November 12 2012 - Texas Library Association

Texas Library Association
District 3 Fall Meeting
Friday, November 9, 2012
The University of Texas
1. Call to Order, Introductions, Acknowledgements (Catherine Hamer)
District 3 Chair, Catherine Hamer, introduced the D3 officers and liaisons. She thanked UT
Libraries for allowing us to use their facilities, with special thanks going to Vice Provost & Director
Dr. Fred Heath, as well as UT Libraries Facilities for setting up and arranging the room.
2. Reports
a. TLA Executive Board Report (Sally Miculek)
(to be filled in at Annual Conference)
b. Legislative Report (Susan Mann)
Susan passed out the TLA Legislative Platform for this legislative session, listed the tools that
are available on the TLA website to help with advocacy, and reminded everyone of the
importance of contacting their legislator before the start of session. When visiting with a
legislator, talk about the importance of libraries – all libraries. Texas libraries need all of our
help to see the funds restored to library programs. Our lack of support last session resulted
in a defeat that could have restored funding. The TLA Legislative Committee has a
legislative timeline on the TLA website. Please sign up for the TXLINE to keep updated on
Legislative happenings.
c. Secretary’s Report (Suzan Nyfeler)
The minutes from the Annual Assembly were accepted as submitted, with minor corrections
for names.
d. Councilor’s Report (Danielle Plumer)
The TLA budget is lower than in previous years. The TALL Texans Leadership Institute will
be shortened and other economies have been adopted. District 3 should see few, if any,
effects from this. All units are asked to review the TLA Strategic Plan for 2012-2015 and
identify areas in which they can implement it. Of particular interest is Strategic Initiative #1,
which mandates TLA to demonstrate the value of libraries and librarians.
e. Treasurer’s Report (Ann Mason)
Ann presented the treasurer’s report which covered July 1, 2011 – June 30, 2013. Our
beginning balance was $4493.14. The 2012/2013 Revenue was $3,522.17 ($537.17
membership allotment + $935 Best of the Best funds + $2050 estimated fall meeting
registration). Budgeted Expenses include $2161 fall meeting + donations ($250 Tall Texans
+ $500 Legislative Day) + stipends (two $300 for TLA conference + $595 Tall Texans + $500
National conference). This leaves a balance of $3009.31.
f. District 3 Conference Stipend Report (Constance Matheny)
D3 has given away $2,400 since 2008. This year’s winners are Diane Hance and Michelle
Beebower. The committee was Karen Kessel, Tricia Brauer, Yasmeen Jehangir, and
Catherine Hamer.
g. District 3 TALL Texan Stipend Report (Karen Ellis)
Betty Thompson, Technology Librarian, Taylor Public Library reported for Karen Ellis. There
were no District 3 Tall Texan Stipend applicants or awards made this past year.
3. TLPAC (Carlyn Gray)
The Legislative Steering Committee is taking a new approach this year, with several new initiatives.
1) Instead of a formal Legislative Day as in the past, the LSC is urging members to use a grassroots
approach of contacting local legislators and inviting them to speak in our communities and school
campuses. 2) LSC is urging everyone to write, email, or phone legislators’ offices to state your desire
for increased support for library funding to allow the State to create a State-wide resource sharing
system for all types of libraries, support for full implementation of the State Library’s budget, and no
cuts in State funding which would mean losing millions of dollars in federal funding. When contacting
legislators, stress the ways in which libraries strengthen the work force by providing an educated,
more career and college ready workforce that in turn improves community life.
4. CTLS (Pat Touhy)
The Texas State Library dissolved the regional systems. There are only three left: NTLP, Harrington
Consortia in Amarillo PL, and CTLS. I was there to recruiting all types of libraries as members. Pat
emphasized the need to continue networking among all types of libraries. She and Carlyn Gray
encouraged everyone to contact their state representatives and lobby for the needs of all types of
5. TexShare (Beverley Shirley)
Beverley Shirley from the Texas State Library and Archives Commission updated the District 3
membership on the current TexShare budget and on the status of various services available to
libraries, including TexShare programs, interlibrary loan, consulting, continuing education, and grant
6. TLA TALL Texans and Continuing Education Opportunities (Ted Wanner)
Ted reminded everyone of TLA’s educational webinars and CE opportunities at Annual Assembly.
He also reminded everyone to encourage their colleagues to apply for TALL Texans. The deadline is
January 25, 2013. Maureen Sullivan and Jack Siggins will facilitate this summer’s Institute, held June
9-12, 2013 at Montserrat Retreat Center in Lake Dallas. There are always funds available for
candidates who need financial assistance.
7. District 3 Election (Danielle Plumer)
Incoming Chair: Sarah Naper, Texas State University
Incoming Vice-chair: Angela Hall, Westwood High School, RRISD
Incoming Secretary: Suzan Nyfeler, Austin Public Library
Incoming Treasurer: Ann Mason, Austin Community College
Councilor (2011-2014): Danielle Plumer, consultant
Alternate Councilor (2011-2014): Kay Gooch, Gullett Elementary, AISD
8. Announcements (Catherine Hamer)
D3 Chair, Catherine Hamer, thanked everyone for coming. She set the stage for the rest of the day’s
speakers who included keynote Stephen Abrams (Gale Cengage), Loriene Roy (UT School of
Information), Ruth Goerger (Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library and Museum), April Kessler
(Cycling for Libraries), and all the vendors who made the day possible.
9. Adjourn
Respectfully submitted,
Suzan Nyfeler
D3 Secretary