Egypt Notes Test * Humanities * 2nd

Egypt Notes Test – Humanities – 1st
Use the following example of early civilizations culture with the correct answer:
a. Lascaux Cave
b. Great Pyramid of Giza
c. Great Wall
d. Lighthouse of Alexandria
e. Temple of Artimis
Used over 2,000,000 blocks of stone
Built during the rule of Ptolemy
Discovered in modern day France
Built in modern day Turkey
Built by the Quin Dynasty
Built in China
Built to honor Khufu
Made in three levels
Also known as the Temple Diana
Used as actual living areas and for protection
a. Chicken Itza
b. Chinese Pyramids
d. Colossus of Rhodes
e. Epic of Gilgamesh
c. Stonehenge
f. Christ Redeemer
11. Told a story about a great flood
12. Built in the Yucatan, Mexico
13. Located in Rio De Janerio, Brazil
14. Located in NW Xi’an
15. Built by the Myans
16. One of the most common theories of its origination is from the Druids although others believe it
was extraterrestrials that helped make this item
17. Terracotta soldiers found in this wonder
18. Some believe this was an ancient calendar or a temple to the sun
19. This wonder fell to the ground during a series of earthquakes
20. Its purpose was to teach morals and ethics
21. Was a later inspiration for the design of the Statue of Liberty
22. Was made by Paul Landowski
a. Hanging Pyramids
d. Statue of Zeus
b. Altamira Caves
e. Knossos Labryinth
c. TajMahal
Located on the West coast of Greece
Made for King Minos
Made as a tomb for an emperors wife
Found in the Mountains of Northern Spain
Said to the be the home of the Minotar
Built in Agra India
Made by Iibon and Phidias
Made by King Nebuchadnezzar for his homesick wife
Formed during the Paleolithic Era
One of the first uses of irrigation
Egyptian History Notes and Engineering and Empire Video
33. Which time frame it correctly matched with the Old Kingdom?
a. 2700-2150 b. 2040-1786 c. 1570-1075
d. 2000-2011
34. During which Kingdom was the mummification process perfected?
a. Old Kingdom
b. Middle Kingdom
c.New Kingdom d.Bilton’s Kingdom
35. What natural geographical feature is the lifeline of Egyptian Civilization?
a. Nile River
b. Amazon River
c.Sahara Desert d. Rocky Mountains
36. What made the answer to #24 helpful in providing life to the Egyptians?
a. Protection
b. Annual Flooding
d. Great Vacation Spot
37. Until the reign of Amenhotep Egypt practiced what type of religious philosophy?
a. Monotheism b. Atheism
d. Catholicism
38. To Egyptians their ruler or Pharaoh was seen as a living ________
a. God
b. Pyramid
c. Lion
d. Mummy
c. East
d. West
39. Which side of the Nile were Pharaohs buried on?
a. North
b. South
40. Which side of the Nile represented life?
a. North
b. South
d. West
41. Horus represented the God of what to the Egyptians?
a. Balance and Harmony
b. Dead
c.Eternal Life
d. Humanities Classes
42. The first examples of burial chambers being used by pharaohs were called what?
a. Pyramids
b. Mastabas
c.Hidden Tombs
d. Gates to the Afterlife
43. What organ was not removed during the mummification process?
a. Brain
b. Lungs
d. Intestines
44. What were these organs placed in after removal?
a. Canopic Jars
b. Mummies
c. Sarcophagus
d. Locker
45. What was not included in the tombs of the Pharaohs?
a. Gold pieces
b. Food
c.Everyday tools
d. Flat Screen TV
46. The original capital of Egypt was known as what?
a. Cairo
b. Alexandria c.Memphis
d. Clemmons
47. Djoser’s pyramid had how many steps?
a. 6
b. 8
d. 37
48. How did Menes rule end in Egypt?
a.People elected a new ruler
b.trampled by a Hippo
c. Quit d. He was murdered
49. What did Snefru need to do to unify his throne?
a. kill his father
b.marry his mother
c. marry his half-sister
d. change name
50. What material was used to give the pyramids its smooth sides?
a. limestone
b. siltstone
c. granite
d. bones
51. The Egyptian language that used pictures and symbols was known as _____________
a. Cuneiform
b. Hieroglyphics
c. Sanskrit
d. Cursive
52. What did the Egyptians use Nubia for?
a. Oasis
b. Livestock
c. Gold
d. Knowledge
53. Which ruler had to hide her identity by dressing masculine?
a. Ramses
b. Nefertiti
c. Hatshepsut
d. Nefertari
54. What was the purpose of the ruler doing this practice?
a. taken seriously
b. she was scared
c. liked them more
d. cheaper clothes
c. step son
d. lion
55. Who do most historians think killed Hatshepsut?
a. father
b. brother
56. In what year was Tutankhamen’s body found completely undisturbed?
a. 1922
b. 1950
c. 1822
d. 1850