner is the relation between the head of an NP and its determiner.
A Hebrew determiner includes – definite HE, demonstrative pronouns (‫)ילד זה‬, quantifiers
(‫ הרבה מחלות‬,‫)כל ילד‬,
‫כל חלק של עמוד השדרה‬
‫כל חלק של עמוד ה שדרה‬
dobj : direct object
The direct object of a VP is the noun phrase which is the (accusative) object of the verb.
In Hebrew there are two possible occurrences of direct object. When the head is indefinite
then it would usually be the dependent of the main verb. If the phrase is definite, then it is
introduced with an accusative ‫ את‬marker, which will function as the head of the dobj
[?? This should be examined further, I do think that the ‫ את‬sould depend on the head of the
‫אפשר להחליף את הגבס בקיבוע‬
.‫עדיף בהחלט להתקין התקן תוך רחמי‬
expl: expletive
This relation captures an existential “there”. The main verb of the clause is the governor.
There is a ghost in the room
*I do not sure that we have this in Hebrew
infmod: infinitival modifier
none in set
An infinitival modifier of an NP is an infinitive that serves to modify the meaning of the NP.
‫אין לי סיבות להמשיך‬
iobj : indirect object
The indirect object of a VP is the noun phrase which is the (dative) object of the verb.
[this should be further discussed – is it always a PP or can it be a bare NP? What would that
mean? Is there a need for a special category?]
‫הרופא נתן לחולה את התרופה‬
‫אפשר להחליף את הגבס בקיבוע מחומר פלסטי‬
mark: marker
A marker of an adverbial clausal complement (advcl) is the word introducing it.
In Hebrew it can be a preposition as in "‫"במידה והשרירים של הגב העליון לא חזקים מספיק‬, a CCCORD ‫ אלא‬,‫ אם‬CC-SUB ‫כאשר‬
‫יש טעם בבדיקה אם יש אינדיקציה רפואית‬
mwe: multi-word expression
The multi-word expression (modifier) relation is used for certain multi-word idioms that
behave like a single function word. It is used for a closed set of dependencies between words
in common multi-word expressions for which it seems difficult or unclear to assign any other
‫על שם‬,‫ תוך רחמי‬,‫ בדרך כלל‬,‫ על ידי‬,‫ על פי‬,‫ דו צידי‬,?‫ אי –סדירות‬,‫ תוך כדי‬,‫כמו כן‬
‫בקע של הדיסקוס נגרם לרוב על ידי בלאי של הדיסקוס‬
neg: negation modifier
The negation modifier is the relation between a negation word and the word it modifies.
Negation in Hebrew can sometime be fused into the copular verb, as in ‫ אין לנו בעיות‬. In this
case, the ‫ אין‬is the root of the clause. However, if the sentence ‫היא איננה גורמת לנזק קרדיאלי‬
the negation ‫ איננה‬although inflected is tagged as NEG
‫היא איננה גורמת לנזק קרדיאלי‬
‫אישה לא בהריון‬
nn: noun compound modifier
A noun compound modifier of an NP is any noun that serves to modify the head noun.
Hebrew noun compounding, called smixut, imposes a morphological change on the first
/head noun and causes additional structure
number: element of compound number
constraint. **in the examples I have
marked with nn the cases where the classifier is actually a word in foreign language*
CT ‫מוח‬
‫דפלפט כרונו‬
nsubj : nominal subject
A nominal subject is a noun phrase which is the syntactic subject of a clause.
‫היא אינה גורמת לנזק קרדיאלי‬
‫יש טעם בבדיקה אורתודנטית‬
‫המדבקות עובדות בדיוק כמו הגלולות‬
nsubjpass: passive nominal subject
A passive nominal subject is a noun phrase which is the syntactic subject of a passive clause.
The Hebrew passive is realized with three Binyanim: pual,nifal, hufal
‫הילד שוחרר עם טיפול סימפטומטי בהורדת חום‬
‫נצפה אירוע מינורי‬
num: numeric modifier
A numeric modifier of a noun is any number phrase that serves to modify the meaning of the
Numbers in Hebrew are usually located before the noun, ‫אחד‬-one is always after the head
noun or its modifiers
‫שני חתולים‬
‫חתול לבן צוואר אחד‬
number: element of compound number
An element of compound number is a part of a number phrase or currency amount.
I am not sure of how this tag is intended to be used , however, I think that complex numbers
in Hebrew such as '‫' 'שלושת אלפים‬,‫ אלפיים‬should all be of
I lost $ 3.2 billion” number($, billion)
DOBJ(LOST-2, $-5)
parataxis: parataxis
The parataxis relation (from Greek for “place side by side”) is a relation between the main
verb of a clause and other sentential elements, such as a sentential parenthetical, or a clause
after a “:” or a “;”.
In the set of 50 sentences we have7 parataxis examples.
