The 82 nd Session… PROPOSED 10% CUT for 2012-2013

The Latest in Legislative News and
Library Legislative Day, 2011
January 12, 2010
3:30 pm (CST)
Texas Library Association
Advocacy Series
The Latest in Legislative News &
Library Legislative Day, 2011
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The Latest in Legislative News & Library
Legislative Day, 2011
Instructions for later
Everyone will receive an evaluation survey
after the webinar.
Additional library advocacy and policy
information is posted on the TLA website
The Latest Legislative News and Library
Legislative Day, 2011
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The Latest in Legislative News and
Library Legislative Day, 2011
January 12, 2011
3:30 pm (CST)
Texas Library Association
Advocacy Series
Brought to you by
TLA’s Legislative Sponsors
Britannica Digital
Gale Cengage Learning
Lee & Low
Our Presenters
Joyce Baumbach
Susan Mann
Gloria Meraz
Marty De Leon
Retired director
of Plano Public
Director of the
library and IT for
the City of
TLA Director of
TLA Policy
Committee Chair
Committee ViceChair
The 82nd Legislature
The State Budget and
The Outlook for Libraries
Post Election Huddle
Tex. Leg. Election Night Results: 99 R/51 D - House
21 House incumbents lost (Donna Howard, too?) with 36 new
House members; 2 Dems became Republicans (101 Republicans)
19R/12 D – Senate
Joe Straus re-elected at Speaker
9 House Committee Chairs not returning (including Homer of Culture,
Recreation & Tourism Comm.
Sub. on Article I - Otto, Creighton, Brown (Herrero & Flores gone)
Sub. on Article III - Hochberg, Aycock, King, Morrirson, Villarreal (no
What does a supermajority in the House mean? Approp. bill can pass
in regular session. No special session. No new taxes to help with
budget shortfall.10% cuts submitted by state agencies likely to
happen. Major cuts to education and health very likely.
State Budget Shortfalls for
Comptroller says Texas will be short
$26.8B for the 2012-2013 biennium
The 2010-2011 biennium currently has a
$3 to $4B shortfall (even after the 5% cut
already implemented)
Texas has a combined revenue shortfall of
about $30B
The Cuts
Sen. Ogden (Chair, Senate
Finance Committee) states that
Article II (Health) and Article III
(Education) must suffer cuts.
State Coffers
State Budget Expenses -- $182 B
for 2010-2011
Health – 30%
General Government
– 3.2%
Includes State Library
Education – 60%
Includes TEA and
Higher Ed
5% cut from current (2010-2011) budget
High School Initiatives –
Collaborative Dropout
Cycle 3 and HS
Reduction; Prof. Dev. For
SSI (42b) Supplemental math
SSI (42e) Arts integration
TEA admin
Beginning teacher induction &
Steroid testing
Science & math outreach
Humanities Texas
Principal leadership training –
counselor training for
college prep
Loan Star Libraries
System Negotiated
Several other divisions
(bulk of cuts for LSL and
SyNG programs)
Higher ED
Texas Higher Education
Coordinating Board
Cuts across for all
institutions of higher
Budget Shortfall for 2010-2011
TEA’s 5% cut amounted to $126 M
TSLAC’s 5% cut amounted to $2.047 M
Higher ed’s 5% cut amounted to $439 M
All state agencies made a 5% cut = $1.25 B
However, state budget shortfall for 2010-11
was $2.3 B
Emergency appropriation needed in Jan.
PROPOSED 10% CUT for 2012-2013
TX High School InitiativeCollaborative Dropout Cycle 3
TX High School InitiativeProfessional Development for
SSI (42 b) Supp.Math Instruction/
College Entrance Exams
Beginning Teacher Induction and
Steroid Testing
Science And Math Outreach
Technology Allotment
Region Service Centers
Science Lab Grant Program
Life Skills Student Parents
Optional Extended Year
Textbook & Kindergarten
Loan Star Libraries
System Negotiated Grants
Talking Book Program
Archives Division
Local Records
Higher ED
All areas of higher
education – including
all institutions of higher
education and the
budget of THECB (with
50 programs being cut)
Nursing Shortage
Texas B-On Time
Top Ten % Grants
Texas Grants
Proposed Cuts for 2012-2013
The 10% cut by TEA equals $261 M
The 10% cut by TSLAC equals $3.880 M
The 10% cut to THECB equals $127 M
If all state agencies reduce by 10%, the
savings will be $3.5 B
Can we balance the budget and
save FSP?
