Westside High School Lesson Plan


Westside High School Lesson Plan

Teacher Name: Guillermo Opina Perea

Course: Spanish 3

Unit Name and #:

Dates: 3/2/2015 to


Chapter 4


What are we learning?

Daily Objective: Students will review vocabulary 5 through different activities.


How will we learn it?

Learning Activities: Warm up. Brainstorm vocabulary 5.

Activity #1 Students will fill out a vocabulary 5a Sheet.

Activity # 2 students will go on quizlet and practice vocabulary by playing some games “scatter and race”.

Exit ticket. Scatter competition

How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?

Assessment Methods:

Checks for Understanding: cold call/exit ticket/response signals

What do I need to be successful?

Materials: notebook, laptop , textbook

What do I need to before next class?

Follow Up/HW:


What are we learning?

Daily Objective: Students will practice vocabulary 5 through different activities.


How will we learn it?

Learning Activities: Warm-up: matching activity from 5 vocabulary.

Activity #1 students will go to quizlet.com (flash cards).

Activity #2 brainstorm activity to review vocabulary 5.

Exit ticket. Race competition (vocabulary 5)

How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?

Assessment Methods:

Checks for Understanding: cold call/exit ticket/response signals

What do I need to be successful?

Materials: notebook, laptop , textbook

What do I need to before next class?

Follow Up/HW: review preterit tense.


What are we learning?

Daily Objective: : Student will practice vocabulary in context..


How will we learn it?

Learning Activities: Warm-up: spelling activity 5.

Activity # 1 playing kahott to practice vocabulary in context

Activity #2 reading activity related to vocabulary

Exit ticket. Students will answer questions about the reading activity.

How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?

Assessment Methods:

Checks for Understanding: exit ticket, structured pair conversation

What do I need to be successful?

Materials: laptop, textbook,

What do I need to before next class?

Follow Up/HW: Study DOP and PO/PARA gramar points (quiz on Friday)


What are we learning?

Daily Objective: Students will take a matching quiz quiz.


How will we learn it?

Learning Activities: Warm-up: Review for a quiz

Acitivity # 1 take a quiz

Activity # 2 cultural assignment

How will we tell if we’re learning it correctly?

Assessment Methods: quiz

Checks for Understanding:

What do I need to be successful?

Materials: laptop, notebook, textbook

What do I need to before next class?

Follow Up/HW: study vocabulary
