Resolution #2015-0109

Resolution of the Township of Bernards
1 Collyer Lane, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920
Resolution #2015-0109
Authorizing Acceptance of Year 2014 Somerset County Historic Preservation Grant from the
Somerset County Board of Chosen Freeholders in an Amount of $103,455 in Order to Fund
Repairs to the Lyons Train Station
WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution #2014-0212 adopted by the Bernards Township
Committee on 4/29/14, submission of a grant application to the County of Somerset Cultural
and Heritage Commission was authorized for repairs to the Lyons Train Station; and
WHEREAS, the Bernards Township owned Lyons Train Station is listed on both the State
and Federal Historic Registers; and
WHEREAS, on 1/9/2015 Bernards Township was notified by letter from the County of
Somerset that the grant was officially awarded in the amount of $103,455.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Bernards Township Mayor and
Township Committee that it hereby authorizes the Mayor and Clerk-Administrator to sign the
grant award contract, and for the CFO to budget for the grant in the 2015 Bernards Township
Agenda and Date Voted:
This resolution authorizes a contract between Bernards Township and the Somerset County Board of Chosen Freeholders for funding of
needed repairs to the Historic Lyons Train Station. Repairs to include the following:
Removal and replacement of copper counter flashings at the parapet walls
Removal of non original exterior paint using chemical strippers from the exterior stucco and brick walls, and chimney
Stucco replacement and repairs
Replacement of spalled bricks at walls and chimney with matching bricks and suitable mortar
Removal of roofing cement, cleaning and joint sealing at decorative limestone parapet features utilizing a silicone structural sealant
Cleaning, restoration work on and painting of the steel casement windows and security screens
Replacement of the modern passenger doors and worn out baggage door with new more historically accurate, or custom units if
Recoating or staining of the stucco to match the original red brick color
Associated architect and engineering (A&E) fees required for the projects listed above
Date: 1/20/15
Pat Monaco,
Director of DPW
I hereby certify this is a true and exact copy of a resolution adopted
by the Bernards Township Committee on 01/27/15.
Denise Szabo, Municipal Clerk