$26.8 B budget shortfall
$3.5 B (10% cut by agencies)
$8 B (Rainy Day Fund)
$2 B (Delay FSP payment)
$2 B (VLT at race tracks)
$2B (Raise fees)
Remember: Redistricting is on the agenda.
How bad is the budget crunch?
Let’s chop up state government for fun:
$2.4B - 22 entire state agencies (Atty Gen/CPA)
$437M - state judiciary
$875M - oversight water control and parks
$587M - bus/economic development programs
$312M - 31 regulatory agencies, including those
overseeing insurance, racing and utilities)
• $354M - (TX Legislature: budget planning, legal
advice and staff)
And you could…
Fire half the prison, parole and probation officers to save
$1.4 billion.
Eliminate college financial aid/scholarships to save $1.2
Spend half of the state's rainy day fund to raise $4.5
Eliminate all grants for Temporary Assistance for Needy
Families (TANF) to save $131 million.
Tympany…only $12.2 billion is saved.
Less than half of what probably will be needed for $26.8B
The 82nd Legislature
Our mission is to …
What we will hear…
There is NO MONEY
Smaller government
Focus on jobs and getting
people back to work
Offering a competitive education &
ensuring a competitive workforce
Our Message
The library community wants to:
Keep from losing ground not expand
Help get people back to work
Use public funds efficiently
Ensure students have access to digital
resources essential for a competitive
education & workforce
Looking at the big picture!
We must focus our language and
messaging to the OUTSIDE world.
That means:
– It isn’t about a particular type of library; it’s
– It’s about how libraries make a tangible &
fundamental contribution to the state.
– It’s about what supporting libraries means for
constituents at the home district.
The Value We Bring
How many students did you help graduate
or keep in school?
Over the course of his/her lifetime, a dropout
will cost the nation $260,000 in lost
earnings, taxes, and productivity. Stephen Reder’s
Adult Literacy Development and Economic Growth Report (August, 2010)
How much economic activity has your
library programming spurred?
The Cost of Illiteracy
Illiteracy costs the US and businesses an
$220 billion annually in lost wages, lost
productivity, lost taxes, public assistance,
and lost opportunity
What is the literacy rate in your
How do we promote literacy?
Benchmarking Adult Literacy in America: An International Comparative
Study identifies 10 targets and tools for improving literacy in America.
One could argue that libraries play a substantive role in each of these
target areas. Promoting:
cultures of lifelong and life wide learning
early childhood education and care programs
measures to improve the quality of education
measures to reduce inequality in the outcomes of schooling
access to adult education for all citizens
literacy rich environments at work
workplace literacy programs
literacy rich environments at home
literacy rich environments in the community
access to information and communication technologies
From the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh’s Community Impact and Benefits
What programs do you offer to
support literacy ?
Library ROI studies value the cost
of adult programs at about $5.50
per adult and $4 per child
How are you helping promote
Other Activities
What is your
How many times
is your meeting
room used?
What My Library Means to Me
Impact of 10% cut in 2012-13
Proposed cuts at TEA might
affect Tech Allotmt.
TSL State Cut = $3.880 M
TSL Federal Loss
= $2.914 M
TOTAL TSL LOSS = $6,794,000
Loss of Federal Funds
According to TSLAC, the agency
already stands to lose $548K in
2012-13 for the current 5% cuts.
If an additional 10% cut in state funding is made
in the 2012-2013 biennium, we could lose
another $2.914 M – and more in 2014!
The loss of federal funds will likely affect many
other library programs (including Systems &
grants for all types of libraries) at the State
The TLA Priority Items
Issue Papers:
Secure exceptional items
funding for TexShare
(includes TexShare
database program AND K12 databases) & Loan Star
Libraries TO OFFSET
Continue state
“TexShare Online Information”
– Exceptional Items Request: $4,012,000 (biennium)
– Digital information system for sharing library
resources and covers both the TexShare program
and K-12 Databases. Funds would allow for
maintenance of existing resources by providing
funding to meet inflationary cost increases ($1.3 M)
– Additional $2.7 M for Learning Resource Program –
includes testing and college readiness materials for
K-12, resume & job preparation materials and testtaking support. All about getting people to work, into
Remember: at the 10%, TexShare (although not the K-12
databases – we think) loses $1 M
Loan Star Library Grants
Exceptional Items Request for $4M for the
LSL is a direct aid program that provides grants
for about 550 public libraries to allow them to
offset cuts to hours and services and helps fund
needed local programs, such as workforce
development training.