** a discussion on parataxis vs. apposition, levels of reference etc.
‫ מלל יחסית דל עם קושי‬,‫ נמנע מיצירת קשר עין ומטה ראשו הצידה‬,‫הופק נסטגמוס אופקי דו צידי גס‬
…‫ עבר הערכה אורטופדית‬,…‫עבר צילום שדרה‬
)‫בקע של הדיסקוס נגרם על פי רוב על ידי בלאי של הדיסקוס (מה שמכונה גם התנוונות הדיסקית‬
)‫התופעה נפוצה במיוחד בצוואר (בקע צווארי‬
‫ מקורם יכול להיות במחלה וירלית חולפת‬,‫התסמינים שאת מתארת‬
)"‫ "פאלפיטציות = דופק מהיר שחשים אותו‬- ‫התקפים של דופק מהיר (מקצועית שמם‬
partmod: participial modifier
A participial modifier of an NP or VP or sentence is a participial verb form that serves to
modify the meaning of a noun phrase or sentence.
There are no examples in the set of sentences but I think that the following, for example,
will describe it. However, couldnt it also be tagged with amod?
‫פנים צרובי‬
pcomp: prepositional complement
n/a in corpus
A name of a book written by Shimon Adaf.
This is used when the complement of a preposition is a clause or prepositional phrase (or
occasionally, an adverbial phrase). The prepositional complement of a preposition is the head
of a clause following the preposition, or the preposition head of the following PP.
‫ בתחושה בלבד‬2-‫ עם הזעות ובין‬1-‫ בין‬,‫כאשר מופיעים גלי חום‬
In this example, I have tagged the ‫ בין‬as advmod and the ‫בתחושה בלבד‬,‫ עם הזעות‬as prep
heads. I think that it may be more accurate to tag
Also, possible – there not a few examples in the internet for sentences such as:
‫חשבתי על ללכת לבית חולים אחר‬
This may be used when gerunds are used ‫בהיותך בשמירת הריון‬, ‫עם צאתי מהכלא‬
pobj : object of a preposition
The object of a preposition is the head of a noun phrase following the preposition, or the
adverbs “here” and “there”.
133 occurrences, in all cases it is the nominal head of the following NP.
.‫אין דיווח על פרכוסים‬
poss: possession modifier
I have not found examples for this relation in the set of sentences that we tagged. However,
I think that most poss cases are tagged as gobj
gobj: genitive object
86 occurences
Following Reut Tsarfaty's suggestion, we added the genitive object type for cases where the
construct state (smixut) structure is used, or when the possessive preposition ‫ של‬is used.
‫הורדת חום‬
‫ חודשים‬7
‫אקסטנציה של הגפיים‬
‫מסגרת המרפאה‬
‫מיפוי של בלוטת התריס‬
**Michael, this issue relates to the ‫ את‬question as well. If we tag ‫ את‬as a prep, then you'd
have different trees for definite and indefinite structure.
‫אכלתי תפוח‬
‫אכלתי את התפוח‬
As we discussed, this may be 'smoothed' when collapsing
preconj : preconjunct
A preconjunct is the relation between the head of an NP and a word that appears at the
beginning bracketing a conjunction (and puts emphasis on it), such as “either”, “both”,
“Both the boys and the girls are here”
predet: predeterminer
A predeterminer is the relation between the head of an NP and a word that precedes and
modifies the meaning of the NP determiner.
‫??? בכל מקרה מומלץ גם לשלול הפרעה‬
prep: prepositional modifier
A prepositional modifier of a verb, adjective, or noun is any prepositional phrase that serves
to modify the meaning of the verb, adjective, noun, or even another preposition.
We make a distinction in Hebrew between the preposition ‫ של‬which is tagged as a genitive
object (gobj). We rely on the list of prepositions defined in the Hebrew Tagging Guidelines.
Some of the Hebrew prepositions are agglutinated to the following noun, and therefore
morphological analysis is required.
Preposition modifying the main verb:
‫עברה בירור עקב היקפי ראש קטנים‬
Preposition attached to a noun:
‫אין דיווח על פירכוסים‬
‫הטיות עינייים כלפי מעלה ל משך כדקה‬
prepc: prepositional clausal modifier
In the collapsed representation (see section 4), a prepositional clausal modifier of a verb,
adjective, or noun is a clause introduced by a preposition which serves to modify the meaning
of the verb, adjective, or noun.
No treatment of collapsed representation yet
prt: phrasal verb particle
The phrasal verb particle relation identifies a phrasal verb, and holds between the verb and
its particle.
punct: punctuation
This is used for any piece of punctuation in a clause, if punctuation is being retained in the
typed dependencies.
In the following example, the root of the clause is the adjective '‫ 'תקינה‬and the punctuation
depends on it, in a similar manner like an auxiliary.
