Industrial Revolution Imperialism

World Civilization Exam Targets
Name: _________________________________
Unit IV: Industrial Revolution & Imperialism
I can describe, in my own words, the following:
Industrial Revolution
Industrial Revolution
Factors of Production
The Communist Manifesto
Labor Unions
Berlin Conference
Social Darwinism
Giuseppe Garibaldi
Camillo di Cavour
I can write a comprehensive response in my own words on the following topics:
Explain three ways the Industrial Revolution impacted the lives of individual people. Additionally, how
does the Industrial Revolution impact our world and our lives in current times?
Compare and contrast the methods of direct imperialism and indirect imperialism. How did each
method impact individual lives? Use historical examples to support your arguments.
The eras of Industrial Revolution and Imperialism are directly connected. Discuss ways the effects of the
Industrial Revolution led European countries to practice imperialism through their foreign policies.
I Can:
Define and describe the Industrial Revolution.
Analyze how Britain’s economy affected the process of industrialization.
Compare/contrast workers from the Agricultural Revolution with workers from the Industrial Revolution.
Define the economic philosophy of laissez-faire.
Identify key ideas in a completely free-market and free enterprise system.
Explain the long-term effects of Marx and Engles’s The Communist Manifesto.
Analyze trends in population growth during the Industrial Revolution through graphic organizers.
Explain the effects that the Industrial Revolution had on cities and the working class.
Explain the impact the invention of the railroad had on Great Britain.
Explain why India was known as Great Britain’s “jewel in the crown.”
Describe the purpose of the Berlin Conference and explain its impact on African national borders.
Define assimilation and paternalism and discuss how it was used through imperialism.
Explain the theory of social Darwinism and explain its connection to the age of imperialism.
Identify reasons why American business leaders wanted to annex the Hawaiian Islands.
Connect causes of the Crimean War to geopolitics.
Describe the Vietnamese’s motives for rebellion against the French.
Analyze trends in British imperialism through world maps.