Weekly Lesson Plan for the week of: September 2-5th Content Area: MATH Colorado Academic Standard (CAS) Differentiation : Print out student notes /power-points Standard: CAS 6.NS 2 Formulate, represent, and use algorithms Expectations Unit 1: In Unit 1, they will complete their understanding of with positive rational numbers with flexibility, accuracy, and the four operations when they study multi-digit whole number division, division by a fraction, and all operations with multi-digit decimals. They will use this understanding when they begin locating and ordering negative rational numbers and using and evaluating algebraic expressions later in the year. efficiency. MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY Exit Ticket Exit Ticket Exit Ticket I will be able to write expressions as powers. I will be to find values of powers. Daily Learning Target (student language) I can determine which operation to perform for the given expression I can divide multidigit numbers Write down the homework assignment. Anticipatory Hook -Focus & engage students - Label the learning, warm up or entry activity - Link to real life of student - Prior Knowledge, Review Warm-up: Find the value of the expression MAP TESTING Assessments I can determine which operation to perform for the given expression I can divide multidigit numbers Write down the Write down the homework assignment homework assignment. Warm-up: Find the value of the Warm-up: Find the expression. product Weekly Lesson Plan for the week of: September 2-5th -Establish purpose, relevance Review Review the steps to Vocabulary ppt solving the long division problems. Review place value. BIM 14’ pg 7 # 27, 28, 38-41, 44, 46 Basic Operation worksheet. Review. Even Numbers. Activity 1, 2 and What is your answer #5. Small Group/Partners Basic Operation worksheet. Review. Even Numbers. Activity 1, 2 and What is your answer #5. Small Group/Partners Instruction (I Do) MAP TESTING Model/demonstrate -Explain concept or skill - Explore, practice -Provide examples -Everyone is accountable and active - Identify critical at tributes Guided Practice (WE DO) - Initiate practice activities which are under direct teacher supervision -Continue to check for understanding - Give feedback and/or encourage peer feedback -Monitor all students progress Independent (YOU DO) -Complete assignment Festival Treats Activity BIM 12’ (Additional Support) Homework if not finished. Weekly Lesson Plan for the week of: September 2-5th -Application of skills and concepts in given situation -Monitor, give feedback, encourage, support Closing (Evaluate) -Teacher assigns homework -Asks questions about the lesson to check understanding -Next class we will... -Assess student learning Vocabulary Exit Ticket Homework: Basic Operation Review Odd Numbers Exit Ticket Powers Exponents Base Perfect square