.‫ מוח מהאישפוז – תקינה‬CT ‫בדיקת‬
punct(‫ תקינה‬, -)
.‫ שניות‬10ii-5i-‫ההתקפים נמשכים לפרקי זמן קצרים של כ‬
The first hyphen depends on the ‫ כ‬while the second will depend on the 5 (the first number
of the two, like the 10)
.‫הרבה זקיקים מופיעים כאשר יש שחלות פוליציסטיות‬
, .)
purpcl: purpose clause modifier
n/a in set ?? do we need it in Hebrew? Why is it defined from the start?
A purpose clause modifier of a VP is a clause headed by “(in order) to” specifying a purpose.
At present the system only recognizes ones that have “in order to”
quantmod: quantifier phrase modifier
A quantifier modifier is an element modifying the head of a QP constituent.
‫ שניות‬10ii-5i-‫ההתקפים נמשכים לפרקי זמן קצרים של כ‬
rcmod: relative clause modifier
A relative clause modifier of an NP is a relative clause modifying the NP. The relation points
from the head noun of the NP to the head of the relative clause, normally a verb.
28 occurrences in set
rcmod is usually introduced with ‫ ש‬or ‫ ה‬relativizers (tagged with ref)
.storch-‫עברה בירור עקב היקפי ראש קטנים שכלל נוגדנים ל‬
ref : referent
A referent of the head of an NP is the relative word introducing the relative clause modifying
the NP.
‫אירוע פרכוסי המתואר כללי‬
The identification of th relative clause is a subtle issue in the cases of gerunds/particles
‫הוראות הרופא ה מטפל‬
.17-‫ לשבוע ה‬14-‫העובר נבדק במהלך הסקירה המתבצעת בין השבוע ה‬
rel : relative
A relative of a relative clause is the head word of the WH-phrase introducing it.
?? n/a
root: root
The root grammatical relation points to the root of the sentence. A fake node “ROOT” is used
as the governor. The ROOT node is indexed with “0”, since the indexation of real words in the
sentence starts at 1.
.17-‫ לשבוע ה‬14-‫העובר נבדק במהלך הסקירה המתבצעת בין השבוע ה‬
ROOT(ROOT, ‫)נבדק‬
.‫יש דיווח על פירכוסים‬
ROOT(ROOT, ‫)יש‬
Hebrew allows verbless sentences (the copula can be omitted)
.‫במשפחה הורים בריאים‬
ROOT(ROOT, ‫)הורים‬
tmod: temporal modifier
A temporal modifier (of a VP, NP, or an ADJP is a bare noun phrase constituent that serves to
modify the meaning of the constituent by specifying a time. (Other temporal modifiers are
prepositional phrases and are introduced as prep.)
.‫הנער מטופל היום בדפלפט‬
??.‫לאחרונה במסגרת מרפאה מקומית ביצעו שינוי תרופתי‬
xcomp: open clausal complement
An open clausal complement (xcomp) of a VP or an ADJP is a clausal complement without its
own subject, whose reference is determined by an external subject. These complements are
always non-finite. The name xcomp is borrowed from Lexical-Functional Grammar.
*** is this ok? not sure. .‫בכל מקרה מומלץ לשלול הפרעה בתפקוד בלוטת התריס‬
xsubj : controlling subject
A controlling subject is the relation between the head of an open clausal complement
(xcomp) and the external subject of that clause.
root – root
dep - dependent
aux - auxiliary
auxpass - passive auxiliary
cop - copula
arg - argument
agent - agent
comp - complement
acomp - adjectival complement
attr - attributive
ccomp - clausal complement with internal subject
xcomp - clausal complement with external subject
complm - complementizer
obj - object
dobj - direct object
iobj - indirect object
pobj - object of preposition
mark - marker (word introducing an advcl)
rel - relative (word introducing a rcmod)
subj - subject
nsubj - nominal subject
nsubjpass - passive nominal subject
csubj - clausal subject
csubjpass - passive clausal subject
cc - coordination
conj - conjunct
expl - expletive (expletive “there”)
mod - modifier
abbrev - abbreviation modifier
amod - adjectival modifier
appos - appositional modifier
advcl - adverbial clause modifier
purpcl - purpose clause modifier
det - determiner
predet - predeterminer
preconj - preconjunct
infmod - infinitival modifier
mwe - multi-word expression modifier
partmod - participial modifier
advmod - adverbial modifier
neg - negation modifier
rcmod - relative clause modifier
quantmod - quantifier modifier
nn - noun compound modifier
npadvmod - noun phrase adverbial modifier
tmod - temporal modifier
num - numeric modifier
number - element of compound number
prep - prepositional modifier
poss - possession modifier
possessive - possessive modifier (’s)
prt - phrasal verb particle
parataxis - parataxis
punct - punctuation
ref - referent
sdep - semantic dependent
xsubj - controlling subject