REMEMBER 10% cut = $1.5 M + $1.4 M cut (from
5% cut of the current biennium) = $3 M cut
State Telecommunications
This statewide program for schools, libraries,
and higher education requires providers to offer
certain services (such as T1 lines and fiber
connections) at no more than 110% of costs.
The program expires on Jan. 1, 2012.
Legislative action needed: Extend the date by
amending the Texas Utilities Code (Chapters
58.258, 58.268 & 59.077, 59.083) and
continuing the state telecommunications
Whew! So how do we begin
to deliver the message to
elected officials?
Talk with Legislators
Make an
– Visit with them at
the home district
– Invite them to your
Be Prepared
Learn your issues
– Study the facts
– Memorize your statistics
– Find stories to share that will
support your requests
Write up an information sheet
or add local data to the
TLA fact sheets
During the Visit
Be cheerful
Look and act professional
Use real life examples
Invite them to visit your library
Ask for their support!
Never leave without asking for their
Use comments:
We will be counting on
your support
We can really use
your help
We are so grateful that you realize how important
this is to our (community’s; children’s) future
Things to avoid…
Rambling –
– Get to the point quickly
Talking Politics
– Your party affiliation and how you voted
should never be mentioned.
Talking about other issues
– You are there to talk about libraries; stick with
it! Don’t get off message!
Send A Note of Thanks
– Include in the note:
Thank them for their time
Restate the issues
Include local statistics
Ask for their support, help, and
Express appreciation for their
service and their continued
Okay, now about
Legislative Day
February 16, 2011!
TLA Library Legislative Day
February 16, 2011: A Day to
Show Support for Libraries at the
Texas Capitol
Why it’s important to show up and
speak out
Our chance to visit all state offices with
constituent dialog about library issues and the
important role of libraries in our state!
All trainings will be held at the Hyatt Regency
Legislative Day – Schedule
– Full Delegate Training, Tues. Feb 15, 7 pm to
9 pm.
– Abbreviated Training, Wed. Feb. 16, 8 am to
9 am.
Legislator visits will be on Wed., Feb. 16
Reception at the Texas State Library,
Wed., Feb. 16, 5:30 to 6:30 pm.
Library Delegations
Delegations set up by State Senate
districts (31 delegations)
Delegations ideally include a library
person and lay supporters from every
House of Representative district physically
“falling within” the Senate district
Delegations ideally include a delegate
from each type of library (i.e., school,
public, academic, and special)
Legislative Visits
Delegate leaders make appointments with
Senators and Representatives
Delegates will meet with either the
legislator or their aide. Some aides are
new to the office and may be young – treat
them as you would the legislator.
Be flexible.
Stay on the library platform message.
Legislative Visits
Delegate teams will make visits together with
each member and will sign the guest book at the
legislator’s office.
Each delegate team decides how information
will be presented.
Visits may be very short or up to 15 to 20
minutes. No matter the length; we can make our
time count!
Legislative Day Resources
All delegates will get a packet of issue
papers and tips.
TLA Legislative Day delegates can meet
up in the Capitol cafeteria between visits
to eat, catch up with other delegates (we’ll
have a volunteer there with information)
The all-important training session
conducted the evening before will give you
the latest news.
Legislative Day Registration
Is free
Anyone (TLA members, non-members,
librarians, lay supporters, friends, parents)
can attend
Is open at:
Just follow the login (you can create a guest login) and registration instructions.
Legislative Day Hotel Info
Please be aware that you must reserve
your own room. The TLA special rate for
Feb. 15 and 16 is $145 for a single/double,
$174 for triple, and $199 for a quad. The
firm hotel deadline is January 20, 2011. To
make a reservation, call the Hyatt
(512/477-1234 or 800/223-1234) and ask
for the Texas Library Association group
Speculation &
The Latest in Legislative News and
Library Legislative Day, 2011
January 12, 2011
3:30 pm (CST)
Texas Library Association
Advocacy Series
Brought to you by…
Joyce Baumbach, Susan Mann, Gloria
Meraz, and Marty De Leon
Texas Library Association
Our Incredible Legislative Sponsors:
Britannica Digital, EBSCO, Gale Cengage,
Highsmith, Lee & Low, and Polaris
Please remember
Recordings will be available next week at
Additional advocacy materials and the
latest in legislative news are available at
Please complete the evaluation survey
following the webinar.
The End. Thank you for
For more information about TLA advocacy and
legislative activities, contact Gloria Meraz,
Director of Communications,
For more information about TLA CE events,
contact Ted Wanner, Continuing Education
512-328-1518 / 800-580-2852
A CE Event by the Texas Library Association.