Project instructions: You will choose your project assignment from the following list.
Option 1Individual-complete an online journal in MOODLE from the view point of a person in one of the
three estates. You will become your character and journal about your life before, during, and
after the French Revolution and Napoleon’s occupation of France. You need to complete 5
separate journal entries of 250 words each.
Option 2Individual-create a rap song or poem about the French Revolution. You will write a historical
poem or rap song about the French Revolution. It needs to be typed in the on line text link
provided in MOODLE and recorded from the audacity program in the laptops which you will
save to my network folder. The rap or poem needs to contain information about the causes of
the revolution, the four phases of the revolution, the reaction to Napoleon’s control over
France, and how the revolution finally ended.
Option 3Individual-draw a series of pictures that show the French Revolution from the beginning to the
end. You will draw a series of 7 pictures that represent the causes, the phases, Napoleon’s
influence, and the end of the Revolution. Using your creativity, show without the use of words
what happened during the revolution and how it changed both French and European history.
You need to put your pictures together in a collage, poster, or picture book when finished.
Option 4Group-make a video about the French Revolution. You will create a music video, documentary,
or dramatic video about the French Revolution using moviemaker, photo-story, or readily
accessible program of your choosing. You need to explain why the revolution started, what
changes it made in French society, Napoleon’s impact on European history, and the effects the
revolution had on France and Europe in the 1700 and 1800s. The video needs to be saved in my
network folder.
Option 5Group-make a scrapbook of the French Revolution. You will create a scrapbook of the French
Revolution. Using pictures and text create a scrapbook about the events that occurred during
the French Revolution in chronological order. It will need to include 20 events and explanations
in detail about how they affected French society and contributed to the revolution. You need
to include your journal entry for each event. In other words, write what happened to you that
day when you were part of the event.
Option 6Group-write a play about the French Revolution and perform it for the class. You will create a
short play or skit about the French Revolution. It needs to have a written script and portray the
French Revolution from start to finish in five separate scenes about events that occurred during
the revolution. This may be recorded with a video camera and saved using moviemaker and
saved to my network folder. The written script needs to be in the online text link in MOODLE.
***group projects will not have more than 3 people. Choose wisely this will be
an assessment grade for the unit***
Each project will be graded based on the following rubric—
Content (sufficiently thorough,
accurate, significant information)
Requirements fulfilled -Organization (easily
understood/logical layout)-Creativity(commands attention,
evidence of effort, innovation,
care)-Due date---_________________________
Comments/ Score